1. Introduction

The Somali NGO Consortium (SNC) is a membership organization of national and international NGOs that work together to create an enabling environment for the efficient and effective delivery of humanitarian and development assistance to Somali people. The operating environment in Somalia is highly challenging and complex, due to continuing conflict, lack of, weak or contested governance, high levels of criminality, and restricted humanitarian access to populations in need. NGOs continue to encounter both security and operational challenges to their engagement in Somalia and yet have maintained their role of addressing the persistent needs of the communities they work with.

The Consortium continues to facilitate dialogue between member organizations and various stakeholders, therefore, enabling a conducive working environment for member organizations and allowing them to continue assisting Somalis in need. It has offices in Hargeisa, Garowe, Mogadishu, Kismayo, Baidoa, and Nairobi. The Consortium currently has over 80 members working across Somalia and Somaliland.

In line with its mandate to enhance the financial accountability and competitiveness of its members, SNC wishes to engage the services of an audit firm for financial management and audit training for its members.

2. Main Objectives

The broad objectives of the financial and grants management training will be as follows:

i) To help NGO leaders and managers make effective and efficient use of resources to achieve objectives and fulfill commitments to stakeholders;

ii) To help NGOs to be more accountable to donors and other stakeholders;

iii) To gain the respect and confidence of funding agencies, partners and beneficiaries

iv) To give the advantage in the competition for increasingly scarce resources

v) To help NGOs prepare themselves for long-term financial sustainability.

vi) Strategies to manage and mitigate risks

To achieve the above objectives, SNC would like to engage a consultant to deliver financial, grant and risk management training, covering as a minimum the following areas:

i) Financial management;

ii) Financial planning

iii) Budgeting

iv) Financial reporting;

v) Grants management

vi) Risk management and mitigation strategies

3. Scope of Work

The engaged firm will deliver the financial, grant, and risk training for the members of the SNC.

4. Time Schedule

The financial, grants, and risk management physical training is expected to be conducted between 24th to 28th October in Hargeisa and Garowe respectively.

Expected Outputs


The assigned representatives from the engaged firm will report to CARE/SNC


Based on these terms of references, the engaged will create content for the training, have the content approved by the CARE/SNC, and with a help of not more than two trainers will deliver the training.

The training will be for an average of 30 participants mainly comprising of finance, grant, and risk departments. 15 participants per day in each location using the same content. The training will include:

i) A two (days) training in Hargeisa, Somaliland, and two (days) in Garowe, Puntland for 15 participants per day using the same content/materials for both locations.. The training will be conducted on different dates for both locations. The venue will be prepared and organized by the SNC;

ii) Training programs prepared by the engaged firm.

iii) Training course materials in simple English prepared by the engaged consultant

iv) Certificate prepared by the consultant for the participants

5. Qualification of the Consultant

The engaged firm must meet the following qualifications to be considered:

Interested firms are invited to submit proposals that contain the following information:

  1. Registration

o Business Registration Certificate

o Copy of valid Registration as Certified Public Accountant or ACCA

o Proof of Compliance vide a Copy of Certificate of Good Standing from a Professional Body of Accountants

  1. Experience Statement of the consultant

o A history of the firm experience providing similar services to not for profit organizations/International NGOs and NGOs in East Africa

  1. Overall proposal costs

o A proposed fee structure for the service including standard billing of all personnel expected to be assigned to the engagement. Although the proposed fees will be taken into account the organization reserves the right to negotiate a lower or different fee structure during the offer process

  1. On the cover page of your proposal please include the following:

o The firm responsible for a contact person

o Telephone and email address for firm principals and individuals working on the organization’s proposal

o The mailing address of the firms

  1. Engagement staffing and methodology

o Identify the partner, manager/person in charge who will be assigned to work with us should your bid be successful and provide CVs of each staff

o Describe your approach for the financial, grant, and risk management training, including the topics that will be covered under each training area i.e. financial Grant and Risk management,

SNC Reserves the Right to reject any and all proposals submitted. Only shortlisted consultants will be contacted.

6. Proposal Submission

Deadline for proposal submissions is on or before 1700 Hrs (GMT+3) 10th October 2021.

Kindly submit your financial and technical proposals, as separate attachments in one email on or before the due date to: SOM.Consultant@care.org

How to apply

Deadline for proposal submissions is on or before 1700 Hrs (GMT+3) 10th October 2021.

Kindly submit your financial and technical proposals, as separate attachments in one email on or before the due date to: SOM.Consultant@care.org

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