(TOR) for engaging a Third Party Monitoring for Emergency Education Access for Vulnerable Crisis Affected Children in Somalia (ESVC)

Terms of Reference – (TOR) for engaging a Third Party Monitoring for Emergency Education Access
for Vulnerable Crisis Affected Children in Somalia (ESVC)

Introduction and background:
CARE International in Somalia works with most vulnerable communities to address the underlying
causes of poverty and promote peace and development, through its strategic goal of reducing
poverty by empowering women, enhancing access to resources and services, and improving
governance. CARE actively work in Emergency situation providing wide range of live saving
assistances in the thematic areas of Food security /Livelihoods (mainly Cash and Voucher
Assistance), Nutrition, Health, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Emergency Education
and Protection.
CARE Netherlands in collaboration with CARE Somalia is currently implementing an ECHO
funded Consortium based Education in Emergency (EiE) project jointly undertaken with Mercy
Corps and Daryel Bulsho Guud (DBG) as partners. The project covers 18 districts in the region of
Sool, Sanaag, Bari, Nugal, Mudug, Galgadud and Benadir which were considered among the worst
drought and conflict affected areas in the country.
The project funding was initially 18 months – March 2019 to August 2020. This was followed by
a modification phase where the partners received a top-up amount as well as 12 months extension
period from September 2020 to August 2021. The total target beneficiaries of the project is 55,513
individuals of which 31,000 were planned to be reached in the first phase and the additional
number during the modification phase. The latter phase still continues to support the original target
schools and expand to additional schools and districts in the same target regions where EiE needs
are high. Out of the target beneficiaries, 53,890 are school aged children (25,151 girls, 30,740
boys) from drought and conflict affected vulnerable IDPs and rural host communities while 1,623
are education supporting adults consisting of teachers, Ministry of Education officials,
Community Education Committees (CEC) members and local community leaderships.
Purpose of the Terms of Reference (TOR):
In line with contractual agreement with ECHO, the lead agency CARE Netherlands is obliged to
conduct quarterly field visits to monitor project activities in Somalia. However, due to COVID-19
related travel restrictions, CARE Netherlands’ team are unable to currently visit Somalia to
monitor the project. In order to fulfil the donor requirement and ensure effective project
implementation, CARE Netherlands would like to engage a third party consultant with the
required technical skills and experience to carry out project monitoring on their behalf. The
assignment is also meant to complement the monitoring activities conducted by CARE Somalia
Senior Management Team and the other implementing partners.
The consultant for the proposed monitoring exercise is meant to support the CARE Netherlands’
team in conducting the quarterly monitoring visit on their behalf by visiting project sites to oversee
quality and timely implementation of the project activities. The consultant will be contracted for
one quarter monitoring period from January 2021- March 2021, with a possibility of extension
dependent on whether travel restrictions for the CARE Netherlands’ team are lifted after that. The
consultant will work for a period of 20 days (this includes travelling days, meeting with key staff,
working on the inception, field work and report writing) to cover the project target regions of
Nugal, Bari, and Benadir. The findings from all the three areas will then be consolidated into one
quarter report and submitted to CARE Netherland and CARE Somalia one day before the end of
the fieldwork. The last day of the field work will be use to debrief the CARE Netherland and
Consortium members project focal persons on the monitoring findings. The activities to be
monitored and project sites to visit will jointly be discussed and agreed upon by CARE
Netherlands, the Consortium Coordinator and the Consultant at the beginning of the exercise.
Scope of work:
The assignment will cover ESVC project activities implemented by the three Consortium Members
– CARE Somalia, Mercy Corps Somalia and DBG in Somalia/Somaliland. The consultant will
monitor the progress and quality of the activities implemented under the 4 project objectives
indicated below and provide quality report in line with these project objectives/activities:
Objective 1: Increasing access, attendance and retention of education to children out of
school or at risks of dropping out of school
 Rehabilitation of 31 Classrooms and each equipped with 15 desks (CAR-16; MC-10;
 Construction of 30 new Temporary Learning Spaces of size 8mx5m, each equipped with
15 desks ( CARE-20; MC-10).
 Construction of 27 sets (each of 5 units -2 twins and 1 single) of Gender Sensitive school
Latrines with and washing units (CARE-12 sets; MC-5 Sets; DBG-10 Sets).
 Provision of 4800 Feminine Hygiene Kits to girls (Reusable Sanitary pads, pants, bar &
bathing soap, sanitary bag and basin) (CARE-3300; MC-1000; DBG-500).
 Conduct Community Mobilization and Enrolment campaigns in 18 districts of 2 sessions
each (CARE-8 districts; MC-6 districts; DBG-4).
 Provision of incentives for 232 CEC recruited teachers among IDPs and host
communities with recent increased enrolment for 11 months (CARE-152; MC-60; DBG-
 Provision of incentives for 46 CEC recruited head teachers among IDPs and host
communities with recent increased enrolment for 11 months (CARE-20; MC-20; DBG-
 Provision of Emergency Water supplies to schools: Piping and water kiosks, rain water
harvesting tanks, water trucking in 21 schools (CARE-15; MC-6).
Objective 2: Improving the quality of teaching/learning in schools
 Provision of Learning materials for Pupils in 70 new target Schools (CARE-40; MC-20;
 Provision of Teaching Materials to 350 Teachers in 70 new target schools (70 schools of
a minimum of 5 target teachers) (CARE-40; MC-20; DBG-10).
 Conduct Pedagogical teacher training to 166 teachers. (This includes venue hire,
refreshments, facilitator fees) (CARE-100; MC-40; DBG-26).
 Provision of supervision and quality monitoring support (transport & allowance) to
Ministry of Education (MoE) officials to Supervise and monitor quality of learning in
schools in 68 sessions (CARE-40; MC-24; DBG-4).
Objective 3: Increasing safety of the learning environment for school children,
physically and mentally
 Training of 350 teachers for 5 days on child protection, Psycho-social skills (PSS) and
protection from sexual Gender Based Violence (SGBV) and school safety – targeting
teachers, students and care givers (CARE-238; MC-60; DBG-52)
 Establish Child Friendly Spaces in 13 schools, this includes construction materials and
play materials such as packs of triangular crayons, story books, dolls, balls and other
sports materials etc. (CARE-5; MC-8)
 Training of 365 CECs, school management authorities and local security and
administration authorities on Child Protection, PSS and SGBV and school safety –
targeting teachers, students and care givers
 Training children on safe hygiene practices using CHAST approach x 7,500 children
 Training 100 MoE officials and school Teachers as resource persons on Child
Protection/PSS/SGBV/School Safety)
 Establish /Enlist 70 teachers as Child Protection focal persons in 70 Target schools
 Identification and Registration of 300 Traumatized children for P.S.S. Counselling
(CARE-150; MC-100; DBG-50)
 Production of School safety Plan in 150 target schools
Objective 4: Early Emergency Response and COVID19 – prevention in schools
 Purchase of masks for children and teachers
 Installation of hand washing units with running water and soaps to target schools
 Purchase / Distribution of Soaps (bar soaps and or liquid disinfectants soap) / hand
sanitizers to target.
 Purchase of more text books for school children to minimize sharing of books.
 Construction of additional learning spaces to decongest classrooms.
 Provision of more desks to reduce close contact / sittings of school children.
 Fumigation of schools.
 Purchase of Radios for schools – to enhance out of classroom learning.
The monitoring will be done for 20 days with a focus on tracking specific planned activities
implementation level and quality as well as writing and submitting the report. The consultant is
expected to dive into the project and engage project staff, pupils, teachers and CECs, as well as
make project site visits to ensure quality data collection.
Duration of the Assignment:
The assignment is expected to take place between January 2021 to March 2021. The engagement
will be for 20 days covering three project target region of Sanaag, Bari.and Benadir. The consultant
shall submit a detailed consolidated report of the three regions. The consultant will do a Power
Point briefing to the Consortium partners project focal persons on the key findings of the exercises.
Liaison and Communication:
The third party monitoring work will be coordinated at the field level by the EiE Consortium
coordinator assisted by the project MEAL manager and project focal persons from Consortium
Members (CARE Somalia, Mercy Corps Somalia and DBG). The consultant will also liaise with
CARE Netherlands team for any technical issue and brief them on progress of the field work as
well as share findings.
The Consultant will be required to submit the following deliverables to the EIE consortium
coordinator, MEAL manager and CARE Netherlands focal person:
 Overall workplan for the duration of assignment indicating specific activities to be
monitored and sites to be visited which is approved by both CARE Netherland and
CARE Somalia project focal persons.
 Quality field monitoring report to be submitted a day before the completion of the
 A power point presentation briefing summarizing major findings of the monitoring
which will be shared with Consortium members and CARE Netherland field team
at the last day of field work.
 Detailed project implementation plan updated with the Consortium MEAL Manager
and Partner agencies Programme managers showing the project progress status.
Responsibilities of CARE:
 Provide consultancy fee for the task which include the professional fees, per diem,
accommodation and flights.
 Provide transport during the engagement and while undertaking activities on the
 Identification of project sites to be visited and mobilization of key stakeholders.
Responsibilities of the Consultant:
 The consultant will be expected to prepare/submit quality and detailed field
monitoring report to EIE consortium coordinator, MEAL manager and CARE
Netherlands focal point.
 Engage with key staff/KII to generate adequate information relevant to the
 Make field visits to project sites.
Qualifications for the Consultant:
 Master’s degree in Education or other related social science with experience in
Education programming in humanitarian/development settings.
 A minimum of 5 years of professional experience in education sector.
 Working experience in education in humanitarian context will be an added
 A minimum of one year experience in similar consultancy assignments.
 Experience in working in Education programmes in Somalia.
 Experience in project design, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and reporting.
 Working experience in conflict and gender sensitive programming.
 Cultural sensitivity and adaptability to the context.
 High degree of integrity and professional responsibility.
 Flexibility, patience and ability to work under pressure in challenging contextual
circumstances and working with tight deadlines.
 Ability to work independently and at times with little supervision.
 Excellent communication skills (both written and oral English skills). Working
knowledge of Somali language is an added advantage.
 Strong computer literacy.
 Capacity and willingness to travel to/ in Somalia.
How to apply:
Interested applicants are encouraged to apply for this assignment by submitting the following;
A) Technical proposal that include but not limited to;
 Demonstrating a clear understanding of objectives of the assignment.
 Detailed methodology appreciative of the prevailing socio-political context in
Somalia including COVID-19.
 Detailed work-plan (program).
 CV of the lead consultant undertaking the assignments
B) Financial proposal:
 Detailed budget of the consultancy fees quoted at per day’s rate
 The budget should be inclusive of relevant taxes where applicable.

How to apply

Submission of Applications:

Interested CONSULTANCY firms and individuals are requested to submit their Technical and Financial Proposals, as separate attachments to the same email to : SOM.Consultant@care.org not later than 5:00pm 26th December, 2020

Please indicate subject line reading “CONSULTANCY FOR THIRD PARTY MONITORING ESVC -2 Project”.
. Late applications will not be considered.

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