Terms of Reference for undertaking Market Labor surveys and capacity assessment for TVET service providers in Puntland and Galmudug, Somalia Anywhere



Terms of Reference for undertaking Market Labor surveys and capacity assessment for TVET service providers in Puntland and Galmudug.

Location: Galmudug & Puntland states of Somalia

Job Title: Market Labor surveys and capacity assessment for TVET service providers in

Puntland and Galmudug:

Duration: 21 days


The IRC responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crisis and helps people to survive and rebuild their lives. The IRC’s global 2020 strategy and Somalia Strategic Action Plan (SAP) prioritize evidence-based interventions within five outcome areas of safety, health, education, economic wellbeing, and power while narrowing the gender gap. IRC Somalia is implementing programs in Banadir, Galmudug, and Puntland to meet these outcomes.

The IRC is a member of the Building Resilient Communities in Somalia (BRCiS) Consortium implementing resilience programs in Somalia. As a member of the BRCiS Consortium, IRC is currently implementing multi-year phase 2 FCDO funded Somalia Humanitarian and Resilience Program (SHARP) project in Puntland, Galmudug and Banadir with the objective to sustainably improve food security and livelihoods and build resilience among vulnerable households and communities in Somalia. The BRCiS consortium takes a bottom-up approach to support Somali communities to develop their capacity to resist and absorb minor shocks without undermining their ability to move out of poverty. Cutting across the Humanitarian development” Spectrum, The BRCiS programs balances it is response to short term and humanitarian needs with longer -term aim of building community and households’ capacities to deal with the shocks that drive the humanitarian needs in the first place and it is primary mandate is to help marginalized and Vulnerable communities to build their own resilience.

The overall goal of the SHARP program is to ensure Vulnerable and marginalized communities are more resilient to recurrent shocks and stresses, engage in sustainable livelihoods strategies, and contributes to the long-term development goals outlined in the National Development Plan. In line with outcome 3, “youth, women, and vulnerable groups have diversified productive livelihoods, protected assets, and equitable economic opportunities with a focus on promoting financial inclusion for vulnerable groups (women, youth, and other target groups); and strengthening existing livelihoods as well as promoting diversified livelihood options, the IRC plans to conduct labour Market surveys in 4 districts namely Burtinle, Galdogob, Galkaayo, Adaado and Dhusamareb districts where IRC is implementing the SHARP program with the aim (1) to deliver market relevant entrepreneurial and technical vocational skills that will allow youth access employment or engage in self-employment (2) develop partnerships with TVET institutions for apprenticeship trainings.


To identify the type of jobs available in the market that can be filled by TVET graduates, with a special focus on highly demanded skills.

To provide an authoritative overview of current labour market trends and snapshots of business opinions on training and strategic skills needs as well as an overall assessment of economic, social and technical drivers of market growth.

To find out the relevance of skills training courses offered to the target communities.

An assessment of immediate priority skills needs in the priority economic sectors categorized into skill types and levels.

To assess the capacity of TVET service providers in relation to the provision of identified market demanded courses.

To provide a detailed assessment of the capacity of government TVET institutes to deliver formal Technical Education (Secondary School Level)

Identification of other economically significant sectors where skills deficiencies might constrain future employment and economic growth.

Assessment of key sectors and skill requirements by occupations with a regional overlay, incorporating consistent and comparable skills data across Puntland and Galmudug regions.


The consultant firm will:

Find out the most employable skills training courses that can be offered in higher education phase II and also find out skills gaps in the market uncovered by higher education: this should be classified into:

Specific type of jobs available and locations.

Level of skills required, including attention to aspects of gender and location.

Visit and hold discussions with private employers to find out their attitude towards provision of internships and identify ways to create stronger linkages with TVET graduates.

Assess the capacity of TVET providers to deliver quality market- driven skills training with a particular focus on:

Centre infrastructure: training classrooms, machines, washing and sanitary facilities, suitability of centre location, etc.

Instructors: Experience, level of education, trained or untrained

Centre management: Centre structure, capacity of board of directors, centre manager and other subordinate staff.

Working relation with Ministry of education and higher education and whether accredited by the government.

Specifically, find out the capacity gaps of both Puntland technical institute and Galmudug technical institute for the provision of higher technical skills in order to establish pathways to

higher education.

IV. Identify challenges faced by TVET graduates in getting employment, especially females and provide relevant recommendations and ways of creating decent work for females.

Assess how private microfinance institutions provide small business loans and identify best approaches for linking TVET graduates to have access to such services.

VI. Advise on suitable project target locations for provision of TVET.

VII. Advice  on  innovative  trades  that  are  in  demand  and  are  not  covered  under  higher

education and are “new” to Puntland and Galmudug that are worth exploring.


The consulting firm is expected to come up with the best approaches for undertaking this labor market survey. However, the following guiding principles should be taken into consideration:

Interviews with private sectors employers, previous graduates, TVET centers, relevant government ministries and industries.

Extensive mapping of labor market needs through primary data collection.

Direct interviews with key staff undertaking the project.

Desk review of secondary data including project documents, assessments, evaluations and previous labor market surveys.

Interview with a sample of the previous graduates to explore what trainings worked and what did not yield employment to a void those that did not worked well.

Any other methods applicable.


Desk study to review of all relevant documentation, including but not limited to: the project document i.e. past tracer study reports from the TVET project, labor market survey report, interim report, Quarterly monitoring reports, Vocational qualification framework (VQF) and draft TVET policy of Puntland and Galmudug.


Data gathered using various methods and tools will be collated, analyzed and interpreted systematically. Quantitative data will be analyzed using SPSS/STATA or other statistical data analysis programs available that can help generate the required information. Qualitative data will be analyzed for key themes and used to supplement quantative data organized into themes. Both qualitative and quantitative data should be used to find out employable skills and assess the capacity of TVET service providers to offer such courses.


inception report detailing the methodology including the main research methods, the sampling framework, proposed sources of data, procedures for data collection and analysis, and a draft but detailed table of contents. The proposed research tools will be discussed and approved by IRC program team before data collection commences.

Revised first draft final report, incorporating suggestions and recommendations from the reference group. A second round of revision may be required before the final version of the final report can be produced.

A final report (one electronic copy in PDF format and one in DOC format)

An electronic copy of all data collection tools and the labor market study data set.

A final presentation of the overall findings to the stakeholders for validation.


The duration of the assessment will be 21 days including travel days. This excluded number of off days.


I.Post-graduates’ degree in social sciences, Business, Economics, Statistics or related field.

II.Minimum of 10 years relevant professional experience in research and labor market studies.

III.Strong background and experience in data collection and analysis.

IV. Technical expertise in assessing issues of labor market demand and supply in Puntland and Galmudug and ability to draw strong and valid conclusions.

Strong knowledge of TVET programs is essential.

VI. Excellent communication and report writing skills.


Candidates interested in the position are expected to provide the following documentation:

A technical proposal with detailed response to the TOR, with specific focus on the scope of work, methodology to be used and key selection criteria for respondents.

II.Initial work plan based on methodology outlined, and indication of availability.

III.A financial proposal detailing the daily rate expected and other modes of payment.

Detailed budget breakdown based on the expected daily rates.

How to apply

Qualified consultancy firms are invited submit bid documents as per above requirement, to:

International Rescue Committee (IRC) Somalia

Emaill address: SO-procurement@rescue.org.

Deadline for submission of bids is 17th March 2021 by 4.00pm East African Time. Late submission of bids will not be accepted.

Any clarification shall be sought through the same email above.


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