Quality Assurance Advisor
Terms of Reference (ToR) Quality Assurance Advisor
I. General Information | |
Post/Title: | Quality AssuranceAdvisor, Ministry of Education, Culture and Higher Education. |
Department | All ministry departments implementing the Education activitiesand policy development, including, Federal Ministry of Education, Culture& Higher Education (MOECHE) and the Federal Member States. |
Reporting Lines | Office of the Minister, State Minister, and Deputy Minister with direct support to the Office of Director General and Director of Curriculum and Quality assurance |
Key Internal Contacts: | Ministry leadership (Minister, State Minister, Deputy Minister and Director General) |
Key External Contacts: | Federal Member states Ministries of Education (Jubaland, South West, Hirshabelle, Galmudug and Banaadir Regional Administration). |
Duration of Contract: | 18 months |
Payment: | · Advisor to submit monthly progress reports and/or any other documentation to demonstrate the objectives is being met.· Monthly payment will be against the satisfactory completion of the deliverables c and payment is based on the deliverables |
II. Background Information | |
Today’s education system across the world face a major learning crisis and it is proven that schooling is not same as learning. The existing research literature show a clear linkage between learning and retention rates, which is linked to quality of teachers and monitoring of quality standards in schools. Hence it proven there is need to define and monitor quality standards in schools to promote learning. Presently, in Somalia the focus is to promote greater participation and role of key stakeholders particularly parents, school heads and communities to improve quality education.In Somalia, there is a need to establish quality standards to maintain and improve educational standards through school based on-site support, supervision and quality assurance feedback to all educational stakeholders. And there is also a need to develop Quality Assurance Standards to address issues related to improving quality and ensuring more accountability at the school level. Presently, the government of Somalia, particularly Ministry of Education has prioritized development of Quality Assurance Standards to strengthen accountability at the school level to improve quality. | |
III. Purpose | |
Based on the above-mentioned premise, the objective of this assignment is to prepare a framework, costed implementation plan and relevant guidelines and tools to advocate for establishing and expanding Quality Assurance Standards system for all schools in Somalia.The advisor will also provide capacity building to ministry staff (both federal and state levels) on areas of policy development and implementation. He/She will also orient staff on the National Education Act and National Education Policy. | |
IV. Scope | |
The overall goal of the consultancy is to improve service delivery at school level and the quality of learning outcomes based on quality monitoring, supervision and good practices. Specifically, the consultancy seeks to:Ø Drafting a 18-month workplan with clear outputs
Ø Conduct an in-depth evaluation of the status of standards in primary and secondary schools; Ø Develop a National Education Quality Assurance Standards Framework and its costed operational plan; Ø Develop operational guidelines and tools on quality standards and assessment procedures in the schools; Ø Capacity building of REO/DEO and Quality Assurance Officers to improve accountability, quality assurance and supervision of schools |
V. Authority | |
The MOECHEQuality AssuranceAdvisor will report directly to the Director General of the Ministryof Education, Culture and Higher Education with Technical oversight from UNICEF | |
VI. Key Qualifications | |
· Master’s degree in education and relevant professional experience, preferably in Education Planning, policy development, Quality assurance and analysis· Proven expertise in Monitoring and Evaluation.
· Familiarity with the context of Quality Assurance and Standards mechanism at international level particularly, of the countries in East Africa · Strong research and excellent writing skills in English · Excellent organizational skills · Demonstrated ability to meet deadlines and work under pressure · Knowing Somali language will be an added advantage · Preferably more than 20 years of professional experience · Knowledge of the education sector, national and regional development framework; · Substantive overall understanding of education system in Somalia and ability to present related issues clearly both to a general and a specialist audience; · Outstanding drafting, analyticaland communication skills; · Previous work experience in Somalia would be an advantage; · Fluency in Somali and English Behavioral Competencies · Ability to be flexible and respond to changes to text as part of the review and feedback process; · Strong interpersonal skills, able to communicate and work with diverse people · Participate effectively in team-based, information-sharing environment, collaborating and cooperating effectively with others; · Focus and result oriented |
VII. Core Values & Critical Key Competencies | |
Respect, Integrity, Commitment, Diversity, Stress Tolerance, communicating with Impact, Excellence and Building Partnerships. |
How to apply |
Interested candidates are requested to apply online by clicking and following the link below by 15-July-2020: http://moe.gov.so/job_appNB:
· Late applications will not be considered. |