- Background
The IGAD region is characterized by migratory movements driven by multiple political, economic, and environmental factors, making it difficult to establish clear lines between categories of migrants, refugees and forcibly displaced populations. Well-governed labour migration can contribute to sustainable development for countries of origin, transit and destination, and can provide benefits and opportunities for migrant workers and their families. On the contrary, poorly governed labour migration can bring risks and challenges, including for sustainable development and decent work, in countries of origin, transit and destination, especially for low-wage workers. Cognizant of these, IGAD and its Member States have taken steps to manage and address the issue of migration in the region. In this regard, among other things, IGAD and its Member States have developed and adopted comprehensive migration policy framework, the IGAD Regional Migration Policy Framework in 2012 and further developed Migration Action Plan (MAP) 2015-2020. All these instruments identified facilitation labour mobility, and free movement of persons, including the possibility for establishment and residence as their strategic priority.
In order to support IGAD and its Member States towards free movement of persons and transhumance in the region, the ILO is implementing a technical cooperation project entitled “Free Movement of Persons and Transhumance in the IGAD Region: Improving Opportunities for Regular Labour Mobility”. The project is being implemented in collaboration with the IGAD and its Member States with the financial support of the European Union. The overall objective of the project is to improve opportunities for regulated labour mobility and decent work within the IGAD Member States through the development of models of intervention, in the broader context of free movement of persons and labour mobility in the region. In the long-term, the project is expected to extend decent work opportunities to current and potential migrants within the region, as well as contribute to regional integration, strengthen the links between economic growth, climate change, and job creation, and enhance the social and economic integration of migrants.
As per the project implementation plan, the ILO has developed a series of policy briefs and thematic papers. Hence, the ILO is looking for an individual graphic designer / Individual External Collaborator / to develop layout and design of the reports for publication.
- Objective
The overall objective of the assignment is to creatively design, layout work and provide the InDesign and camera-ready pdf versions both web and print versions of reports, policy briefs and thematic papers specified below.
No. Title Number of reports Number of pages each
1 Policy briefs on labour market analysis (LMA) 8 18
2 Policy Briefs on Labour Migration and Mobility Governance Studies in the IGAD Region 8 18
3 Policy brief on Bilateral Labour Agreements 1 18
4 Policy on the interaction between climate change and migration 1 18
5 Thematic paper (youth employment) 1 18
6 Thematic Paper on Fair Recruitment 1 18
7 Thematic paper / Working paper on reintegration of returnees 1 18
8 Extending Social Protection for Migrant Workers 1 132
9 Situation of Migrant Workers in the IGAD Region 1 51
- Methodology
The main task of the graphic designer is to develop layout and design of the publications as per the EU, ILO and IGAD guidelines. Further information about the ILO brand requirements is available on Brand Hub – Guidelines (ilo.org)
Branding requirements of EU and ILO will also be shared with the consultant after selection process is completed.
- Main Deliverables:
- Develop document specific design for different publications: the consultant is expected to develop and share at least three creative design and layouts options for the publications following the branding, communication and visibility requirements of the ILO, EU and IGAD for review and comments. the consultant is expected to address comments and inputs on the draft design and layout options and submit final versions of the design and layout to the satisfaction of the ILO.
- Submit draft designed publications: based on the agreed design and layout options, the consultant will submit draft reports for review and comments.
- Submit final designed publication for print and web: the consultant will incorporate final comments on the design and submit final camera ready version of all the publications.
- Timeline
The assignment is expected to be completed in a maximum of Thirty (30) consultive days from the date of signing of the contract.
- Required Competencies and Qualifications:
The consultant is expected to have:
- Post graduate degree in media and communications, creative arts, design and related fields.
- Five years of experience in the field of graphics designing and publication work.
- Proven experience in producing publications with innovative graphic designs with the use of software such as Adobe Design Premium, In-Design, Illustrator, CorelDraw, web design tools such as Dreamweaver and Flash, etc.
- Experience of graphic production from start to published/printed product with knowledge of printing processes (offset and digital) and colour management.
- Proven experience working with the ILO and familiarity with ILO branding guidelines
- Experience in working with UN agencies, IGAD and EU branding guidelines and visibility requirements
- Evaluation Process and Criteria:
The evaluation process would be as shown below. In summary, the proposals will be evaluated on a weighted score of 70/30 for Technical/Financial relative score of 70/30.
Technical proposal evaluation criteria
In evaluating the technical proposal, the score allotted in the next table shall be used.
S/N Evaluation Dimension Max. Score
1 Consultant’s Qualification and Experience 70
- BA/BSC degree in media and communications, creative arts, design, computer science and related fields. 40
- Proven reputable experience in layout and designing of reports/studies.
- Proven Experience and familiarity with ILO branding guidelines
- Proven experience and familiarity with IGAD and EU branding and visibility.
- Consultants understand of the ToR and ability to deliver in the proposed timeline including detailed implementation plan
- Overall quality of the technical and financial proposal 30
Total 70
The minimum total score required from the Consultant’s Qualification Experience and understanding of the TOR to be able to proceed for evaluating the financial proposal will be 49/70 which is an equivalent of 70%
Evaluation of the Financial Proposal
The financial proposal offers having passed the technical review will be considered. The financial offer will account for 30% of the final score. The maximum number of points assigned to the financial proposal will be allocated to the lowest priced proposal. All other price proposal receives pro-rated points according to the following formula: p = y (x/z), where: p = points for the financial proposal being evaluated y = maximum number of points for the financial quotation x = price of the lowest priced proposal z = price of the proposal being evaluated. The proposal obtaining the overall highest score, after adding the score of the technical and the financial proposals, is the one that offers the best value for money.
The quotation should detail all lines of envisaged expenditure. For each line, the unit cost, the number of units, and the total cost should be provided.
Technical and Financial Proposal evaluation will be based on the following percentage combination:
Technical (Consultant’s Qualification and Experience) 70
Financial proposal 30
Total 100
The consultant is expected to submit his/her financial proposal using the table below
No. Title Number of reports Number of pages each Total Proposed price in USD
1 Policy briefs on labour market analysis (LMA) 8 18
2 Policy Briefs on Labour Migration and Mobility Governance Studies in the IGAD Region
8 18
3 Policy brief on Bilateral Labour Agreements 1 18
4 Policy on the interaction between climate change and migration
1 18
5 Thematic paper (youth employment) 1 18
6 Thematic Paper on Fair Recruitment 1 18
7 Thematic paper /Working paper on reintegration of returnees
1 18
8 Extending social protection for migrant workers
9 Situation of Women Migrant Workers in the IGAD region
- Management Arrangements and work Plan:
Under the overall supervision and guidance of the Chief Technical Advisor, the consultant will directly work with the FMPT Technical Officer and National Project Coordinators. The project team will provide specific guidance and ILO brand book for the service provider to ensure organizational branding.
- Payment:
The one-time payment will be effected upon satisfactory submission of the final required graphics design and layout service as stated above under the Assignment and Duration of the Assignment sections.
Note: As ILO procedure the office will not cover receiver’s side bank charges, the service provider bears any charges levied by its own bank.
- Note to Consultants:
- All CVs submitted should include the Date of Birth and Nationality of the Consultant.
- Consultant should quote in USD prices and/or use prices calculated using the Official UN Exchange Rates for the country.
- Consultants should indicate a proposed Start and End Date for completion of the Deliverables requested by the ILO.
- Candidates should be prepared to submit a copy of their national Passport upon Notification of Award.
- Professional Fees should include all costs associated with the Activity Deliverable.
- Consultants are not to add the VAT to their financial offer unless they are a VAT Registered Individual with the Sudanese VAT Authority.
- Consultants should be aware that all intellectual property rights arising from the contract are vested with the ILO however authorship will be acknowledged by the Organization; and
- Consultants will bear all charges levied by their own bank in receiving of managing funds transferred by ILO.
- The applying consultant shall not in any circumstance, be entitled to any payments other than those expressly provided in the proposal and agreed upon.
How to apply
- Application procedure:
- Interested service providers should send their technical and financial proposal along with CVs and one sample graphic design works by emailing ADDIS_PROCUREMENT@ilo.org latest by 19 Oct 2022 pm East Africa Time (5 PM EAT time).
- All prices should be submitted in USD. If a quotation is submitted in a currency other than USD, the ILO will convert all prices into USD using the UN official exchange rate at the date of application to facilitate comparison and evaluation;
- Those applying as a team of consultants or firms will be disqualified.