Terms of Reference (ToR)
Baseline assessment of the Project: Strengthening local governance structures for more accountable and inclusive Federal Member States in support of the Wadajir National Framework – Phase II
Subject | Baseline Assessment |
Project donor | European Union (EU) |
Implementer | FCA in partnership with CRD & EISA |
Project Location | Hirshabelle State, South West State, Galmudug State & Jubbaland State |
Duration | 30 working days |
Application closing date | February, 28, 2021 |
FCA is the biggest development cooperation organization and second biggest humanitarian aid organization in Finland. FCA is currently operating in 13 countries in Asia, Africa and the Middle East and is specialized in three thematic priority areas: Right to Peace (R2P), Right to Livelihood (R2L) and Right to Quality Education (R2QE). In Somalia, FCA began its operation in 2007 through support to peace building initiatives in Somaliland and Puntland. Following the success of the interventions, FCA Somalia expanded its operation to other parts of South Central of Somalia in 2013, evolving from community level peace building initiatives to state building and state formation interventions at FGS and FMS levels. FCA Somalia also facilitated the state formation process between 2014 and 2015 which resulted in the formation of the Galmudug State. With the financial support from the EU, FCA implemented the project on strengthening local governance structures for more accountable and inclusive Federal Member States in support of the Wadajir National Framework – Phase I, from 2016 to early 2018. The support led to the successful establishment and election of district councils of two new councils, Hudur and Berdale, of South West State of Somalia in accordance with the Wadajir National Framework on Local Governance. Two women were elected as female district councilors for Berdale district among the 21 elected district councilors. FCA Somalia in partnership with EISA and CRD is currently implementing another four-year project on strengthening local governance structures for more accountable and inclusive FMSs in support of the Wadajir National Framework – Phase II.
Brief description about the project:
Phase II of the project seeks to improve the ability and strengthen the capacity of the Federal Member States (FMS) to support the formation of functional and effective local councils and administrations. In the long-term, the communities in the targeted districts will have access to improved service delivery. War, conflict and autocratic rule decimate the foundations of government institutions, leaving them non-existent, weak and/or lacking credibility. Populations lose voice in political and developmental processes, if they ever had one. Rebuilding institutions, including local governance system is one of the critical tasks of a new government. It is important to understand how to establish a local governance system with the help of central leadership, minimize or co-opt local and national spoilers, facilitate change amongst local authorities to assume the role of a client-oriented service provider, and ensure the participation and ownership by the local community who must sustain the system.
In order to support a district formation process which, the citizens of the target districts and the (s)elected and appointed leaders fully own, FCA and its consortium partners focus its programme on four main areas of the Wadajir Framework developed in 2016: social reconciliation, civic dialogue, district council and administration formation, and strategic communication. It is expected that by utilizing a flexible and holistic approach the Federal Member States will support the formation of a more inclusive local governance system. While project originally focuses on improving capacity of three major FMSs: Jubbaland, Hirshabelle and Galmudug States of Somalia, it recently explores the possibility of initiating the DCF process in the Lower Shabelle region of South West State, attributed to the positive development and new opening in the area.
Objectives of the project
Overall Objective: To contribute to the strengthening of stability in Somalia through the inclusive formation of district councils and authorities.
Specific Objective: To strengthen gender and youth inclusive governance and administration in the targeted districts of Somalia.
Result 1: Targeted districts have increased legitimacy and awareness on social reconciliation by strengthening gender and youth inclusive governance
Result 2: District councils and administrations are formed and established mainstreaming both gender and youth decision making into the process
Result 3: Nationally standardized working processes and system are supported immediately after the district are formed.
Progress to date
The project Phase II targets ten districts in the three FMSs: four districts in Jubbaland, three districts in Hirshabelle and another three districts in Galmudug. Currently, only 9 districts out of 10 were identified, selected and approved by the respective governments and relevant stakeholders. Another district in Galmudug is yet to be identified. Throughout the first 25 months of the project implementation district formation has been kicked off in five districts across Galmudug, Hirshabelle and Juballand. Key milestones have been reached through the successful formation of two districts: Galkacyo and Afmadow with the elections of 5 and 2 women as members of these newly formed district councils respectively.
In Galmudug, the DCF was successfully accomplished in Galkacyo following the election of the new council members in October 2020 with the council inaugurated on 25th of December 2020, a ceremony that saw the prime minister of the federal government (Mohamed Hussein Roble) and Galmudug president (Qorqoor) participated alongside other high stakeholders from EU and UN who joined the event virtually. While in Hirshabelle, the process is still in a stalemate, due to disagreement between the local clans in Buloburde and Jowhar districts. With the assistance of Hirshabelle authority, the consortium expects to expedite the process, by starting state-wide social reconciliation activities and community dialogues to address the conflicts and tensions among the local clans. Discussions with Hirshabelle’s top leadership in Mogadishu are ongoing with the view to re-engage and advance the process, despite the potential challenges of the upcoming state and Federal elections.
Despite the political challenges between the federal government and Jubbaland administration, the consortium was able to lobby for the successful formation of Afmadow district in September 2020. However, the consortium is yet to initiate any action in other agreed three districts of Gedo region: Dollow, Luuq and Belet xawo due to the impasse between the federal government and the state’s top administration.
Even though South West State was not a target state during the initial planning phase of the project, it was unanimously agreed among the consortium, donor and SWS government to include Barawe as a target district. COPESA assessment was successfully done by an independent consultant in October 2020. The DCF process is expected to be kicked off within the coming months since the consortium has already engaged with key actors including SWS MOI.
Assessment purpose and objectives
The purpose of this assessment is to establish baseline values for the project indicators which will act as a benchmark for comparison with the mid-term and final evaluation. Though the project is midway in its implementation, the baseline values will be beneficial for tracking indicators and project objectives, considering the delay faced in conducting baselines assessment at the project initiation due to challenges highlighted above.
The objective of the baseline assessment is to help track project indicators so that FCA M&E and program staff are able to showcase milestones reached against the set objectives.
The baseline assessment of the project is intended to achieve the following objectives:
- Establish and validate the project progress/status against the agreed activities and indicators (as applicable) to date.
- Establish the project baseline including specific tools and methodologies based on the project logical framework to enable monitoring and evaluation of the project impact and progress against the results.
- Provide recommendations to the consortium on the way forwards.
A mixed-method, a combined qualitative and quantitative approach will be expected to be deployed to gather key data in order to deliver the three objectives of the baseline assessment. Assessment questions, topics and specific methods will be further specified during the inception stage in close cooperation with FCA Somalia team and key stakeholders. The project logical framework will be the basis for this assessment. The methodologies will include, but not limited to, desk review of existing data and reports (secondary data) which will help in establishing the progress status to date and compile data on some of the logframe indicators, interviews and field surveys in the selected districts of the target locations to establish baseline values for some indicator and focus group discussion with different stakeholder groups.
The baseline assessment of the EU LG project will be carried out through a participatory approach where key stakeholders in the target FMSs and key technical structures/committees spearheading the DCF process, community leaders, clan elders, religious leaders, representative of the community groups particularly women and youth and other local government officials, are consulted. The assessment is expected to be conducted in Barawe district of South West State and Adaado district of Galmudug state of Somalia.
Since the project emphasizes on the importance of inclusivity of women and youth, the tools, methodology and overall report should pay particular attention to the issues and data collected should be disaggregated by sex, age groups and location. The consultant firm should come up with innovative ways of ensuring that the data collection process is done while observing Covid-19 precaution measures.
Expected Deliverables
A consultancy team is expected to deliver the following deliverables
Table: Timeline for Deliverables and related Activities
Activity | Deliverable | Time allocated |
Development of the baseline assessment design, methodology and detailed workplan | Inception report | 2 days |
Inception Meeting /Initial briefing | ||
Development of the data collection tools including development of tools and methodology for perception survey, KAP survey and media monitoring for data collection in relation to the project logical framework | Tools | 4 days |
Documents review and stakeholder consultations | Draft report+ raw data | 20 days |
Field Visits | ||
Data analysis and debriefing of key findings for FCA Somalia and its consortium members | ||
Draft baseline assessment report, and update logical framework of the project with baseline value and updated tools in relation to perception survey, KAP and media monitoring for further use by the project for regular monitoring activities | ||
Validation Workshop | ||
Finalization of report incorporatingadditions and comments provided by the consortium members and final project’s logical framework | Final assessmentreport | 4 days |
Reporting format
Final report should not be more than 40 pages, excluding the appendixes, the following should be including the reporting:
- Executive summary (2 pages)
- Introduction (0.5-1 page)
- Intervention and context (3 pages)
- Methodology (2-3 pages)
- Findings (15 pages)
- Recommendations (2-3 pages)
- Lessons learned (2-3 pages)
- Conclusion (2 pages)
- Appendixes – including updated project’s logical framework with updated tools and methodology to enable regular monitoring of progress, baseline assessment’s ToR, data gathered, tools and list of people participated in data collection
Reporting line
The consultancy team shall work under the close technical supervision of FCA MEAL team leader and Business Development Manager and overall supervision of FCA Program Manager and EU LG Project Manager.
Duty Station
The duty station of the work is in Somalia mainly in Mogadishu, South West State and Galmudug State of Somalia. The consultant team is required to travel and manage the overall field work in up to two target project sites approved by FCA at the beginning of the process (Barawe and Adaado districts). The consortium’s field team in each location will provide the overall coordination and facilitations support to the consultant team in carrying out the interviews and consultations.
Scope of Price Proposal and Schedule of Payments
The consultant shall be paid the consultancy fee upon completion and approval of the following milestones.
- 30% after adoption of the inception report
- 30% after presentation of the draft report
- 40% after the approval of the final report
The consultancy fee instalments will be paid as an installment based on the mentioned percentages. The contract price will be fixed regardless of changes in the cost components.
Required expertise and qualification
Minimum requirements for the Consultancy Firm
- Must be properly registered in accordance with country laws and legislation (for Consultant Firms)
- Must have excellent written and spoken English and Somali languages
- Must have demonstrated experience of successfully carrying out at least two peacebuilding and local governance project/program’s baseline assessments and/or mid-term review and evaluations
- Must have enough human resources/pool of enumerators that can simultaneously carryout the data collection in the target locations
Timeframe for the Evaluation Process
- The baseline assessment will be conducted from March 15 2021 and rolled out over an estimated period of one and a half month, with a total of 30 working days. Upon signing of the contract, the consultancy firm/team will be given the necessary working documents for reference. The assessment location is to be undertaken in Barawe district of Lower Shabeele region (SWS) and Adaado district of Galgadud region (Galmudug state).
Request for quotation and bids assessment
The Technical Proposal should include:
- An up-to-date curriculum vitae of the lead consultants of the Consultancy (max. 3 pages/per consultant)
- A statement indicating how the qualifications and experience of the consultant/s or consultancy firm respond to the requirements of the tasks and make the Consultant/ Consultancy Firm suitable for this particular assignment (max. 2 pages)
- At least two written samples of previous baseline studies, reviews or evaluations on peacebuilding and local governance projects/programs and 3 professional references (max. 1 page)
- Proposed draft methodology and work plan for delivery of the services (max. 3 pages)
The Financial Proposal should include (expressed in US dollars):
- Total budget, including break down of daily fee and estimation of the number of required working days,VAT, travel expenses, insurance & taxes
Selection Criteria
Submissions will be evaluated in consideration of the Evaluation Criteria as stated below:
Criteria | Score (weight in %) | Scoring method |
Curriculum Vitae (s) | 20 | Total 20 points– 8 points for relevant degree
– 8 points for sufficient work experience – 4 points for sufficient language skills |
Statement on qualification/expertise | 20 | Total 20 points– 10 points experience and methodological expertise in assessing and evaluating interventions in the field of peacebuilding and state building, reconciliation and local governance
– 10 points expertise on Somali context and culture, peacebuilding and state building, and local governance programmes in the country and good understanding of the Somalia government structure |
Proposed draft methodology and work plan for delivery of the services | 30 | Total 30 points– 10 points for the Rationale and approach
– 10 points for assessment methods proposed – 10 points for assessment questions |
Financial Proposal | 30 | Total 30 pointsBreak down of expenses required.
Lowest bid receives full points. The other candidate scores are calculated proportionally. |
MAX 100 points
Terms of contract
- The Consultant/Consultancy Firm is responsible for payment of all social costs, other employment related costs and for all other liabilities of a statutory nature.
- The Consultant/Consultancy will have to abide by FCA Code of Conduct, Child Safeguarding policy and any other relevant policies.
- Copyright for the assessment report will remain with FCA
- FCA reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, and to annul the bidding process and reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to Bidders.
- FCA has zero tolerance concerning aid diversion and illegal actions and may screen consultants against international lists to ensure due diligence and compliance with Anti-money laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism requirements.
- FCA is not responsible for bank charges.
Application process:
If you meet the above qualifications and requirements and you are interested in the Consultancy, please send your technical and financial proposal and other requirements as described above to the email address procurement.soco@kua.fi by February 28, 2021, 23.00 (EAT).
Please put “EU LG Baseline Assessment” as the subject heading.
Late, incomplete or partial bids will be rejected.
Female lead consultant and/or fair composition of women in the composition of the team are highly encouraged
FCA practices zero-tolerance against concerning aid diversion and illegal actions and may screen [contractor/external party name] (i.e., applicants, contracts, suppliers, consultants, etc.) against international lists to ensure due diligence and compliance with Anti-money laundering and Combating the Financing of terrorism requirements). FCA’s Child Safeguarding Policy applies to all FCA staff.