Country | Somaliland |
Project locations | Awdal region |
Project Title | Resilience building project for food and nutrition security in Somaliland. |
Project No: | SOM-1028 |
Sector | Rural and Regional Development |
Project implementer | Welthungerhilfe |
Approved Budget | 600.000 Euros |
Donor | Private Donation (Beur private speude) |
Project Target beneficiaries | 4,612 Households |
Project duration | 39 months |
Project start period | October 2017 |
Project end period | February 2021 |
Evaluation Type | Independent Evaluator |
Evaluation Dates | 2nd week of Jan to 2 nd Feb 2021 |
Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e. V. is one of the largest non-governmental organizations in Germany operating in the humanitarian assistance and development fields. It was established in 1962, as the German section of the “Freedom from Hunger Campaign”, one of the world’s first initiatives aimed at the eradication of hunger. Welthungerhilfe’s work is still dedicated to the following vision: All people have a right to a self-determined life in dignity and justice, free from hunger and poverty.
By 2018, Welthungerhilfe and its partner organisations ran 404 international projects in 37 countries with an overall financing volume of EUR 184 million, comprised of private donations, public national and international funds.
In addition, Welthungerhilfe operates a marketing and fundraising department in Germany to engage and educate a wider public in development-related topics and to mobilize funds from currently more than 57,000 permanent private donors.
It has been implementing development projects in Somaliland since 2001. Multi-sectoral projects have been carried out in Awdal, Maroodi-Jeex, Togdheer & Sanaag Regions for the past 20 years.
Project goal:
To increase the resilience of 4612 households in Awdal region of Somaliland to drought related disasters through improved food and nutrition security.
Outcome 1 | Water availability for household and agricultural purposes is improved by integrated water resource management system | 1.1 Agricultural water availability for the target households is improved by 75% |
1.2 safe water supply systems are 90% sustainable at the end of the project | ||
1.3 Target communities are able to use Integrated water resource management system at the end of the 3rd project year | ||
Outcome 2 | Food access and consumption at household level is improved through diversified agricultural productivity and nutrition intervention | 2.1 By the end of the project period, 50% of women beneficiaries are able to consume 4 or more different food components (Women Dietary Diversity Score /WDDS) |
2.2 WASH services in the target area is improved by 10% | ||
Output 1.1 | Water availability for agricultural production in the target areas is improved | 1.1.1 All irrigation schemes are functional and are 95% efficient at the end of the project period; |
1.1.2 about 85% of soil and water conservation constructions at cultivated areas are stabilized at the end of the project period | ||
Output 1.2 | Water availability for household purpose is improved | 1.2.1 90% of the safe water supply systems are functional at the end of the project period |
1.2.2 At the project end, all water supply sources are well protected with soil water conservation activities and plantations | ||
Output 2.1 | Household income is increased by e-cash transfer (cash for work) system | 2.1.1 50 households (285 individuals) increased their income by involving in conditional cash transfer system for four months |
Output 2.2 | Agricultural productivity among the target households is improved | 2.2.1 At the end of the project time, irrigation producing households improved their productivity by 25%; |
2.2.2 At the end of the project period, rainfed beneficiaries increased their household production by 35% | ||
Output 2.3 | Awareness on improvement on proper household nutrition is increased | 2.3.1 At the end of the project period, at least 85% of the target households are aware of improvement of household nutrition condition |
2.3.2 hygiene and sanitation coverage in the target area is increased by 15% |
- Rational for the Evaluation
This evaluation is conducted as an exercise of accountability towards the donor and the beneficiaries at its final implementation stage. The evaluation will be conducted by an independent evaluator.
- Objectives of the Evaluation
- To determine how effectively and efficiently project outputs/outcomes are achieved and has contributed to the overall and specific objectives of the project.
- To assess the project interventions are likely to be sustainable beyond the project lifetime.
- To identify the good practices and lesson learnt for future programming
- Elements covered by the evaluation
- This evaluation will be focused on the intervention locations of Awdal region. The evaluator will consider the goals and objectives of the project in comparison to the project interventions at field level.
- The project evaluation will be based on the Development Assistance Committee DAC criteria (Design, Coherence, Coverage, Relevance and Appropriateness, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Sustainability and Likelihood of Impact) that will be followed by the evaluator.
- Identify unintended changes, both positive and negative, in addition to the expected results.
- Cross-cutting issues
Throughout the evaluation process, gender concerns should be addressed in line with the organization Policy. All data should be disaggregated by sex and age. Different needs of women, men and of marginalized groups targeted by the project should be considered throughout the evaluation process. Moreover, the community participation should be emphasized and how Welthungerhilfe ensures that communities were involved throughout the programme cycle.
- Intended users: project participants, Welthungerhilfe project staff, Welthungerhilfe country office, Welthungerhilfe Head Office.
- Primary users: line ministries.
The evaluation will consider all activities that have been implemented under this project that were financed from the development account. It should examine the performance of the project in accordance with its logical framework. More specifically, the evaluation should address the following issues:
- Relevance:
- Whether the project design and choice of activities and deliverables have properly reflected and addressed the needs of the beneficiaries, and alignment with the objectives of the project Logframe.
- Whether the planned and actual activities and outputs of the project were consistent with the intended outcomes and impact.
- Effectiveness:
- Whether the activities have achieved planned objectives as enunciated in the project’s Logframe and produced beneficial results.
- What were the main factors influencing the outcomes of this project, either negatively or positively; what are the lessons to be learned for a replication of the project approach to other locations.
- Efficiency:
- Have resources and funds been used efficiently, leveraging in-house expertise, previous interventions and other resources to optimize the project outcomes.
- Have the project activities been delivered in a timely manner?
- Sustainability:
- Whether the activities have been designed and implemented in such a way to ensure maximum sustainability of their impact, for instance, whether beneficiary country stakeholders were actively involved in the initiation, design and implementation of the project.
- Impact:
- What are the effects of the project on beneficiaries?
- Have there been any unintended outcomes, either positive or negative?
The evaluation methodology will be proposed by the evaluator after thorough study of TOR’s requirement. The evaluator is expected to use mixed methods approach and/or Most Significant Change Technique (MSCT), collecting both qualitative and quantitative information from targeted household and communities. Moreover, for triangulation of the information, interviews of other key stakeholders i.e. project beneficiaries, WASH committees, women group, project key staff etc.
Field Mission
Primary data collection techniques
The Welthungerhilfe will engage data collectors to conduct interview/FGD/Surveys designed by evaluator from key project staff, beneficiaries/Communities etc.
Evaluation Report:
Outline- Section | Pages | Content |
Cover page and opening pages | 2–3 | n type of report (evaluation report)n the type of the evaluation (external midterm or external final)
n the title of the project that is evaluated, project number, country, donor n name of the evaluator(s)/company, date n Welthungerhilfe and the partner organization as the commissioning parties n the logos of Welthungerhilfe, the relevant donors and the partner organisations n a photo representing a project activity for a good visual impression of the report n table of contents n list of figures and tables abbreviations and acronyms |
0. Executive summary | 3–5 | The executive summary is an independent and self- explanatory document and includes:n overview of the project being evaluated (project purpose, main activities, target group, intervention area, implementing structure)
n evaluation objectives and intended users/audience n Evaluation design and Methods n most important findings and conclusions, following the sequence in which these are presented in the main report main recommendations |
1. Introduction | 1–2 | n Scope and purpose of the evaluation, intended audience, team compositionn The overarching Evaluation Questions
Were there any changes to the evaluation questions proposed in the ToR? |
2. Description of project and context | 2–3 | n Overview of the project, using the table providing basic project data (see the table below)Project summary of the intervention area(s), e.g. project purpose and main activities, project participants |
3. Methodological approach | 2–5 | n Description of the evaluation design and main methods used, their appropriateness and why they were chosen (also in light of gender-responsiveness, triangulation, use of existing monitoring or complaints-response-mechanism data), as well as their limitationsn Description of sampling / rationale and selection process, as well as criteria for data sources
n If you have evaluated against a DAC criterion or logframe or any other type of framework, you should make refer- ence to it here and include it an annex n Level and type of participation of the project partici- pants n Key constraints to carrying out the evaluation (e.g. lack of time, constrained access to project participants lack baseline / monitoring data), and their effect Any biases in the evaluation process or evaluation team and how these were mitigated |
4. Findings and Conclusions | 8–15 | n Organised by evaluation criteria (OECD/DAC), by evaluation questions or other framework appropriate to the evaluation and its intended users.n presents findings and respective evidence, con-
clusions, i.e the evaluators justified appraisal of (aspects of) the project. |
5. Recommendations | 2–5 | Have to be:n Clearly linked to findings and conclusions
n Clear, relevant, reflecting any constraints to follow-up n Presented in priority order, with a timeframe for implementation, suggesting where responsibility for follow-up should lie n Limited in number (5–15 recommendations) |
Annexes | n Annex 1: Terms of reference (mandatory)n Annex 2: Evaluation matrix (mandatory)
n Annex 3: Data-collection instruments, incl. information on informed consent handling (mandatory) n Annex 4: Project planning matrix / logframe (mandatory) n Annex 5: Travel and work schedule (mandatory) n Annex 6: Debriefing notes (mandatory) n Annex 7: Sources (e.g. bibliography, people interviewed) (mandatory) n Annex 8: Management response matrix (mandatory) n Annex 9 : Standard project assessment according to OECD/ DAC criteria (mandatory) n Maps (optional) n Photos, incl. credits, informed consent handling (optional) Others (as required) |
Individual consultant | Welthungerhilfe |
Detailing the methodology stakeholders to be interviewed, tools to be developed. | · Provide all required background materials to the consultant in a timely manner.· Providing data/information for desk review |
drafting the first report and adjust any comments/feedback provided by Welthungerhilfe staff.Releasing final report | · Review and comment on deliverables· Provide guidance where necessary
· Welthungerhilfe will facilitate data collection from field and provide logistics for the field data collectors. |
Liaise with Welthungerhilfe staff | · Review and provide feedback to the project evaluation report |
The following deliverables are expected to be produced by the evaluator(s):
- Evaluation report as draft and final (define language, 25–35 pages main text, including the executive summary but excluding the front page, table of contents and annexes). The evaluation report has to contain an executive summary of a maximum 5 pages and several mandatory annexes. An outline for the evaluation report will be provided to the evaluator(s).
The key documents to be reviewed for the evaluation study are as follows:
- Project document (proposal, log frame)
- Baseline Report
- Monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual reports
- Training reports
- Any district level secondary data and other relevant documents and reports.
The data collection phase in the field is to be, confirmed between the consultant and Welthungerhilfe, but ideally would start in third week of January 2021, with the final report deadline to Welthungerhilfe by the third week of February 2021.
Phase | Deliverables | Working days |
Methodology and Tools development phase | Methodology and tools, approved by Welthungerhilfe Project team. | 4 |
Data collection phase | Welthungerhilfe will collect data from the field. | [1]10 |
Data analyses phase | draft of the report | 4 |
Evaluation report phase | Draft Evaluation Report, for comment by project team.Final Evaluation Report | 4 |
Validation | Presenting main findings to project staff | 1 |
Total | 23 |
- At least Master’s degree in Agriculture, Development Studies, or a related field
- At least 7 years’ experience in working for project evaluation sectoral programs relating to agriculture, WASH and livelihood program
- Demonstrated experience with quantitative and qualitative research, data base management and statistical data analysis
- Experience of working in West of Somaliland.
- Experience of evaluating Agriculture/WASH programs
- Proven record of communicating with beneficiaries.
Applicants have to provide:
- The financial part should focus only consultant fee as evaluator will not require to do field work.
- CV with
Submission of application
Applications should be submitted electronically to info.somaliland@welthungerhilfe.de on or before Tuesday the 12th Jan 2021 at 5:00 pm – East African Time, with attachments in pdf and a subject line: Financial Proposal.
[1] Welthungerhilfe will do data collection in the field