1. Background and context
1.1 Overall description
Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Germany (VSF-G) is an international Non-Governmental Organization, providing humanitarian aid and development assistance to pastoralists and vulnerable communities in areas where livestock is of importance. VSF-G support is in animal health; livestock-related agriculture, marketing, food safety, drought responses and mitigation, capacity development of communities and governmental institutions, peace and conflict resolution with the ultimate aim of food security and strengthened livelihoods of pastoralist communities.
The livestock accounts for about 60-70% of the total GDP and also employs 80% of the workforce in Somaliland: significantly contributing to the national economy. In different Somali communities, livestock producers are regarded as producers of milk and meat, income generators and stores of wealth. Fresh milk and other dairy products are a staple food, vital items of trade for daily income, but the actual local supply below demand in both urban and rural areas in terms of quantity and quality in Somaliland. The below demand milk supply of milk is a function of low hygienic and quality standards since most of the trade is done through informal channels, where rules and regulations, if any, are hardly observed.
About the project
VSF- Germany has been implementing the BMZ funded project to strengthen dairy and meat value chain for income and food safety in agro-pastoral systems in collaboration with the Ministry of Livestock and other stakeholders of Somaliland. In addition, the project will collaborate closely with other key stakeholders-at producers, trader and consumer levels while strengthening public and private partnership (PPP), particularly in the dairy and meat sectors.
The project aims to support the private sector as it is the driving force of economic development in Somaliland. In spite of the eminent role of the private sector, the public sector plays a key role by regulating, supervising and – if necessary enforcing – the respect for food safety in order to protect consumers and honest producers. Thus strengthening the capacities of the public sector to fully assume and exert this role is paramount. In order to ensure the sustainability of the action the private sector’s important role needs to be considered and a well-defined public-private partnership (PPP) need to be established.
In Somalia VSF Germany is directly implementing a 60 months (June 2014- April 30th, 2021) project funded by BMZ. The overall coordination of the project at the county level is conducted by the Ministry of Livestock and with the technical guidance of the Veterinary Department in Hargeisa. In addition, the project collaborates closely with District Authorities in the three districts of operation to ensure the success and attainment of its objective.
Project objectives and results
Overall Objective: Improvement of livelihood of dairy and meat-producing agro-pastoralists and of members of the milk and meat value chain through increased income and, hence, all year improved access to animal products at local markets for approximately 110,000 consumers in order to ensure their supply with high-quality protein. This consultancy work is intended to address activities under result 3 of the project:
Result 3: Capacity to regulate and provide services in dairy and meat sectors enhanced.
Expected achievement indicators
· At least one municipality produced a policy document and is able to regulate the dairy and meat sector by end of the project.
· At least 70% of dairy chain actors are organized into active structures and are linked to reliable institutions in dairy and meat value chain by end of the project
2. PPP consultancy purpose and target audience
2.1. Task type: Development of a policy paper on livestock products (milk and meat).
2.2. Purpose: To assess and discuss with all stakeholders and partners to document and inform the stakeholders’ particular the local government on appropriate and context-based policy in relationship with private-public partnership (PPP).
2.3. Target audience:
· Beneficiaries and stakeholders (government institutions and the private sector (meat and milk producers, vendors/processors, CAHWs and private veterinary drug suppliers)the PPP The policy development process on PPP will accord beneficiaries and stakeholders opportunity to participate in the review process to get feedback and needs of all actors in PPP. The outcome of the interaction will enable the development of context-based and area-specific policy development to the needs of the beneficiary and priorities of the stakeholders.
3. Private-public partnership objectives and scope
The overall purpose of the evaluation is to assess the progress made towards achieving expected outputs and results and identify and document lessons learned and to make recommendations to improve the project.
3.1. The Private-public partnership (PPP) objectives
· To Strength the linkages between government institutions and the private sector (meat and milk producers, vendors/processors, CAHWs and private veterinary drug suppliers) through PPP to properly manage the market facilities constructed in the project locations.
· To produce context-based and area-specific PPP policy paper or documents to be used as working guideline and documents
3.2. Period of the private-public partnership consultancy: 20th Feb -15 Mar 2021.
3.3. Approach and methodology:
The Consultant will carry out a rapid assessment of the management situation of PPP arrangements within the livestock products (milk and meat) in Maroodijex region, to understand the institutional framework of those facilities. Following the assessment of PPP operational framework in Hargeisa, the consultant will present various private-sector participation options to involve the private sector in the operations of the facilities newly constructed in the project locations, and make recommendations as to the best and preferred private sector participation option. Then, the consultant will organize consultative workshops with milk and meat sector stakeholders at the district level to present the findings of the rapid assessment for further discussions. Based on the discussions on the PPP options presented, the consultant will draft a policy agreement of PPP plan based on the consensus of stakeholders in each district.
The consultant will be expected to:
· Conduct a literature review of the relevant project document, baseline surveys conducted and review all existing policies in the meat and milk sectors to understand context and project.
· Conduct a rapid assessment of the management situation of PPP arrangements within the livestock sector in Maroodijex region.
· Present private-sector participation opportunities to involve the private sector in the operations of the facilities constructed in the project locations.
· Organize consultative workshops with milk and meat sector stakeholders at the district level for discussions on PPP arrangement at the district.
· Draft a policy agreement of PPP plan in each district.
3.4. Deliverables and timing
· Inception report including the rapid assessment report and work plan
· Consultative workshop’s report including findings and way forward.
· PPP policy for 5 districts specifying the roles and responsibilities of the different actors.
· Performance monitoring plan of the operations of milk and meat facilities (e.g. monitoring forms and tools).
· Final assignment report detailing the whole process.
NOTE: Further works or revisions of the report may be required and if the final report does not meet the requirements of the TOR, it may not be accepted and the client will be at liberty to reject it with service provider bearing the liability.
3.5. Geographic focus and target: Based on the project target areas, the consultant will work visit the project locations; Gabiley, Wajaale, Salaxley, Dacarbudhuq and Cadaadley districts of Maroodijeex region.
3.6. Tentative itinerary.
The entire assignment must be completed within 28 working calendar days from the start date, with the following timeline:
· Conduct a literature review of the relevant project document, baseline surveys conducted and review all existing policies in meat and milk sectors to understand context and project not later 4 days from the start of the task.
· Conduct a rapid assessment of the management situation of PPP arrangements within the livestock sector in Hargeisa and/ or Gabiley 4 days (including three travel days).
· Organize consultative workshops with milk and meat sector stakeholders at the district level for discussions on PPP arrangement at the district and presentation of the draft – 10 days
· Draft a policy agreement of PPP plan in each district 10 days
· Final assignment report detailing the whole process and Performance monitoring plan of the operations of milk and meat facilities (e.g. monitoring forms and tools) not later than 4 days after receiving feedback from VSF Germany and Stakeholders
3.7. Consultant Profile
· Minimum a master degree in public or Social Policy, Law, Public-private partnership, Public governance or other related fields.
· A minimum of 3 years of experience in Privatization sector.
· Prior working experience on the livestock sector in Somaliland
· Good Planning and organization skills.
· Fluency in English (written and verbal) and Somali is required.
· Demonstrated experience in working with NGOs and government institutions and other stakeholders in private sector programs.
· Vast experience in the area of the livestock value chain, marketing, product development or comparable assignments.
· Autonomous, working with minimal supervision.
· Result-oriented, the team player, exhibiting high levels of enthusiasm, diplomacy and integrity.
· Demonstrate excellent interpersonal and professional skills in interacting with communities and development partners;
· Skills in facilitation of stakeholder engagement/workshops;
· Evidence of having undertaken similar assignments
· A mix of experiences in agro-pastoral and pastoral production and market systems and social research methodologies.
· Extensive experience in the specific fields related to the ASAL and, particularly in Somalia context will be required.
· Excellent communication skills as well as demonstrated writing and presentation skills
3.8. Expression of interest.
Any person/firm interested in undertaking this task should send an expression of interest comprising:
Technical proposal; The technical proposal should briefly and clearly describe the following aspects; understanding of the task, technical aspect of the proposal, a methodology to be used (detailed implementation methodology), operational plan, and curriculum vitae (CV as an annexe) of the person to do the work and with contact details, Minimum of three references of similar work implemented, preferably INGO or local NOGO experiences and list of previous customers. Interested Institutions/ consultants are requested to read and strictly follow the detailed Terms of 15th February 2021.
· Financial proposal: The financial proposal/budget of the task should be broken down in details as follows: Consultancy fees, however, VSF Germany will cover transport and travel allowance outside Hargeisa. All costs must be in USD currency.
3.9. General
· The contact person in VSFG Somali Office, Hargeisa will be the Technical Advisor/PM.
· Required logistics support will be provided by VSF Germany as prescribed in the contract.
· All documents prepared during the assignment will be the property of VSF Germany and consortium partners.
· Assignment will not be sub-contracted to a third party by the consultant.
· In the event that, additional time is required to complete the assignment, over and above that previously agreed to, without changing the scope of work, then it has to be agreed with VSF Germany in writing.
· All the outputs – Reports, databases, etc. produced by this assignment will not be disseminated in part or whole without express authority from VSF-Germany. Thus the consultant shall not produce these materials in any form (electronic, hard copies, etc.) to a third party without written permission from VSF Germany.
· Confidentiality of all the assignment will be assured at all times.
How to apply
2.10. Application process
Interested Institutions/ consultants should read and strictly follow the detailed Terms of Reference (ToR) and submit both technical and financial proposals not later than Monday 15th February 2021, to recruitment@vsfg.org, with CC tani@vsfg.org. Please indicate “PPP Policy development Consultant” in the subject line. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.