The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) is a global humanitarian organization with a mission to work with people in poverty and distress to create just and positive change. ADRA Somalia belongs to the world wide network, comprised of more than 130 supporting and implementing country offices. ADRA Somalia is seeking to recruit a consultant to conduct a training of community education committees (CECs) and Parent/Caregivers on parenting without violence and positive discipline.
Purpose of the Consultancy
Children need to be protected because they are physically, mentally, and emotionally underdeveloped and unable to adequately protect themselves. As children grow, their physical, cognitive and socio-emotional capabilities evolve and mature, but children are still not fully capable of protecting themselves.
The purpose of this training is to strengthen child safety, welfare and prevention systems while specific objectives are:
- To strengthen child protection at family and community level, create and promote preventive measures to protect children from situations of vulnerability, risk and abuse;
- To ensure appropriate inter-sectoral response at all levels, coordinate and network with all allied systems;
- To raise awareness and educate communities on child rights and protection on vulnerabilities of children and families;
Scope and Specific Objectives
The scope of activities and specific training objectives shall be guided as follows:
- Undertake desk research and analyze all the necessary documents/training modules, training materials to fully understand the ground situation needed to develop ToT training manual.
- Determine school-based challenges or risk areas that affect children resilience in the context of the project target schools and develop adaptive success for the identified risk areas.
- Carry out a “Gap” analysis to identify gaps in the trainings being imparted on training of community education committees (CECs) on parenting without violence and on child resilience. Map out the issues and identify the priorities in line with the objectives of the project and training goal. This should include consultations and meetings and key informant interviews with relevant stakeholders (CECs, parents, MoE, local admin).
- Recommend evidence-based processes that support successful promotion and protection of children in distress using school friendly appropriate resilience building interventions to the trained teachers and children with a clear Parent Engagement framework.
- Organize Training of the identified trainees from all the schools in the project target regions and other relevant school/educational stakeholders. Develop training action work plan, modules, training manual and technical support from key resource person /line ministry
- Conduct capacity building training:
- Develop cluster training plans by school.
- Designate qualified staff to effectively and efficiently deliver the chosen training plan using the developed pedagogical support materials and training methodology/techniques.
- Based on the findings of the survey, develop training modules to train CECs and parents/caregivers from the targeted schools
- Develop draft ToT training manual and workshop reports and share with ADRA for review.
- Develop final draft ToT training manual and workshop report.
Participation will be critical to the methodology chosen. The consultant is expected to propose least cost but the most effective approach to undertake assessments and deliver trainings. The viability of the proposed approaches and methodologies will be evaluated by the project team prior to commencement of the activities.
The consultant is expected to consider the following:
- A desk review of relevant literature and to enable localization of the training modules.
- Primary data collection to assess knowledge attitude and practices on positive discipline.
- Use participatory approach that are adult friendly to execute the training using variety of methods.
The tasks deliverable are:
- Submission of a comprehensive inception report detailing the training work plan and methodologies to be used in the assignment.
- Submission of Gap Analysis findings and draft modules to ADRA project team for validation
- Develop training manuals
- Conduct training in the project target schools
- Final training reports.
- Simplified training modules.
Proposals should include:
- Detailed description of proposed approach and methodology
- Projected budget
- Short overview of how the candidate(s) meets the qualifications, experience and skills requirements
Further Information:
- Logistics: The consultant’s travel from base to the field and back after the end of the contract will be covered by ADRA.
- Professional fee: The consultant will propose the professional fee as part of their financial proposal. (Daily rate X number of days = Total professional fee).
- Tax and insurance: The consultants shall be responsible for their income tax and/or insurance during the assignment.
- Code of conduct: The consultant is bound by the principles and conditions of ADRA’s Code of Conduct.
A contract will be signed by the consultant upon commencement of the assignment which will detail additional terms and conditions of service, aspects on inputs and deliverables.
Profile of the Consultant
Candidates who apply for this consultancy should ideally possess the following skills, qualifications and experience:
- Graduate degree with a professional qualification and/or experience in a relevant field.
- At least 3 years proven experience in building and strengthening safeguarding systems, policies and frameworks.
- Excellent understanding of current safeguarding best practices and activities.
- Experience working with children and conflict contexts.
- Experience of supporting the strengthening of organizations, staff/partners’ capacities on safeguarding and developing training packages and activities.
- Understanding the local context in Somalia is essential.
- Good command of oral and written Somali language
How to apply
For full Terms of Reference (TOR) please visit ADRA Somalia website Applications for this consultancy should be emailed to the Human Resource Manager using the email not later than 10th October 2022, with “Parenting Without Violence and Positive Discipline Training” in the subject line.
‘’ADRA Somalia is committed to upholding the rights of all children and vulnerable adults that we serve and those we interact with in the course of our work. We endevour to protect all from all forms of abuse and exploitation as outlined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and Inter Agency Standing Committee (IASC) six core principles on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA). ADRA Somalia has zero tolerance to abuse and exploitation of beneficiaries and staff.’’