Type of Service GENDER SENSITIVE Comprehensive LABOR MARKET Assessment AND YOUTH ASPIRATION STUDY in Somalia
Location Garowe, Mogadishu and Baidoa-Somalia
Positions Consultant firm/ Individual
Send documents to CSS.LOGISTICS@savethechildren.org
Deadline 28th November-020


Save the Children is the world’s leading independent organisation for children. We work in 120 countries. We save children’s lives; we fight for their rights; we help them fulfil their potential.

We work together, with our partners, to inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats children and to achieve immediate and lasting change in their lives. Following a major transition, our international programmes are now delivered through a merged operation with 15,000 staff, managed through seven regional hubs and reporting to a relatively small, central office. We’re changing to become more efficient, more aligned, a better partner, a stronger advocate, a magnet for world-class people and relevant for the 21st century.

Save the Children has worked in Somalia since 1951 when we set up a vocational school for orphaned boys in Somaliland. From the early 1970s we have provided emergency assistance when the needs demand. Each year, about 650,000 people benefit from our longer-term development work in Health, Nutrition, Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH), Education, Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL), Child Protection and Child Rights Governance

Youth unemployment remains one of the biggest challenges towards peace and stabilization in Somalia. Somalia has one of the largest proportional youth populations in the world. It is estimated that 73 percent of the Somali population is aged under 30. Within this group, internally displaced youth and young returning refugees are considered among the most marginalised and at-risk groups in the country. Save the Children in Somalia is currently implementing a three-year BMZ funded project aiming at Economic and Social Empowerment of Youth (EASEY) in Somalia. The project will support economic empowerment of a significant number of young people in employment, education or training (NEET) who live in Mogadishu, Garowe and Baidoa towns. Therefore, Save the Children is looking for qualified consultanting firms who have good background in Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and experience in undertaking labor market and youth aspiration assessments or researches. A number of labor market assessments have been conducted in the past, but all lacked the ‘ youth aspiration’ component. So, it will be the first time in Somalia to conduct a labor market and youth asporation study conducted in comprehensive way to meet the labor market demand and the interest of youth Somalia.

Undertanding the importance of evidence-based intervention to addressed multi-faced challenged experianced by unemployed youth in Somalia SCI is planning to conducted comprehesive labor market assessment from demand side, and the asipiration of youth from labour supply side, to better identified and provide targeted intervention meeting both the industry demand and the goals and aspiration of youth in participatory approach.

The prposed research will therefore conduct explorative research to establish and recommend the most effective TVET programs that will create an enabling environment for unemployed youth (women, disabled, and IDPs) by providing technical and soft skills that are responsive to labor market demand, sustainable and climate adaptive.

2. Objetives of the study

The general objetive of the explorative research is to understand demand side of the somali labor market and youth aspiration for life and career. The findings of the study will lead to implimenting skills and knowledge required by the labor market and the asipiration of youth leading to improved employeablity, and sustannablity of the youth employment.

Specific objetives

  • Gender senstive lbor market assessment in three regions : Mogadishu Baidoa and Garawe
  • Conducting gender senstive youth aspiration, challenges and opporitunties faced by the youth in getting emploment.

3. Methology and assessment questions

This assignment will have two district but related activities research activities.

  1. The first part of the stuy will explore the labor market by visiting selected representative hiring entities or inductries in the study area focusing both formal and infomal sectors. The number of inductries to be selected in each target area will be agreed between SCI and consulting firm. The following are higliht what is expected from this section of the study.
    1. Identifying the potential empolyers in the study area
    2. Producing explortive report on the gender senstive labor Mmrket analayis providing previlianging market conditions.
  • What are the average wage rates and type of contract provided by each sector of the economy.
  1. What are the potential and current level of employment created by the potential sectors.
  2. Assessing the industry labor demand and skills requirement; providing detailed analysis of the labor market in the study area.
  3. Anticipated changes for demand of goods, and hence, possible job creation sector in each area, and services in business landscape.
  • Identifying workers and skills in high demand by the industry (private and public sectors); what are the opporitunity for create emplyement for boys/girls displaced/People with disability to ensure inclusive job creation.
  • Providing assessment of labor supply in each targeted area: what is the current level of skilled labor by profession, with the respective profession, and understanding which profession is high demand and which is in low profile. Reviewing government/NGO document to profile labour supply in each target location, examining education and skills of labourers; employability
  1. The second part of the study focus on Youth aspiration assessement. Under this part of the study the following deleiveriables are expected.
  1. Perciption, challenges and opporitunities for unemployed youth in Somalia focusing on selected youth in each area.
  2. Charactersiation and mapping of youth aspiration, challenges in getting employment (formal, infrmal, own, private, public) by gender, by disability level, and age category.
  • Assessing barreriers for employment, skill and knwoledge, financiance, marketing opporitunity, social netwrking, discouraging and encourging factors for youth employment (lack of startup capital, lack of skills, lack of training opportunities, llegal frame work, youth-employment policy, youth employment support schemes, access to markets, etc).
  1. How the challenges difference among different segement of the youth women, girl, boys, men, PwD, displaced, and refuges.
  2. What the youth want to establish sustnable and profitable jobs created and mantained.; focusing on the skills youth aspire to learn to support successful start of their future dream and decent employment.
  3. Asessing the labor market conditions for youth, women and disabled youth affected by dispalcement or confilicts, and the current level barriers to employment in the hosting community.

Finally, the assignment will provide comprehesive recommendation based on the findings of labor market assesment from the industry side, and youth aspiration assessment from randmely selected unemployed youth. The findings will be used to guide the program oppertion : to identify the skills in high demand from the demand side, and prefered by the youth.; to diversified TVET/short term trainings in areas where the intervention brings higher impact and contributing to the genereal economy of the country.; and to propose the interventions to meet the demand and supply side challenges in employment landscape.

Expected Tasks and Deliverables

The consultant is expected to carry out the tasks and provide the deliverables listed in the table below.

   Phase Major Deliverables Timeframe     Proposed data

Desk Review Inception Report

TORs developed, reviewed and finalized 5 days     
Proposal Submission Deadline – A technical and financial proposal to demonstrate the consultant’s independent interpretation of the TOR.
Contract Awarded
kick-off meeting – Preliminary meetings with SCI team to establish common understanding on the scope of the assignment 5
Submit inception report including detailed study 3
Design of assessment methodology and tools for data collection 5
Phase-IIField data Collection Recruit and train data collectors in the study locations 2 days
  Pre- testing of the tool before actual data collection 1 days
  Actual data collection including spot checking on a regular basis, providing updates to SCI MEAL focal point. 5 days
Phase-IIIData Analysis and Report writing ,Data analysis and Draft preliminary report with recommendations  15 days
Submit draft report based on the findings 2 days
Inputs and review from all relevant stakeholders of youth economic empowerment. 3 days
Finalize and submit final report, incorporating suggestions and recommendations from the validation workshop and reference group. A second round of revision may be required before the final version of the Final Report can be producedThe report should be presented in agreed format outlined in the consultant’s proposal with all due tables, graphs and accompanying photographs and/or notes.

A final report (one electronic copy in PDF Format and one in DOC format)

Submit an electronic copy of all data collection tools and the labour market and youth aspirations study data set.

Five days


The duration of the assignment will be 45 days including travel days. This excluded number of off-days. 

  1. Post-graduate degree in economics, Statistics and other Social Sciences subjects or a related field.
  2. Minimum of 10 years relevant professional experience in research and labour market studies.
  3. Strong background and experience in data collection and analysis
  4. Technical expertise in assessing issues of labour market demand and supply and the ability to draw strong and valid conclusions.
  5. Experience of conducting labour market assessments and youth aspirations previously. This is an added value.
  6. Knowledge of private sector and labour market trends.
  7. Strong knowledge of TVET programs is essential.
  • Excellent communication and report writing skills.

Candidates interested in the position are expected to provide the following documentation:

  • A technical proposal with detailed response to the TOR, with specific focus on the scope of work, methodology to be used and key selection criteria for respondents.
  • Initial work plan based on methodology outlined and indication of availability
  • A financial proposal detailing the daily rate expected and other mode of payment
  • Company profile or CV including a minimum of 3 references
  • A draft study design who plan to use to integrate the different components of the study in a coherent and logical way. This is MANDATORY.
  • Prove of experience-please attach, previous contracts.

Interested applicants should submit the minimum required documents with email; CSS.LOGISTICS@savethechildren.org with the subject line of the email body, “gender sensitive comprehensive labour market assessment and youth aspiration study in Somalia

Applications will close by 10:00AM on 28th November-020


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A contract will be signed by the consultant before commencement of the action. The contract will detail terms and conditions of service, aspects on inputs and deliverables. The Consultant will be expected to treat as private and confidential any information disclosed to her/him or with which she/he may come into contact during her/his service. The Consultant will not therefore disclose the same or any particulars thereof to any third party or publish it in any paper without the prior written consent of Save the Children. Any sensitive information (particularly concerning individual children) should be treated as confidential.

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