Terms of Reference (TOR) for selecting a local partner in the Bay region, South West of Somalia

Date: 11. 04.2022

Background and Purpose of TOR

World Vision Somalia (WVS) is committed to building resilience of Somali communities through integrated programmes in WASH, Health, Nutrition, Protection, Education and Food Security livelihoods Interventions in South Central. In order to meet this commitment, WVS embraces the role of partners in helping and supporting us achieve our objectives as we endeavor to serve the most affected and vulnerable populations.

WVS’s ability to achieve its humanitarian and development goals depends upon building effective partnerships with civil society, governments, academia, UN agencies, peer non-governmental organizations, and the private sector. At the World Humanitarian Summit in 2016, donor governments pledged to direct 25% of emergency and development assistance to local and national organizations by 2020. Driven by a desire to improve aid effectiveness, and development and humanitarian outcomes, the international community committed itself to building the capacity of indigenous organizations to address issues that impact their communities.

In line with the donor requirements of reviewing implementation arrangements, WVS envisions to identify local implementing partner(s) in Bay region of Somalia to implement health intervention funded by one of its donors. This project will support Ministry of Health in SWS to achieve its’ goals of (i) reducing maternal and newborn mortality; (ii) reducing under 5 mortality and improving child health and nutrition (iii) reducing excess mortality due to communicable and noncommunicable diseases (iii) strengthening the health system (iv) increasing the coverage of the package of health services. All eligible partners can submit their Expression of Interest (EOI) in response to this TOR.

1.1. Organizations who submit EOI, must meet the following criteria:

· At least 2-3 year of operation experience and have active operational presence in Bay region of South West State, Somalia. Applying organizations should indicates which district(s) they are or have been operating in the region. Organizations which may not have the required year of experience can still apply but will need to clearly illustrate their related experience

· Legal registration as Local NGO and letter of support from the line government ministries from South West State including Ministry of Health (MoH)

· Proven engagements and partnerships with government ministries, including MoH

· Demonstrated track record in implementing Health, Nutrition & WASH sectors interventions in collaboration and/or corporation with INGO, UN agencies and other humanitarian and development actors.

· Demonstrated experience in managing projects both financially and operationally. Share evidences such as project report, evaluation report and audit report

· Administrative/financial procedures and systems are in place and auditable;

· Organizations should be willing and able to adhere to World Vision Somalia’s standard guidelines and policies as required.

· Willingness to work/collaborate with government and other stakeholders to enable ongoing supervision, monitoring visits and other assessment and evaluation exercises when required.

· Ability to demonstrate positive recognition and partnerships with stakeholders in the catchment area including communities

· Demonstrate how your contribution and models of implementation are geared towards sustainability of the program

· Highlight the child safeguarding measures that you have put in place as an organization.

2.1 EOI Documentation.

Organizations who wish to submit an expression of interest must complete the following documentation to be considered:

i. Cover letter from the organization representative outlining their interest to be considered (1-page max)

ii. Criteria Statement, outlining how your organization meets the selection criteria listed in 1.1 above. Please attach all supporting documents through the folder. s

iii. If your organization is a current partner of WVS, demonstrate that you have gone through all the World Vision Somalia partner engagement processes, capacity assessments and due diligence process. (1 page)

iv. Submit list of projects that you have implemented in targeted region of Bay with target group, budget amount, project duration donor and summary of activities implemented

v. Submit the following;

a. Certificate of registration.

b. Letter of support from the government / local authorities.

c. Reference letter by a current or previous donor.

d. Names and CVs of key personnel who will hold key positions in implementing this intervention to completion.

Note: Please read the eligibility criteria carefully and share supporting documents via the below link to provide evidence of the organization’s capacity. After the EOI submissions, WVS will carry out reviewing process to validate all submitted docs. Only shortlisted partner(s) will be contacted through email.

How to apply;

· Deadline of submission: Monday, 25th April, 2022

· Please send your application to WVS_Partners@wvi.org and upload all documents via the following link: https://wvi.app.box.com/f/337088d462f8492b88e1584a6e74360b**

How to apply

Note: Please read the eligibility criteria carefully and share supporting documents via the below link to provide evidence of the organization’s capacity. After the EOI submissions, WVS will carry out reviewing process to validate all submitted docs. Only shortlisted partner(s) will be contacted through email.

How to apply;

· Deadline of submission: Monday, 25th April, 2022

· Please send your application to WVS_Partners@wvi.org and upload all documents via the following link: https://wvi.app.box.com/f/337088d462f8492b88e1584a6e74360b**

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