Terms of Reference (TOR)–Semi Quantitative Evaluation of Access and Coverage (SQUEAC) Assessment Hudur District, Bakool Region, Somalia.

Terms of Reference (TOR)–Semi Quantitative Evaluation of Access and Coverage (SQUEAC) Assessment Hudur District, Bakool Region, Somalia.


Semi Quantitative Evaluation of Access and Coverage (SQUEAC) Survey Consultancy


Hudur District, Bool Region Somalia

Assessment Timeline

December –2020

Key Working Contacts

Head of Medical and Nutrition Department.

Nutrition Surveillance Manager

Nutrition Specialist

Programme Development and Quality Coordinator

Monitoring and Evaluation Manager.   


Action Against Hunger (ACF) has been a key humanitarian actor in Somalia since May 1992 providing an array of services in Nutrition, Health, Food Security and Livelihood, Water Sanitation and Hygiene across four Regions; Bakool, Nugal, Banadir and Lower Shabelle. Our Health and Nutrition programme focuses primarily on prevention and treatment of Acute Malnutrition through static and mobile therapeutic centres (OTP and SFP) and Stabilization Centres as well as Primary Health care services through MCH and mobile outreach teams. Action against Hunger also leads the Nutrition cluster Assessment and Information Management working Group (AIMWG).

Hudur is the capital town of Bakool region in Southern Somalia, and is located in the center of the region. Majority of inhabitants are urban with significant number of migrant who moved from the other districts of the region due to insecurity. A SMART survey conducted by Action Against Hunger (AAH) in Hudur town in October 2019) indicated a Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) 8.6 % (6.3 – 11.7 95% C.I) classified as Poor based on WHO threshold. This was an improvement compared with malnutrition prevalence of 13.5% in 2017, which was classified serious nutrition situation.

In an effort to strengthen Nutrition surveillance across Somalia and provide quality and timely nutrition data, Action against Hunger plans to engage a consultant to conduct a Semi quantitative Evaluation of Access and coverage (SQUEAC) assessment. The assessment is expected to dissect the relevant program and deeply analyse the coverage challenges/barriers and enablers/boosters through an interactive process that utilizes both secondary and primary data collection methods. This process should also incorporate both qualitative and quantitative data. The result will include an estimate of current project coverage for both severe acute Malnutrition (SAM) and Moderate acute Malnutrition (MAM), barriers and boosters to coverage and develop recommendation/action plan.


The purpose of the SQUEAC assessment is to assess the coverage of the nutrition programme, investigate indicators related to coverage and programme quality. The assessment is expected to identify key factors affecting the uptake of Community Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) services in target areas of coverage on the basis of which specific recommendations are made.

Objectives of the coverage survey

The main objective of this assignment is to evaluate access and coverage of Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition (IMAM) program using SQUEAC methodology in Hudur District Bakool Region.

           Specific objectives

To develop the skills of key nutrition staff in conducting access and coverage survey using Semi Qualitative Evaluation of Access and Coverage (SQUEAC) methodology.

Conduct review of recommendations from previous coverage assessment conducted to examine the extent of implementation.

Utilizing available routine program data, and other anecdotal data, identify areas of probable low and high coverage and reasons for coverage failure.

Confirm the location of areas of high and low coverage and the factors affecting coverage failure identified.

Map out program single Coverage estimate for the targeted areas.

To conduct community assessment to understand dynamics and its impact on the access to care and the coverage of OTP/SC services in the targeted district.

In collaboration with ACF Somalia team, develop specific recommendations to improve acceptance and coverage of Nutrition program.


To achieve the above-mentioned objectives, the survey consultant will undertake the following:

Design the survey protocol, develop comprehensive tools for data collection and present it to the Nutrition Cluster AIM working group for validation.

Conduct training for ACF Somalia nutrition staff on SQUEAC methodology and thereafter guide and supervise them as they take part in the entire assessment.

Organize adequate supervision and coordination of the survey teams in the field; the consultant should able to conduct field data collection.

Analyse data and compile a comprehensive coverage survey report

Present investigation results to ACF coordination team in Mogadishu as well as the Assessment and Information Management Working Group (AIMWG) for validation

Duration of the Consultancy

The proposed consultancy will last for approximately 30 days after validation by AIM WG, expected starting date as from 1st November 2020; this is inclusive of all the processes of the investigations from the day the contract is signed to the report submission day.

NB: The Consultant should communicate any unforeseen delays, which might affect the completion date as stated above.

Expected Output

At the end of the assignment, the consultant should deliver:

Validated SQUEAC protocol by AIM Working Group.

A final report indicating how each of the above outputs has been achieved including reporting and capacity building of the staff.

A PowerPoint presentation summarizing the key sections of the report and the recommendations.

All the hard copy data collected (to be kept at ACF Field office) and copy of soft data collected and used for the report.

A field report indicating the process, challenges faced for future improvement.

Desired Qualifications

Education (knowledge):

Advanced degree in Nutrition, public health, social statistics, Epidemiology or related discipline


At least 5 years of international and field experience preferably in developing countries.

Extensive Experience in Leading Nutrition surveys and surveillance systems as well as proven experience with the SQUEAC/SLEAC methodology. (Provide evidence of previous assessments undertaken)

Experience conducting assessments in Somalia or similar challenging environment.

Skills and Abilities:

Proven ability to organize and manage assessments in a cross-cultural setting.

Ability to train team and ensure quality delivery of outputs within a limited period

Excellent report writing, communication and presentation skills

Understanding of Somalia context is desirable

Consultant who can access the community is highly desirable.

Conditions of Work

The consultant(s) will be based in Hudur Bakool Region during the period of assessment. The Consultant will be responsible for initial preparations including development of assessment protocol, presentation of protocol to AIMWG, survey teams trainings and subsequent data collection for both small area and wide area surveys. In order to ensure quality in the process, data collected will be checked on daily basis and feedback given to the teams and ACF.

Administrative responsibilities are assigned below:


Airfare to and from Mission

Entry visa to country of mission

Domestic transportation

Domestic Accommodation

The Consultant:

Health Insurance for him/herself

Equipment for use (Laptop etc.)

Food/per diem

How to Apply

Interested applicants who meet the above requirements should submit the following:

CV & cover letter demonstrating capability and availability; Telephone and email contacts of at least three previous clients who can validate  technical expertise A technical proposal detailing how S/he plans to implement the coverage assessment and financial proposal for the entire consultancy (this includes a detailed breakdown of human resource and security related costs)

A detailed work plan indicating the activities for the entire SQUEAC survey.

Applications should be sent to the following email address: procurement@so-actionagainsthunger.org    with the subject as CONSULTANT SQUEAC Assessment- HUDUR 2020

Submission Deadline: 21st November 2020.

Due to high volumes of applications expected, we regret that only short- listed candidates will be contacted for interview.

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