Training in Business Management and Entrepreneurial Skills for Women, Youth and SGBV Survivors
1. Background **
CARE implements various programs comprising food security and livelihoods, education, water and sanitation, governance and peace building and health across different regions in Somaliland helping the most vulnerable households to cope with the different risks they face and achieve self-reliance. It has identified and selected two impact groups (Rural Women and Urban Youth) as its core programming focus/strategy and each program has a comprehensive Theory of Change spanning over 10-15 years of implementation period. CARE’s approach acknowledges that shocks and stresses are a likely occurrence, and will work with the communities themselves to map and identify the negative coping strategies which have a long-term detrimental effect on families and communities. CARE’s experience in Somaliland and globally also suggests that inequitable distribution of rights, resources, and power is strongly influenced by gender. CARE’s approach therefore acknowledges that gender is a critical factor in understanding vulnerability – and thus resilience – and the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women is a proven strategy to overcome poverty. CARE’s resilience approach focuses on securing and enhancing what people already have against predictable shocks, and strengthening governance and monitoring systems to ensure that dynamic and cumulative risks are understood and inform planning at all levels from household upwards. In addition, resilience-building strategies need to be rooted in a holistic, responsive approach that addresses the intra-household disparities and creates the enabling environment to correct the wide range of risks and barriers that women face. Therefore, a two-pronged approach is necessary, focusing on technical capacity to withstand shocks and secure livelihoods, and shifts in gender power relations and behaviors. CARE’s resilience building includes good governance and women’s empowerment as crucial paths for sustainably improving resilience to recurring shocks and stresses.
In 2021, CARE received funds from the German Ministry of Development to implement a project in Sanaag region, Somaliland. The project aims to strengthen the economic and social resilience of vulnerable groups such as (agro)pastoralists, internally displaced persons and returnees at the individual, household, and community levels in a person-centered approach. Training women and youth in business and entrepreneurial skills is one of the key activities of the project. This activity is linked to and will help training participants from Revolving Fund and other income generation support that will be implemented by the project.
CARE is, therefore, looking for two experienced facilitators to lead this training. The training is expected to pave the way for the start-up and expansion of small businesses through increased entrepreneurial skills.
2. Objectives of the training
The goal of the training is to improve the knowledge and skills of women and youth with business ideas about entrepreneurship and business development to help create, expand and run successful business activities. In other words, it is to equip them with the necessary knowledge and Skills required for them to be successful entrepreneurs. Specific objectives of the consultancy are:
a) Present and explore principles and best practices of business management and characteristics of entrepreneurship and discuss stories of successful entrepreneurs in Somaliland
b) Demonstrate step by step approach of business creation and expansion
c) Discuss and map successful business activities and emerging business opportunities in the project areas
3. Scope of the training
This is a two-day training aimed at newly established VSLA groups to shape their entrepreneurial attitude and improve business planning and management skills. The training will cover a number of topis/areas including but not limited to business plan development, management, marketing, customer service principles and financial management. The training will be based on real-life examples adapted to the context. The number of the participants will be about 150 people attending in groups of 30 people at a time.
4. Training methodology
The consultant shall be expected to design and employ appropriate methods that will yield the best results with regard to the achievement of the training objectives. This shall include but shall not be limited to Q&A, brainstorming, plenary discussion and group work. A participatory and trainee-centered approach should be employed. Trainers should try to avoid long theoretical sessions but use skill-based training methodology with concrete examples and scenarios.
5. Criteria for participant selection
a. Member of VSLA group
b. Women and youth with existing business activities or planning to establish a business in the near future
c. 80% of participants are women
d. GBV survivors
6. Timeframe
The facilitators will work for a period of 15 days which will include developing and preparing training materials, travel, training facilitation and reporting.
# of days
Preparation of training materials and travel to Erigavo
Facilitation of training
Report writing
7. Deliverables
a. Training materials prepared
b. Training facilitated for 150 trainees
c. Training report with recommendations about viable business opportunities to support
8. Key requirements and competencies of the consultant
a) Advanced university degree in Business administration/management, Development Studies, Economics or a related discipline
b) Extensive experience in market and business research, business skills development and entrepreneurship trainings
c) Strong analytical and writing skills and the ability to clearly present findings and drawing practical conclusions and recommendations
d) Prior work experience with saving and loan groups, petty traders, hawkers, etc
9. Reporting
The consultant will write and produce a precise final report written in simple and clear English language. The draft report shall be shared with CARE for comments and inputs for inclusion in the final report by the consultant. The report should have the following format:
a. Cover page: title of the work, title of the project, names and logos of the donor and implementing partner, dates of the exercise, etc.
b. Table of contents, Executive Summary (maximum 3 pages) and main report including proceedings and achievements of the training and conclusion
c. Annexes
10. Expression of Interest
a) Up to date CVs of both consultants**
b) Financial and technical proposals in a joint application (with an indication of the lead consultant/facilitator)**
Interested consultants or firms are expected to submit their applications, updated CVs of individuals to conduct the study or profile of applying company to: SOM.Consultant@care.org .Please indicate “Training in Business Management and Entrepreneurial Skills for Women, Youth and SGBV Survivors**’’** as the subject heading not later than 6th April 2022 **
How to apply
Expression of Interest
a) Up to date CVs of both consultants**
b) Financial and technical proposals in a joint application (with an indication of the lead consultant/facilitator)**
Interested consultants or firms are expected to submit their applications, updated CVs of individuals to conduct the study or profile of applying company to: SOM.Consultant@care.org .Please indicate “Training in Business Management and Entrepreneurial Skills for Women, Youth and SGBV Survivors**’’** as the subject heading not later than 6th April 2022 **