Terms of Reference (TOR) – Conducting the gender audit at school level
1. Background
CARE International in Somalia/Somaliland with funding from the European Commission is implementing the three year Education Empowerment through Cohesive and Harmonized System (HEIII) project, with the aim to contribute to a sustainable, cohesive education system offering relevant services to the majority of the relevant age groups in Somaliland. The project, started in January 2019 and will end in December 2021.
Horumarinta Elmiga III overall objective of the Action is ‘Improved educational attainment for school-age boys and girls in Somaliland’ and the specific objective is, ‘Increased access to equitable and inclusive quality education for school-age boys and girls in Somaliland’, in line with the objectives of the EU’s Somaliland Education Sector Support Program (SESSP). This will be achieved through three outcome areas:
- Increased access to equitable and inclusive basic education for children: The Action will continue to contribute significantly to the increased enrolment of pupils in Somaliland and ensure continuity in service delivery from Horumarinta Elmiga II by working with the same schools and pupils, as well as including additional schools in underserved areas. Horumarinta Elmiga III will have a greater focus on equity and inclusivity, targeting hard-to-reach communities, such as rural and pastoralists populations, and the most marginalized and excluded groups, namely girls and children with special needs/disabilities, who face arrange of barriers and challenges in accessing education.
- Improved learning outcomes for boys and girls in school through increasing the availability of qualified teachers’ in classrooms through the provision of pre-service teacher training at the Teacher Training Institute in Hargeisa through teacher capacity to deliver quality education is enhanced, school management to drive quality education is strengthened and boys and girls acquire core skills and competencies to learn.
- Increased capacity of MOES at all levels to lead, manage and monitor the education system through adopting a more comprehensive and coordinated approach across the numerous projects and funding steams to the education sector in Somaliland.
Gender Mainstreaming is a requirement for all partner programmes and CARE with other partners have committed themselves to implement this policy, with one year left for project implementation. In order to deepen the understanding of what girls face at school, the action will conduct a gender audit in the supported schools. The audit will among other things focus on the progress made in achieving gender equality, equity and mainstreaming, reviewing progress made in improving girls’ participation in education trends. The audit will specifically focus on participation by gender, teachers’ proportion, performance in examinations, policy front and gender policy, education budget for gender specific programmes and activities among others. A recommendation will then be arrived at. It is vital for the project to understand how to the policy is being mainstreamed in practice and more importantly identify areas for improvement Hence Horumarinta-Elmiga-III program is looking for an experienced consultant to conduct a comprehensive gender audit in Somaliland.
2. The purpose of the study
The purpose of the study is to identify and understand project approaches and the progress made in achieving the gender equality, equity and mainstreaming at the activity and output level
2.1.Specific objectives**
· Assessment of project staff capacity assessment or understanding of gender equality and equity mainstreaming both at national and school level.
· A comprehensive review of the project approaches to gender equality and equity at school level.
· Assessment of the progress in achieving gender equality and equity in access and retention to basic education.
· Assess the gender participation in teaching proportions and equality classroom engagement.
· Assess the gender performance in examination and progress in completion rates.
· Assess any affirmative action’s/activities at school level for improving gender equality.
· Identification of the current challenges and areas of concerns.
· Formulate recommendation to ensure project effectively addresses identified gaps.
3. Scope of the assignment
The consultant will specifically focus
· Strategies in place to address the gender disparities
· School enrolment, retention and gender participation
· Gender participation in teaching and girl’s engagement at classrooms level
· Girls performance in examinations
· Girls’ access to extra curriculum activities
· Teaching practice and girl’s engagement
· School infrastructure and availability of girl friendly structure
4. Proposed methodology of the Gender auditing consultant.
In each of the above areas, the consultant is expected to
· Review the gender mainstreaming policy/strategy that inform the current practices of the above areas.
· Assess the current statues of gender equality thorough conducting a desk review of the latest education progress reports.
· Discussions with project staff both at national and field level, gauge capacity and review how effectively the project is addressing gender equity and equality.
· Key informant interview with key MOES relevant officials
· Field visits and randomly select some of the target schools and assess the progress in achieving gender equality and gender equity.
· Asses the
· Develop practical mainstreaming guidelines for mainstreaming Gender Equality and Equity that can be adopted by project partner organizations
· Prepare and present a report on the Gender Audit
· Make necessary adjustments as requested and provide final report in electronic form
5. Deliverables
The consultant is expected to deliver a gender audit report indicating the gender issues at school with a clear strategies and recommendations on how to address it.
6. Management and supervision of consultancy
The consultant will report to CARE international with day-to-day supervision by the CARE Education program Manager in collaboration with the Horumarinta Elmiga III consortium Manager.
Application procedure and requirements
Proposal submission Interested and qualified (individual or institutional) consultants are invited to submit their proposal(s) comprising the following:
a) Technical proposal – including but not limited to:
· Consultants understanding of the assignment and context
· Approach to the assignment
· Methodology and work plan for performing the assignment.
· Deliverables
· Work plan
· Key staff bio data
· A details of experience of previously conducted similar assignments, capacity to undertake the assignment.
· Curriculum Vitae including of the Lead person plus three professional references
b) Detailed reference list indicating the scope and magnitude of similar assignments.
c) At least 3 references from previous clients.
d) Registration and other relevant statutory documents (this applies to Institutional consultants)
e) Financial proposal showing clearly the budgeted cost for the work to be conducted by the consultant under the scope of work above.
9. Qualifications
The Lead consultant should have the following qualifications and experience:
· An advanced degree in education or social science.
· At least 8 years’ experience in development, management and /or monitoring Gender
· programs
· Experience in conducting gender audits for businesses.
· Demonstrable experience in developing and implementing gender sensitive educational programs in the context of complex socio-cultural challenges.
· Ability to assess critically the review activities and results
· Demonstrated capacity to deliver in the timeline outlined.
· Fluency in written, spoken English.
11. Duration of Service.
a) The assignment will be15 working days.
b) Please sent your application to som.consultant@care.org quoting “ Gender Audit Assesment ” as the subject line of the application no later than 02th Jan-r 2021.**
How to apply
Please sent your application to som.consultant@care.org quoting “ Gender Audit Assesment ” as the subject line of the application no later than 02th Jan- 2021.