- Background
Creative Associates International is a dynamic and fast-growing professional services firm that specializes in international development in the areas of education, democratic transitions, and stabilization in post-conflict environments. Based in Washington, DC, the firm has a field presence in 30 plus countries worldwide with a strong and diverse portfolio that includes global contracts with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the U.S. Department of State (DOS), among others. The firm has earned a solid reputation among its clients and missions worldwide and is well-regarded by competitors and partners alike. Creative Associates International is currently implementing the ‘Bar ama Baro’ (BAB) project which is a five-year, USAID-funded comprehensive, primary education program designed to support the Government of Somalia in providing quality non-formal education (NFE) services to marginalized children in Somalia. Through working at both the national and local level, BAB is systematically assisting government and community in designing and delivering comprehensive, inclusive NFE to children most in need of accelerated education assistance. The program is directly supporting the Somali Government at the national level through the policy and program design, while rolling out implementation at the local level in eight districts. BAB is working to expand curriculum, extend service reach, and strengthen learning support to ensure that children, regardless of marginalization, will be able to access equitable, safe, conflict-sensitive education.
The Ministry of Education, Culture & Higher Education (MoECHE) is the national lead entity of the education sector in Somalia and it is mandated to ensure that Somali citizens have easy access to quality educational services in an affordable, sustainable and safe manner.
Creative Associates International is partnering with the MoECHE under the USAID funded BAB program to develop the Curriculum Textbooks content and facilitators guides in line with the national ABE standardized Curriculum Framework.
- Purpose and objectives
The purpose of this consultancy is to produce age appropriate and gender sensitive teaching and learning materials to be used in delivering the Accelerated Basic Education Curriculum to improve the learning outcomes of Somali children.
The objective is to design and develop inclusive and standardized Accelerated Basic Education (ABE) textbooks and facilitator guides for levels 1, 2, 3 and 4.
- Scope of Work
The selected firm will be required to undertake the following:
- Review of the newly developed and adopted Accelerated Basic Education (ABE) Curriculum Framework and syllabi (currently under development).
- Identification of subject specialists with proven experience in accelerated education material development for the equivalent of primary grades and with gender and inclusive representation.
- Conduct workshops for the writers to gain a thorough understanding of what accelerated education and levelled reading texts entails, agree on the scope, sequence and content for the ABE textbooks and facilitator guides.
- Design and develop the ABE learner’s books and the accompanying facilitators guides for each of the four levels in the ABE curriculum as below:
- Level 1: Three subject areas: Somali (with social studies topics), Arabic, and Mathematics.
- Level 2: Five subject areas: Somali, Arabic, Mathematics, Integrated studies (social studies and science) and English.
- Level 3: Eight Subjects: Somali, Arabic, Tarbiya, Mathematics, Science, English, Social Studies and Technology (Subjects still to be finalized).
- Level 4: Eight Subjects: Somali, Arabic, Tarbiya, Mathematics, Science, English, Social Studies and Technology (subjects still to be finalized).
- Technical review of the developed materials to ensure accuracy and appropriateness of content, language, and writing. All materials are to be developed in the Somali language.
- Digitalization of the ABE textbooks and facilitator guides.
- Materials validation workshop attended by government representatives from the Federal Government of Somalia and Federal Member States.
- Publishing of the appropriate subject textbooks per level and subject facilitator guides per level.
- Tasks and Responsibilities
The process of textbook development will be a joint effort of the Federal Ministry of Education, Culture and Higher Education (MOECHE), the USAID funded Bar Ama Baro project and the selected firm. The roles and responsibilities of each of the three entities is detailed below.
- Ministry of Education, Culture and Higher Education (MoECHE):
The Federal Government of Somalia’s Ministry of Education, Culture and Higher Education (FGS MoECHE) will be responsible for:
- Provision of the Curriculum Framework and the syllabi to the course writers.
- Oversight of the training of the selected authors with BAB project support.
- In collaboration with BAB project, participate in the selection of the firm.
- Overall oversight, quality assurance and control of the process of designing and developing the ABE textbooks and facilitators guides.
- Review and approval of the final textbooks and facilitator guides.
- The ‘Bar Ama Baro’ (BAB) project:
The BAB project will be responsible for:
- Evaluation of the firm and award of the tender.
- Technical support and oversight in the training of authors, design and development of the ABE materials.
- Coordination between MoECHE and the firm.
- Final sign off on the work done.
- The consultancy firm:
- Facilitation of the writers workshops to develop common understanding of what accelerated education and levelled reading entails and on the scope and sequence of the materials development.
- Designing and development of the ABE textbooks and facilitator guides for all the levels (includes illustrations). All materials are to be developed in the Somali language.
- Digitalization of the contents for both the textbooks and facilitator guides
- Publication of the final set of ABE textbooks for levels 1, 2, 3 and 4.
- Publication of the final set of ABE facilitator guides for levels 1, 2, 3 and 4.
The anticipated period of performance is seven months with the following timelines:
- April – May 2021: Development of Level 1 and Level 2 textbooks.
- June 2021: Development of Level 1 and Level 2 facilitators guides.
- July – September 2021: Development of Level 3 and level 4 textbooks.
- October 2021: Development of Level 3 and Level 4 facilitators guides.
PLACE OF PERFORMANCE: Mogadishu, Somalia.
Please find the full RFP in this below link the application deadline will be 2nd April 2020 16:00 Mogadishu time.