TOR For the Company Conducting the Training and Geophysical Surveying to Ministry of Energy and Water Resources – Mogadishu, Somalia

Ministry of Energy and Water Resources (MoEWR)

1.0 overall TOR OF THE COMPANY
Conduct hydrological and geophysical
survey of underground water in 7
locations. 3sites each location.
Train the 4 engineer members from the
ministry about how to use and read
ABEM LS2 advance Terameter.
Take to the field the 4 engineers and
train them how to put on the VES and
teach them interpretation of the VES
Detailed description about the training methodology
(Theoretical Teaching Plan and Technical Training Field Plan)
Review of knowledge people have with regard to the hydro-geological
conditions in the area, their past experiences and the local ground water
Review of existing documents with information about the hydro-geological
conditions in the area (e.g., information about boreholes and dug wells in the
area, topographical maps, etc.), research extensively what other companies have
done the area as well as the surrounding locations, and finds all possible
secondary information
Review of existing data, topographical maps, satellite images, existing studies
and borehole site investigations in the area, geological reports and maps (if
available), borehole and surface water records.
2.0 scope of GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYING and the training:
The company is expected to use both secondary and primary data in the exercise,
Secondary data will involve desk study of available information/data on existing
boreholes, drill logs, reports and maps both those that were successful and those
failed, while primary data will be obtained by carrying out Hydro geophysical
measurements within the study are using the necessary hydro geological surveying
equipment, the new ABEM Terrameter LS2 advance, which has a 3D dimensions and
also distinguishes between clays and fresh water by resistivity profiling and possible
use of seismic refraction method is recommended for this assignment or equivalent

The company is supposed to train 4 technical engineers from the ministry of energy
and water resource during surveying. The training should be first prioritized and the
company must have and prepare a teaching plan and fieldwork plan.
The outcome of the company will be a detailed hydrogeological survey report giving
details of the findings and recommendations together with outcome from the training.


The hydrogeological/geophysical investigations will be carried out in a multistep
1. Desk study: Review of existing data, topographical maps, satellite images,
existing studies and borehole site investigations in the area, geological reports
and maps (if available), borehole and surface water records, etc.
2. Hydrogeological fieldwork: Detailed reconnaissance survey of project area.
(GPS coordinates/P codes, water level measurements, condition of these
boreholes, usage and performance where applicable) inspection of geological,
geomorphological and structural characteristics of the investigated area;
verification of existing data and findings.
3. Geophysical measurements: vertical electric sounding resistivity profiling and
seismic refraction application to confirm the VES interpretation.
4. Analysis of hydrogeological/geophysical data.
5. Compilation, analysis, and evaluation of the gathered data and information.
6. Site selection and reporting.

The final report to be submitted to Director of the Water Department of the Ministry of
Energy and Water Resources of Somali Federal Government and should be approved
by the DG of the Ministry and the report will be a comprehensive account of the whole
of the Company; it will review the existing literature and other relevant information,
such as outcome of the training, satisfaction of the 4 engineers on the training, drilling
logs, satellite images, etc. The report shall include grade and final evaluation of the
training outcome, all field data, interpretations and justifications, hydrogeological
evaluations, conclusions and recommendations relating to the investigated areas. In
addition, appropriate maps, diagrams and data plots shall be presented. Of
considerable importance will be an objective assessment of the applicability and
success of the methods to be applied.
The outline below bullets of contents of the final report will be as follows:
Introduction, review of previous studies and environmental background
Geology and hydrogeology (incl. Inventory of boreholes and other water
Methods of investigations, including Geophysical Techniques
Detailed resistivity survey (Wenner & VES) and seismic refraction to delineate
the productive aquifer
Aquifer potential; sustainable yield & Water quality
Proposed drilling site
proposed drilling method, and its applicability
Environmental impact and protection
Evaluation and result of the training
Training methodology
Conclusion and recommendations
Recommendations will be given on the most suitable site for borehole drilling, the
required depth, water quality, design and installation details, and other relevant
aspects. Based on the available hydrogeological and geophysical data, an assessment
of the anticipated chances of success shall be made for each individual site.
Also, location and GPS co-ordinate sites will be conformed later



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