Terms of Reference (TOR) for Consultant to Develop a full Proposal

Terms of Reference (TOR) for Consultant to Develop a full Proposal

Reference: Europe-Aid//174017/DD/ACT/SO

Job title

Proposal Development Consultant


Remote and On site as need

Reporting to

Program Coordinator – Urban Youth Program


Time input

20 days


Call for proposal

The European Union Delegation to the Federal Republic of Somalia has launched a call for proposal worth €4 million for the thematic Programme –Civil Society Organisations as actors of good governance and development in Somalia. The thematic programme for Civil Society Organisations4 (CSOs) has its legal basis on Regulation (EU) 2021/947 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 June 2021 establishing the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument – Global Europe. It builds on the achievements and lessons learned of the CSO-LA (Civil Society Organisations and Local Authorities) programme 2014-2020. It is the only programme with a clear actor-based mandate, and it has the overall objective to strengthen civil society organisations (CSOs) as independent actors of good governance and development in their own right. The programme preserves the key features of its predecessor in its actor-based nature, its comprehensiveness and worldwide coverage.

In the framework of the Country Roadmaps for EU and Member States engagement with civil society (CSO Roadmaps), all initiatives under the Action will aim at and contribute to strengthening civil society partner’s institutional and operational capacity through a comprehensive approach; enabling and ensuring their participation; and on improving the environment in which they operate. In this regard, the EU Delegation to the Federal Republic of Somalia in consultation with Member States and CSOs has updated the previous EU Roadmap for engagement with civil society in Somalia (2017-2020) in order to improve the impact, predictability and coherence of EU support both in policy dialogue and operational functions. The EU Roadmap (2021-2025) provides the basis for a common and dynamic EU strategic framework for the EU’s engagement with civil society. It outlines three specific objectives for the EU Delegation’s and EU Member States’ engagement with civil society in Somalia and the priorities of the new Call are part of the priorities identified in the Roadmap:

  1. Obj. 1: Enhancing efforts to promote an enabling environment for CSOs
  2. Obj. 2: Support enhanced institutional, technical and financial capacities of local CSOs in Somalia to increase their credibility as partners in development;
  3. Obj. 3: Promote enhanced local CSO participation in dialogue, policy formulation and advocacy through collaboration, partnerships and networking of Somali CSOs across geographical and thematic areas.


The global objective of this call for proposals is to strengthen local CSOs as independent actors of good governance and development in their own right. The action aims to contribute to an inclusive, participatory, empowered, and independent civil society and democratic space in partner countries; and an inclusive and open dialogue with and between civil society organizations.

The specific objective(s) of this call for proposals are:

  1. To strengthen local CSOs’ capacities to engage in policy dialogue, implementation and monitoring of national development plans and programmes
  2. To enhance local governance through participation of CSOs in public decision-making processes and in social accountability
  3. To increase local CSO capacities to engage in gender equality

Proposals should respond to a minimum of one of the three specific objectives above

In response to this call for proposal, CARE and two national partners (PUNSA and SOYDEN) are planning to submit a full proposal to the EU by the deadline of 16th August 2022 and if shortlisted, the Consortium will submit a full proposal to EU.

Objective of the Consultancy

The overall objective of this consultancy is to support the Consortium led by CARE and comprising two national NGOs to prepare and submit a full proposal in line with the approved concept note for a total budget of EUR 1,375,000 under LOT 2.

Specific Activities to be undertaken:

The Consultant will have the following responsibilities:

  • Become rapidly familiar with:
    • The specificities of the CARE Program (including Urban Youth Program and the Theory of Change)
    • ECs proposal format and tender requirements
    • Background material including: CARE work with Civil Society in the region funded by EU or other donors.
          • Organization of Work:
    • Determine all tasks necessary to prepare the full proposal
    • Confirm the work plan with the program team, firming the timeline for all tasks and assign persons responsible for these tasks;
    • Monitor the progress of all tasks against the work plan and make adjustments as necessary.
  • Design:
  • Conduct internal/external desk analysis through literature review and meetings with the proposal team comprising CARE and national partner staff. .
  • Organize a planning workshop/meeting with key staff and partners
    • Develop the proposal in collaboration with all the stakeholders.
    • Log frame development
  • Writing/Editing:
  • Primary responsibility for writing the full proposal.
  • Edit and incorporate the input of other team members into the proposal.
  • Deliver quality product against an agreed schedule;
  • Ensure that the tone, content, and design of the full proposal correspond to the requirements of EC CfP and the approved concept note.
  • Liaise with the Grants Manager to ensure coherence between narrative and budgetary elements for the full proposal.

Expected outputs:

The consultant should submit to CARE Somalia a complete and comprehensive Full Proposal in response to Lot 2 of the EC guidelines, in line with the approved concept note and in accordance with the specified timeframe.

The consultant will work with a team of CARE staff to prepare the full proposal in accordance with the EC format. This includes a:

  • Narrative proposal
  • Log-frame
  • Budget


The consultant will work remotely to prepare the full proposal and will be supervised by:

  • Deputy Country Director –Programs and Urban Youth Program coordinator
  • The consultant will work with a team of CARE Somalia & consortium partners and CARE Netherlands staff to ensure proper consolidation/integration and synergy amongst all programs:

CARE Somalia:

CARE Somalia will provide information, logistics and resources required: staffing and mobility. Specifically, CARE will undertake:

  • Provide the information/materials required by the consultant for the completion of the CN and proposal through preparation of necessary documents and staff meetings
  • Organize meetings with staff and other partners as necessary
  • Pay the consultant fee as per the agreed upon contract

During the mission CARE and partners will ensure timely and adequate personnel support in terms of availability and capacities of key staff

  1. Qualifications:

He or she will have the following competencies:

  • Master’s degree in international development or related field;
  • 4 years’ experience in EC proposal writing skills
  • Track record in projects in Civil Society strengthening and good governance
  • Capacity to work with a multi-sector team and coordinate technical input into proposal.
  • Capacity to conduct a workshop with partner organizations and local stakeholders and compile input into proposal remotely.
  • Ability to work rapidly with staff in the HQ directly and with field staff remotely in writing the proposal and where necessary revising the proposal(s).
  • Familiarity with EC requirements and capacity to work in a multi-donor environment
  • Good program design skills, including capacity to prepare logical, coherent and consistent proposal with related budget and log frames.
  • Fluent in English (both reading and writing);
  • Excellent analytic and communication skills;
  • Have an understanding of operating conditions in an insecure environment;
  1. Timeframe


Proposals must follow EU Project Cycle Management Guidelines (3/2004) and the design of the intervention and indicators must reflect a gender sensitive approach.


Description of Activities


Man days



Review of relevant documents





Design workshop/meeting with partners





First draft log-frame





Development of draft proposal, including narrative, log-frame, budget, communication and visibility plan and work plan



Consultant /Team


Description of activities




Log-frame (2nd draft)


Sustainability of the action


Second draft full proposal




Final edits ahead of submission




Proposal submitted to CARE Nederland


Total days


How to apply

Please send your complete application by email. The subject of the email should read: Proposal Development Consultant: Som.consultant@care.org not late 20/July-202

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