1.0 Introduction
VSF Germany is an international Non-Governmental Organization, providing humanitarian aid and development assistance to pastoralists and vulnerable communities in areas where livestock is of importance. In the region, VSF Germany implements activities in South Sudan, Sudan, Kenya, Somalia, Uganda and Ethiopia. With a focus on livestock health, agriculture, value chain and marketing, food safety, natural resources management, Peace and Conflict, Good governance, Disasters & Emergency but also developing the capacities of communities and governmental institutions, VSF Germany work towards food security and strengthened livelihoods of pastoralist communities.
1.2 The condition of working donkeys in Somaliland
Many poor families living in the urban and peri-urban centres in Somaliland use donkeys for paid transport and largely depend on their donkeys to earn a living. The donkeys are mainly used for carrying water, transportation of charcoal and/or firewood from the forest to the markets as well as transport of food and non-food supplies from urban centres to far-flung rural areas. In all these cases donkey owners are paid by those who use them if not owned by the family using the animal and in many instances, the focus is on the amount of money earned from use of the donkey than on the donkey welfare itself. The main problem is that despite the use of donkeys by the community to earn income, donkeys are not properly looked after. To get maximum profits, the donkeys are often overloaded and overworked-carrying the load beyond their capacities, trekked very long distances without rest and accorded very little time for eating, drinking water and/or resting. Above all, beating is routinely used as a method to make the donkey work beyond its capacity. Thus a lot of donkeys suffer from wounds afflicted by beatings and poor harnessing techniques and or poorly designed equipment. Due to lack of appropriate skills among para-veterinary professionals, and appropriate medicines to manage donkey health conditions, the general lack of awareness among users and duty bearers on the healthcare management and welfare of donkey; and the absence of a guiding policy framework on animal welfare, majority of the donkeys also suffer and die from otherwise manageable health conditions.
1.3. Brief about the Project
The project aims to improve management of and access to and availability of health services for working donkeys and maximize income for the poor and marginalized urban and peri-urban households in Borama, Gabiley, Wajaale and Hargeisa Districts in Somaliland that use them for commercial transport services. This will be achieved through efforts to enhance the knowledge, attitudes, practices and skills among owners and users of donkeys through awareness campaigns and capacity support to access health care services and advocacy to influence duty bearers.
The overall coordination and policy guidance of the project is under the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Development (MoLFD) in Hargeisa. Besides, the project collaborates closely with other key stakeholders including District authorities, partners working in this sector, donkey owners associations and users.
2. Purpose of the task
The main purpose is to help the ministry of Livestock & Fisheries Development and other state administration bodies prepare and develop high-quality animal welfare policy and strategy based on relevant information and analysis for review and adoption by the Government of Somaliland. The purpose of the strategy and policy is to outline consistent standards and practices for the public, private or commercial animal health and animal welfare nationwide. This policy should be consistent with and do not conflict with the existing regional and international Animal welfare policies.
2.1. Scope of the Consultancy Work
The Consultant will be required to undertake the following duties during the assignment:
· Undertake a desk review of existing relevant documents such as Government, regional and international policies, strategies and guidelines on animal welfare that promote good practices.
· Conduct interviews with key informants from donkey owners, users, animal healthcare providers, artisans for harnessing equipment and duty bearers to collate national animal welfare practices in compliance with the existing regional and global standards, obtain suggestions on strengths, weaknesses and opportunities to address on findings in the national animal welfare policy and strategy findings report
· Develop a draft national animal welfare policy and strategy and action plan for Somaliland for discussions and validation by key stakeholders.
· Facilitate and organize a national validation workshop to attest the national animal welfare policy, strategy and action plans for Somaliland.
3.0. Methodology and Process.
The consultancy will outline the indicative approach and methodology that shall be followed by providing an elaborate outline of the approach as a response to the terms of reference. The approach should include, but not limited to the following:
· Timelines of how the relevant documents will be reviewed during the desk review
· Develop tools and conduct key informants interviews and Focus Group Discussions using a made-to-measure questionnaire to obtain the required information.
· Develop a tentative itinerary to visit the target locations and districts to conduct interviews with relevant stakeholders and institution, where necessary.
· Methods for designing, enriching and validating the final documents (National Animal Policy and Welfare Strategy)
4.0. Expected outputs, Reporting and Presentation
4.1. Output 1: An inception report of the execution of the assignment in electronic version ONE (1) week after the start of the consultancy to be presented for discussion and validation by VSFG technical team. The report should be very precise and address the methodology, tools and tentative work plan.
Output 2: A comprehensive draft report, and power-point presentation on national animal welfare policy, strategy and action plan to be presented to VSFGG technical team for discussions and validation.
Output 3: A revised national policy and strategy and Action plan for presentation to key stakeholders for discussion and validation at the national validation workshop.
Key contacts and reporting:**
The Consultant shall report directly to the VSF Germany’s Country Director as the principal contact point. At Field level, VSFG Office in Hargeisa, the consultant will work closely under the supervision of the Technical Advisor/Project Manager.
5.0. Mode of payment; will be in two instalments
1st instalment: 20 % of the total amount after submission of an inception report
2nd instalment: 80% of the total amount after satisfactory completion of the task and approval final report.
The payments will be made in A/C payee cheques/or direct bank transfer in the name of the consultant or firm named in the contract. VSF Germany will deduct withholding tax at source as per the rules of taxation governing VSFG operations and it will be deposited directly to the custodian of such tax. No other benefits shall be admissible beyond what is stipulated in the contract, nor does it guarantee a regular position in VSF Germany.
6.0. General considerations
a) VSF Germany as prescribed in the contract will provide required logistics support.
b) All documents prepared during the assignment will be the property of VSF Germany.
c) The assignment will not be sub-contracted to a third party by the consultant.
d) If additional time is required to complete the assignment, beyond time previously agreed, without changing the scope of work, such a change shall be agreed between VSF Germany and the consultant in writing.
e) Confidentiality of all the assignment will be maintained at all times.
7.0. Expiry of agreement and flexibility
· Considering the initiative as proactive and responsive, activities can be amended and elaborated based on the properly documented negotiation between the two parties.
· The agreement will be invalidated after the expiry of the duration of the contract unless an extension is made by VSF Germany.
· The work schedule may be staggered due to compelling reasons, which both parties must be sent to, in which case the number of working days will remain the same but actual work done on dates/days different from those indicated in the work plan. Such flexibility will not give rise to the additional cost of the assignment on the side of VSFG.
· VSF Germany also reserves the right to amend or change or cancel the agreement at any time if there are compelling reasons to do so.
7.0. Preparation of the Proposal.
The consulting firm/bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of the proposal. The consultant shall submit a technical and financial proposal in a single file electronically. The technical and financial proposals should be properly marked and should include the name and contact details of the consultant /firm.
7.1. The Technical Proposal
Should be in the provide: Title of the survey, Understanding of the Task, Technical aspect of the proposal, Methodology, Operational plan, the Proposed team with detailed CVs of the team members who will undertake the task as an annexe to the technical proposal.
For a firm applicant, provide a company profile as an annexe to the technical proposal, the Lead consultant and contract for the firm/bidder.
NB: The costs of long meetings such as focus group discussions will be borne by the VSF-G directly (venue, food if required, etc).
7.2. The Financial Proposal
Should be broken down in details to include: Consultancy fees, Questionnaire development cost, Communication, Data processing & analysis cost, Reporting cost (stationeries, printing, etc)
7.3. Validation of the Proposal
All cost should be quoted in USD and will remain valid up to sixty days (60) from the day of proposal submission
8.0 Competencies Required:
i) Qualification and Experiences
The profile of the candidates should be as follows:
· Master or PhD degree in Animal Production, Veterinary Medicine, from recognized institutions.
· Demonstrated experience in Animal welfare issues.
· Demonstrated experience of working with public sector and /or NGOs.
· Knowledge and experience of using participatory approaches
· Strong analytical skills
· Excellent communication/ writing skills and fluency in English
· Experience in Somalia, particularly Somaliland, is a plus.
ii) General professional experience
· A proven successful track record in writing national strategies and policies.
· Proven experience in the programming and policy development levels.
· Experience in conducting and facilitating dialogue with national organizations
iii) Specific professional experience
· At least five years’ work experience in livestock development particularly in Animal welfare matters.
· Knowledge of animal welfare legislation, standards, and animal welfare principles and matters.
· Legal background and understanding of the domestic and international laws related to animal welfare.
· Demonstrate competence and skills in developing a national action plan
Note: Applicants who do not meet the minimum eligibility criteria shall not be considered.
9.0. Confidentiality:
Confidentiality of all the processes during the assignment must be ensured at all times/levels
Note: All the outputs – reports, database, etc. produced by this assignment (electronic, hard copies, etc) will be disseminated in part or completely without express and written authorization from VSF-Germany to a third party.
How to apply
Interested consultants/firms should read and strictly follow the detailed ToR and submit both technical and financial proposals not later than Saturday 15, August 2020 to Recruitment@vsfg.org, with CC to tani@vsfg.org. Indicate “Animal Welfare Policy Consultant” as the subject. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.