Terms of Reference Village institutional Conflict Management and Leadership training In Badhan and Dhahar Districts

CARE International is a leading humanitarian organization fighting global poverty and providing lifesaving assistance in emergencies. Its programs go beyond meeting basic needs at the onset of an emergency to helping affected communities recover and rebuild their lives long after the crisis ends. To this end, it is implementing a variety of longer-term development activities aimed at supporting the community in the achievement of its development milestones. CARE works in partnership with the government, international NGOs, civil society, leaders and local authorities in order to bring effective and lasting change to the most vulnerable communities in Somalia.


CARE received funds from Somalia Stability Fund (SSF) which the Community Droved development (CDD) programs entrench local empowerment initiatives through processes of institutional reform and the focus is on local management of resources and a change in existing power arrangements which creates opportunities for poor marginalized groups to have voice and control their own development. The approach adopted by the project is community driven where the community implements the project through village council responsible for all government roles at the village level. A total of 8 villages under Badhan, Buran, Xiin Galool and Dhahar districts are targeted for improved governance, increased stability and achieve lasting peace. The project focuses more on community participation and building of grass root governance that is link to the district authority, regional and finally to the national government. To achieve this, the council needs to be educated on conflict resolution, civic education and leadership. In all the communities targeted, they lack adequate government machineries and are not institutionally equipped to play the roles expected of them by the communities hence the need to build their capacity. To realize this, the project wants to developed manuals on leadership and conflict resolution trainings for community use and will be translated in Somali language for ease understanding of the community.

Objectives of the training

The training session intended to impart conflict resolution skills through the process of examining and understanding the reality of a conflict situation to enable participants to comprehend the complexity of conflict, in terms of the causes and manifestations of conflict, stages and the parties involved and their interests. Simultaneously the training sessions intended to provide village level institutional leadership skills on the type of leadership that exists in the village institutions, or organisation and how closely does the level at which the leadership operates correspond to the level at which the whole village institutions or organisation operates?. It is an adult experiential learning and reflection to promote the skills, knowledge and competencies of participants with regard to conflict analysis in regard to their local context

The purpose of this training is raising awareness about people’s roles and responsibilities with regard to their village committees and district councils to contribute to the strengthening of participants with a clear understanding of conflict resolution and leadership and its relation to governance

Participants to better understand the important role that leaders play in supporting effective governance and assess the ability of the leaders to lead communities with an emphasis to good governance principles (like transparency and accountability)

Detailed Topics (Objective)

  1. Conflict training

The conflict resolution training sessions are supposed to be designed in a way that participants receive participatory adult learning process through a mix of appropriate methods to help keep participants interested, enhance the retention of knowledge to be effective and apply skills practically. The goal of conflict resolution training is to empower local communities and citizens with conflict resolution knowledge and skills. The content of training will be more on practical oriented process whereby participants are encouraged to relate and conceptualize into their local context.

  1. Leadership training

This leadership training session is part of a set of interrelated training components planned for village councils and other community members. The training sessions are designed to be highly interactive and participatory to suit the needs of adult learners. Community facilitators through the processes of participatory training can use this manual

Scope of the Services

The Training Institutions/consultant should:

a) Develop a detailed learning curriculum/methodology and also use training guide from CARE during the training

b) The training must be conducted three days in each village for 8 villages in Badhan, Buran, Xiin Galool and Dhahar Districts

c) The facilitation and delivery of training must be in Somali.

Target group

  • 20 participants in each village/location (Village/district council)

Training Methodology

  • The training methodology should include lecture, role play, oral presentation, experience sharing, group work/projects, discussion, (brainstorming)
  • The trainer should adopt adult learning principles for adult learners


  • The consultant should provide a detailed report for the training conducted (comprehensive report for all)
  • The consultant is expected to review the existing manual developed by CARE International and improve it to fit Sanaag situation of conflict resolution and leadership status.

Course Duration

Three (3) days in each village


  • The Training Institute/consultant should be able to provide trainer for conducting the aforementioned training program.

The institute/consultant shall provide:

  • Detailed course content with course objectives

The following documents of the trainer should be submitted to CARE Badhan Office:

  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) with detailed professional and academic background highlighting relevant skills and accomplishments
  • Request letter indicating quoted price (fee)


A) The training Institute/consultant and CARE shall convene a meeting to discuss on the following:

o Preparation of course objectives and course content

o Preparation of course schedule

o List of training tools, materials and stationeries required for the training program

B) The institute/consultant should submit training plan Three (3) days before the training commences

C) The trainer should sign a Contract with CARE

D) The trainer will avail three days preparation time before commencement of the Training

E) CARE holds the right to cancel the training program and award the contract to the subsequent bidder should the institute/consultant fail to adhere to the Terms of Reference

Roles & Responsibilities CARE:

  • Provide any necessary support to make announcement, design banners etc.
  • Reschedule or postpone the training program in consultation with training provider if necessary;
  • Arrange lunch and refreshment for the participants during the training;
  • Monitor the training program and provide feedback for improvement;
  • Ensure successful implementation of the program by training provider.
  • Provide training aids, materials & equipments & training hall.

Qualification of the Trainer

  • Should be fluent in English.
  • Minimum qualification of Bachelor in Business Administration, leadership and governance or related field
  • Experienced in providing training in the afore mentioned field
  • Must produce evidence of similar activity undertaken and have experience

How to apply

For those who are interested in the above assignment, send your application to SOM.Consultant@care.org on or before 18-April-2020. The application should include, updated CV of lead, application letter, technical proposal, financial proposal and a copy of similar works undertaken.

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