Terms of Reference (TOR) For undertaking awareness campaign on COVID 19 through local FM, TVs, and promotional materials – Puntland, Somalia


For undertaking awareness campaign on COVID 19 through local FM, TVs, and promotional materials.

About Shaqodoon Organization

Shaqodoon is a local NGO founded in 2011 to create innovative and long-lasting solutions to youth employment challenges. The organization designs, deliver, and evaluate innovative programs to address some of the local communities’ most urgent challenges in livelihood skill training, education, and health.

Assignment Outcome

Outcome 1: Production of Awareness TV messages, Radio Messages, News Items, leaflets, and other promotional materials regarding Covid-19 Awareness.

Outcome 2: Airing and distributing of developed TV messages a radio messages on popular communication channels; distribution of leaflets and other promotional materials.

Outcome 3: Producing social media content like graphics and articles and distributing the high quality 4k video over social media platforms.

Objectives and Activities of the assignment

Under this assignment, Shaqodoon Organization seeks to engage a media agency (contractor) based in Puntland to carry out the following activities

Create a strategic awareness plan to promote the covid-19 call center in Puntland, defining objectives, audience, appropriate channels, messages and more.

Produce a high quality 4k 4-minute video that showcases the covid-19 call center in Puntland as an essential factor in promoting the fight against covid-19, featuring implementing parties, stakeholders, staff, patients, and the community.

Produce a 2-minute engaging radio program that raised Awareness of Covid-19 and educates the public on the prevention strategies.

Develop leaflets and write-ups to educate the public on Covid-19 and its prevention measures and distribute it to the target audience of the messages.

Air the developed Video messages on Popular TV channels in Puntland

Air the developed video over social media using social media influencers, and advertisements.

Air the developed radio messages using popular radio stations in Puntland.


Following is a complete list of the deliverables.



Deliverable #1

Production of 4K Video Message – Creation of general concept of the video; – Development of

the detailed video script.

Deliverable # 2

Production of Audio – Creation of general concept of the audio; – Development of the detailed

audio script.

Deliverable # 3

Production of Leaflets and other promotional materials; information in the leaflet will be shared

by Shaqodoon Organization.

Deliverable # 4

Coordination and approval of the scripts and writings with Shaqodoon Organization;

Deliverable # 5

Final 4K – 4 Min Video message (for TV and online).

Deliverable # 6

Final 2 Min audio messages (for Radio and Online).

Deliverable # 7

Leaflets and other promotional materials (for online and distribution)

Deliverable # 6

Airing of Video message on Popular TVs

Deliverable # 7

Airing of Audio messages on Popular Radios

Timeline for Execution

The assignment will run for a period of 3 weeks to ensure the contracted media agency delivers all the activities mentioned above satisfactorily. The task will begin immediately after identifying and contracting the right media agency.

Reporting Requirement

The contractor will report to Shaqodoon communication officer, who will regularly communicate with the contractor and provide feedback and guidance on their performance and all other necessary support so to achieve objectives of the assignment, as well as remain aware of any upcoming issues related to contracts’ performance and quality of work. All activities and deliverables undertaken by the contracts shall be discussed and planned in consultation with Shaqodoon Organization. The contractor is expected to deliver each component of the workplan electronically.

Qualification and Experience

At least 2 years of experience in videography/video editing, experience of editing, experience of editing,

Demonstrated experience of conception, production and editing of Video, audio, and leaflets/brochures,

Experience covering social, humanitarian and development subjects will be an asset,

Experience with UN agencies and INGOs will be an asset

Knowledge on ethical standards in reporting on issues related to Public awareness will be an asset.

Technical and Financial Proposal

Interested individuals will submit a Technical and Financial proposal with a description of their experience. The final selection will be based on the principle of “best value for money,” i.e., achieving the desired outcome at the lowest possible fee.


Qualified media agencies should send their technical and financial proposals to jobs@shaqodoon.org with a subject line indicating “Awareness Campaign on COVID-19“. The applications should be submitted latest by 25 November 2020, and applications received after the deadline would not be considered.

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