Terms of Reference (TOR) For National Consultant for Coordination and Policy Reform on Gender in Security Sector Reform and WPS Agenda – Mogadishu, Somalia

Jamhuuriyada Federaalka Soomaliya , ةيالردـيفال الــموــصال ةـيروـهـمـج

Xafiiska Ra’iisul Wasaaraha                        بتكم سيئر ءارزوال
The Federal Republic of Somalia
Office of the Prime Minister
Post title National Consultant for Coordination and Policy Reform
on Gender in Security Sector Reform and WPS Agenda
Contract Individual Contract
Organization unit Office of the Prime Minister and UNSOM-UNDP
integrated Security Sector Reform (I-SSR) Section
Duration 4 months
Location Mogadishu, with potential travel to the Federal Member
Deadline for Application: 07/July/20

Job description
Somali Women are often excluded from decision-making and political processes, as
well as f rom post-conflict reconstruction efforts, in particular in the security sector.
Although the 2017 Security Pact called for the adoption of a “strategy to mainstream
gender and the WPS Agend a across the security sector”, and despite the ‘2019
Women’s Charter for Somalia and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination Against Women calling for zero tolerance of gender-ba sed violence
the absence of gender disaggregated data and analysis of women’s participation and
representation in the security sector hampers a more strategic engagement to increase
women’s representation in the sector. A thorough assessment and consultations of this
situation will facilitate strategic and meaningful engagement of UNSOM and
international partners with national counterparts.
The Integrated Security Sector Reform (I-SSR) Section of UNSOM provides strategic
advice and technical support to the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) and Federal
Member States (FMS) led security sector reforms in-line with the Comprehensive
Approach to Security (CAS), the National Security Architecture Agreement, the
Transition Plan, and the National Development Plan 9/Mutual Accountability
Framework. The integrated approach allows UNSOM to meet its mandated tasks, as
reflected below, with UNDP and UNSOM working to deliver the Security Sector
Governance component. The work of the I-SSR Section is based on the agreed CAS
principles of ensuring that Somalia’s security institutions are affordable, acceptable,
accountable, and able.
On the auspices of Gender mainstreaming, advancing women’s role in security
institutions and implementation of WPS agenda in the security sector reform
programs, the Of fice of the Prime Minister (OPM) Gender & Human Rights Coordination, Peacebuilding Coordination, and Security Analysis Unit, in collaboration with the UNSOM I-SSR Section, will jointly implement the advancement of women’s participation in the Somali Security and Women, Peace & Security (WPS) project on the establishment of a national institutional mechanism to support the WPS agenda in Somalia. This will support the strategic coordination, monitoring, and implementation of the WPS agenda in Somali security institutions at all levels and the
alignment of gender policies for the security sector, which will be developed out of the
assessment, data collections and the consultation forums.
Key priorities are to: (i) identify national barriers and entry points to women’s
participation in the security sector in Somalia; (ii) Target the FGS and the FMS political
leadership, and leading ministries and institutions of the security sector within
Somalia’s federation, and create an important platform to promote the WPS agenda in
the country’s security institutions by setting baselines, by reviewing the current
challenges and policies, and by informing policy reform for equal participation of
women in the security sector.
Ensuring inclusion and active engagement of civil society, community elders, youth
and women groups, both at the FGS and the FMS level and allow a better
understanding of the obstacles women face in the country’s security sector; enhanced
strategic coordination of the implementation of the WPS agenda in the country’s
security sector; as well as an increased advocacy and networking on the overall
inclusion of women in the security sector, in particular in decision – making and
leadership that will in-turn improve the institutionalization of gender related issues in
Somalia’s security institutions and to promote women’s meaningful participation in
the Somali security sector by assessing current obstacles to their recruitment, retention
and promotion, and by identifying measures to address them.
Scope of work
The geographical scope be the Mogadishu. Banadir region and the five FMS. The
duration of the assignment will be 4 months from 20 July 2021 until 20 November
Specific tasks of the consultancy will include the following:
In collaboration with the OPM, conduct stakeholder forums to discuss, identify and
provide policy recommendations on actions and mechanisms to enhance and
empower women’s roles and participation in the security sector. Engage with gender focal points or relevant departmental heads in both FGS and FMS
security ministries and security institutions to extract information on policy and
regulation gaps in relation to recruitment, retention, and promotion in the somalia’s security sector.
Examine in collaboration with the Parliament Defense, Security and Gender committees on the current legislative gaps and institutional barriers to women’s recruitment, retention, and promotion in the Somalia’s security sector.
Engage with civil society organization, women’s group, women’s leaders and scholars to discuss and identify cultural, structural, political, legislative gaps and institutional barriers to women’s participation in the security sector.Discuss how risks of SGBV to female personnel can be addressed and reduced with
stronger accountability mechanisms.
Engage with FGS and FMS Ministries of Women and Human rights to discuss policy
and awareness campaign which can facilitate the establishment of quota for women in
defense and security institutions.
Identification of norms, policies, and commitments of the FGS and FMS to advance the
recruitment, retention, and promotion of women at all levels of the security sector,
such as the quota system, and analysis of the level of implementation of these policies,
including those that address SGBV, and the challenges for their fulfilment.
Develop provision of recommendations to increase women’s representation and
participation in the security sector, including drafting of a proposal for a
communications campaign to attract women’s talent for the security sector.
To undertake the consultation forums and policy reforms the consultant will engage with OPM Gender & Human Rights Unit , security and peacebuilding coordination units, as well as the FGS, Banadir Administration and FMS counterparts, such as
Ministry of Internal Security, Ministry of Defense, Somali Police Force, Somali Defense forces, National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA), Immigration and Border Security and Custodial Corps, including female personnel in the security sector,
women’s civil society organizations and other stakeholders, with the OPM, OPM,Gender & Human Rights, Peacebuilding Coordination and Security Analysis Units
and I-SSR Section having the oversight on the coordination, consultations and policy
reforms implementation.
The Consultant will also work closely with OPM Gender & Human Rights,
Peacebuilding, and Security Analysis units as well as UNSOM I-SSR, UN Police,
Defense Sector Reform and Gender Sections, and the good offices for engagement of
UNSOM, UNCT leadership with the country high-level authorities on the need to elevate the discussions on the implementation of WPS agenda in the security sector. Key Measurable Deliverables
In collaboration with the OPM and UNSOM I-SSR organize and manage consultation with key stakeholders on women´s participation in the security sector. Organize forums with broad participation on increasing women’s role and
participation in the security sector.Present the findings from the consultations processes with recommendations for
policy reform.
Provide recommendations for a national mechanism that would enhance the role of
women in the security sector.


National Consultant for Coordination and Policy Reform on Gender in Security Sector
Reform and WPS Agenda reports to the Gender Focal Point of the I-SSR Section and
OPM Gender & Human Rights Coordination, and Peacebuilding Coordination Unit
office assigned personnel for project oversight.
Provide weekly situation report and Monthly activities report to both I-SSR and OPM
Gender & Human Rights Coordination and Peacebuilding Coordination Units.
Recruitment Qualifications and Competencies
Education: Master’s degree Security studies, Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Gender
Studies, International Law, Public Policy, or related fields. A degree from a military
staff/war college is strongly preferred, or any other related field.
A first-level university degree in combination with four additional years of qualifying
experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.
Experience and skills:
At least four years of responsible experience in the areas of gender and human rights
and Security Sector.
Previous experience working with security agencies.
Experience in drafting strategic analysis, facilitation of high-level forums and policy
Good understanding of the political, social, cultural and gender dynamics of Somalia
Demonstrated knowledge of gender mainstreaming in security sector reform.
Demonstrated experience in supporting capacity building exercises with proven experience in providing technical support with a facilitation role.
Institutional knowledge of the UN and Federal government of Somalia would be an asset.

Excellent communication skills

Good in report and policy writing.
Experience in coordination, policy forms and formulation of high-level forums.
Ability to work as part of a multidisciplinary team.
No criminal record.
No evidence of any criminal of terrorist associations.
Demonstration of Integrity, Professionalism and Respect for d iversity.
Language and other skills
Good knowledge of English and Fluency in Somali is required.
Assessment Method:
Evaluation of qualified candidates for this position may include a substantive
assessment which will be followed by a competency-based interview.
Submission of application
Interested candidates are requested to submit their application via email
hrm@opm.gov.so and copy unsom-rolsig-i-ssr@un.org
Submission package
A cover letter with a brief presentation of your consultancy explaining your suitability for the work and link to portfolio of work.
All relevant academic certificates NISA Certificate or CID Certificate, Passport and or National Identification Card.
Applications submitted after the 07 July 2021will not be accepted.
Female candidates are highly encouraged to apply.

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