Terms of Reference (ToR) for Consultant to Offer IT Support to the Office – Hargeisa, Somaliland

Terms of Reference (ToR) for Consultant to Offer IT Support to the Office.

Organisation/Agency BBC Media Action, Somalia Country Office
Consultancy Assignment Information Technology Consultancy (IT)
Assignment Location Hargeisa, Somaliland
Reporting To: BBC Media Deputy Country Director but works closely with London HQ IT Support
Duration Continuous
Possible start date December 2020

Background to the organization

BBC Media Action was founded in 1999 as an international development charity. BBC Media Action uses media and communication to reduce poverty and promote human rights in developing countries. We partner with civil society organizations, local media and governments to: (i) Produce creative programmes based on robust research in multi-media formats which inform and engage audiences around key development issues and (ii) Strengthen the media sector through building professional capacity and equipping the stations.

  1. The Consultancy Purpose

The purpose of this consultancy work is to provide overall IT Support to BBC Media Action Somalia office and often work closely with the UK Technology Team to support in country IT systems.

  1. The Scope of the Consultancy

The Consultant will:

  • Provide the office team helpdesk support and ensure end-user system is running smoothly by providing system administration and maintenance.
  • Manage the deployment, monitoring, maintenance, development, upgrade, and support of all current IT systems, including LAN, WLAN and wi-fi connectivity, PCs, operating systems, software applications, and peripherals
  • Manage Total network, core switch, Routing and Firewall;
  • Manage Storage system (SAN or NAS Drives);
  • Manage Local conferencing systems (video/audio);
  • Ensure Server Management (including backup, security etc) is done effectively;
  • Anti-virus management;
  • Email management
  • Data Centre Power Management
  • Local Technology Projects – e.g. online projects, upgrades etc
  • Team management
  • User desktop, Laptop, printer, scanner maintenance and troubleshooting.
  • Smart phone configuration
  • User training
  • Maintenance of broadcast technology systems (studio, edit facilities)
  • Understand and comply with the Safeguarding policy and the staff Code of Conduct including Respect at Work
  • Any other tasks as may be reasonably assigned by the line manager


  1. Technical and Financial Proposal

The Consultant/consultancy firm is required to prepare and submit a technical and Financial proposal based on this Terms of Reference (TOR).

The proposal should contain:

  1. Technical proposal with:
    1. Detailed need delivery methodology.
  2. Financial proposal including daily rate
  1. Additional Requirements:
  • A profile of the individual consultant or firm and a sample of similar work performed.
  • A list of three references.
  • A commitment of availability for the next two years
  • 2 reports from similar assignments, performed by Consultant or firm.
  1. Qualifications and Requirements
  • A Bachelor’s degree in computer science or equivalent education and experience
  • Evidence of provision of similar consultancy including experience in working in a multi-office environment preferably with non-profit organizations.
  • Demonstrated ability to work with the Senior Management Team of an organization, and to manage multiple concurrent projects
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • Excellent problem-solving, analytical and evaluative skills Must be committed to respecting deadlines of delivery outputs within the agreed timeframe.
  1. Expressions of interest

Interested individuals or Firms should submit their technical and financial proposal to info@so.bbcmediaaction.org latest by 4 December 2020.

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