TERMS OF REFERENCES FOR THE DANWADAAG CONSORTIUM BASELINE AND CONTEXT ANALYSIS – “Improving the social contract through inclusive and transparent Disaster Risk Management “ PUNTLAND, SOMALIA

TERMS OF REFERENCES FOR THE DANWADAAG CONSORTIUM  BASELINE AND CONTEXT ANALYSIS – “Improving the social contract through inclusive and transparent Disaster Risk Management “  PUNTLAND


1.1.            About CARE International

CARE is a leading humanitarian organization fighting global poverty and providing lifesaving assistance in emergencies. Its programs go beyond meeting basic needs at the onset of an emergency to helping affected communities recover and rebuild their lives long after the crisis ends. CARE has been assisting communities in Somalia since 1981. CARE works in partnership with the government, international NGOs, civil society, leaders and local authorities to bring effective and lasting change to the most vulnerable communities. CARE currently works through three main programs: firstly, the Rural Women program which supports poor, rural women and girls in addressing long term underlying causes of poverty and vulnerability as well as social, cultural, political and economic obstacles towards positive change. We help women and girls improve their economic status, access education and support them to play a greater role in local leadership and conflict resolution. Secondly, the Urban Youth program focuses on job creation and livelihood opportunities for poor youth through interventions such as secondary education, vocational training, small business development and microfinance. Thirdly, the Emergency program provides direct humanitarian relief to victims of drought and conflict in Puntland, Mogadishu, Lower Juba and Galmudug state. CARE Somalia has three programmes namely Rural Women, Urban Youth and emergency. This project falls under Urban Youth.

1.2.            About Dan Wadaag Consortium

Danwadaag Project – with funding from the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, is a consortium comprising of VNG International (Lead Agency), Free Press Unlimited, Media Ink and CARE Nederland, who will implement the project for a duration of 4,5 years (2021 – 2025), starting with 1st year containing an inception phase and the 4th year will contain a consolidation and exit phase.

The project entitled “Improving the social contract through inclusive and transparent Disaster Risk Management“ aiming to build inclusive disaster risk management (DRM) capacity at the local level. The Overall objective (Impact) of the project is: improved social contracts through increased resilience to external shocks’ whilst the strategic objective is ‘increased government legitimacy through efficient and effective disaster risk management (DRM) based on inclusive policies, strategies and services’. The project is being implemented in Somaliland and Puntland, targeting Hargeisa, Burco, Garowe and Qardho and targets communities (children, youth and adults including vulnerable groups), civil societies and knowledge institutes, media and public authorities for effective disaster risk management. The project aims to achieve the impact and strategic objective through the following outcomes:

  • Outcome 1: Communities can contribute to inclusive and transparent DRM through equitable access to information, resources and decision making processes
  • Outcome 2: CSOs have the legitimacy and capacity to contribute to inclusive and transparent DRM
  • Outcome 3: Public authorities have the legitimacy and capacity to coordinate and implement inclusive and transparent DRM
  • Outcome 4: Media have the capacity to contribute to inclusive and transparent DRM through disseminating relevant information and creating spaces for inclusive dialogue between public authorities, civil society and communities 

CARE Somalia is seeking to procure the services of a consultant to baseline and situation assessment of Danwadaag in target locations(Garowe and Gardo of Puntland for the inception phase including determining indicator values for selected key outcomes and intermediary outcomes. The baseline and situation assessment will be inclusive by having full participation of the communities, CSOs, and Public Authorities, and some components seek support from the consortium partners such as VNG International (Lead Agency), Free Press Unlimited, Media Ink and CARE Nederland. The baseline and situation assessment will be implemented by an external consultant identified in close coordination with the CARE Nederland. It is considered to be external to ensure objectivity and impartiality, but this does not exclude the technical support from CARE Somalia, the Consortium and CARE Netherland.

  • Overall objective

The main objective of this baseline and situation assessment is to provide information that will be useful in understanding the current context of key stakeholder capacities and relationshipsconflict and gender, as well as the baseline assessment for indicators in the results framework. However, some indicators may not have an in-depth assessment at this stage and baseline values may remain zero, but still, the exercise will yield important qualitative information about the indicators. It will also provide information to guide partners on where to focus their approach with stakeholders and inform the updated Theory of Change and MEL plan.

  • Specific Objectives:
  • To conduct a stakeholder mapping: This will help in understanding the key motivations, opportunities and capacities of various stakeholders in disaster response and where they sit in the system in terms of influence. It will also help understand the unique perspectives, experiences and relationships each actor has and how those play out under the social contract outcomes. The consultant will work closely with the project manager and will use the stakeholders listed in the proposal as the basis, and together have a second level of mapping and assessment in terms of roles and responsibility in DRM institutions, interest and incentives, influence and relationship, capacities and resources. Further, look at the stakeholders’ relevance to the target group (domains of change)
  • To conduct a organisational capacity assessment & advocacy skills review of CSOs operating in Puntland: The consultant will assess the capacity of the target CSO stakeholders CARE Somalia intends to work closely with throughout the project, especially those which have related indicators for capacity building in their results frameworks. The capacity assessment will be undertaken using the 5C model as the starting framework to tailor the capacity assessment but the consultant is free to suggest alternative and best capacity assessment tool suitable for our approach and target stakeholders to complement the 5C model. Further, the consultant will use the findings to inform the development of a capacity building plan for CSOs on community representation and Disaster risk management.
  • To conduct a DRM policy and governance context analysis: This part of the assignment is meant to identify the existing DRM policy frameworks and governance mechanisms, key implementation gaps in these policy frameworks and governance mechanisms at different levels and how these inform how we will work with your target stakeholders at the community, district, regional and national levels. The consultant will identify existing Early Warning Systems in Somalia and other existing early warning committees and local engagement structures at the community, district, regional and national levels.
  • Conflict and Gender Analysis: This section will be jointly done with the consultant. CARE will prepare a one-pager analysis relevant to its stakeholders and outcomes. CARE’s will also conduct a full Rapid Gender Analysis for Somalia. Despite all these, the consultant will be expected to still map out the specific conflict dynamics and risks most relevant to DRM stakeholders in terms of the social contract and anticipated outcomes. The findings should provide details on how these conflict dynamics and risks are relevant to gender.
  • Baseline indicators: As already indicated in the earlier sections of this terms of reference, the consultant will be expected to collect baseline values for a few selected indicators in the results framework. These indicators will be mainstreamed and assessed through the CSOs organisational capacity assessment and governance context analysis
  1. % of targeted communities* with transparent** DRM structures in place that are inclusive of all members (youth, women, men, people with disabilities, etc.)
  2. # of functional* Early Warning Committees (EWC) and District Disaster Management Committees (DDMC), with at least 30% women membership
  3. # of DRM forums with active and diverse CSO participation (youth, women’s rights, etc.).
  4. # of targeted CSOs with increased Lobby & Advocacy capacities, including on gender equality issues related to DRM
  5. # of targeted CSOs that developed effective working relations with the media and knowledge institutes
  6. # of targeted CSOs that regularly shared DRM communications through online and in-person platforms”
  7. % of targeted CSOs using performance monitoring tools (community scorecard) to assess and report achievements on target DRM milestones set by communities and public authorities
  • The Scope of the baseline and situation assessment

The baseline and situation assessment will look into the current context of key stakeholder capacities and relationships, conflict and gender, as well as the baseline assessment for indicators in the results framework. The consultant will be expected to travel to all the target regions dependent on the COVID 19 pandemic and security situation. The Dan Wadaag will be implemented in Somaliland and Puntland, targeting Hargeisa, Burco, Garowe and Qardho. The assignment will involve a visit to villages and the districts based on samples derived through consultations with CARE and other consortium partners. The consultancy will involve desk review, field data collection, data analysis and report writing and presentation of findings.


The consultant shall use a mixed-method approach, combining qualitative and quantitative techniques. A qualitative approach will adopt data collection methods such as in-depth interviews, key informant interviews, and focus group discussions where possible.


The consultant will be responsible for defining and carrying out the baseline and situation assessment tasks. This will include the design of the methodology (specification of the techniques for data collection and analysis), development of data collection tools, structured field visits and interactions with beneficiaries. Specifically, the consultant shall carry out the following activities

  • Conduct desk review of internal and external materials that are relevant and would inform the study
  • Prepare and present an inception report detailing their understanding of the ToR and how the assignment will be carried out for discussion with the project team. The inception reports must include proposed methodologies (tools) for data collection, analysis, report writing and dissemination
  • Develop data collection tools and materials for executing the task and share it with CARE for approval.
  • Collect data, analyze the data collected, write and submit a final report incorporating all comments.

CARE will have the following functions: provide oversight, supervision and coordination of the assignment; coordinate document reviews and approval of all deliverables as per the terms of reference; and arrange for logistics for field visits. The consultant will report to the project manager and dedicated project staff will be assigned to support the assessment team in coordinating the collection of data and to provide necessary information for planning purposes. Logistical and administrative support will be provided for example, office working space, transportation or associated expenses during the field data collection.


The report should have the following section: introduction, methodology and limitations, stakeholder mapping, CSOs capacity assessment, DRM policy and governance context analysis, conflict and Gender analysis, baseline indicators, conclusions and recommendations. The report should not be more than 30 pages, excluding the preliminary pages and annexes.

Activity Timeline
Desk review, development and submission of the inception report (including methodology and study tools
Fieldwork (pre-test of tools, data collection and debriefing)
Data analysis, report writing and submission of the draft report
Revision, finalization of the report, submission and approval


The potential consultant/expertise required to meet the following minimum requirements to qualify for the submission of his/her proposal.

  • The lead consultant should have at least a Master’s Degree in development, Governance, Disaster risk management and/or any other relevant discipline and not less than five years of previous experience in similar tasks or consultancies
  • In-depth knowledge and understanding of stakeholder mapping, CSOs capacity assessment, DRM policy and governance context analysis, conflict and Gender analysis.
  • A very good understanding of DRM systems in Somalia. An understanding of how the government of Puntland and Somaliland operates and implements DRM services will be necessary for this assignment.

All applications should be sent to SOM.Consultant@care.org latest by1700 Hours (GMT +3) 31st of May 2021 in one email, with separate attachments for the technical and financial proposals in pdf and a Subject line “Technical and Financial Proposal for baseline and context analysis – improving the social contract through inclusive and transparent disaster risk Management “

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