Concern Worldwide is a non-governmental, international, humanitarian organization dedicated to the reduction of suffering and working towards the ultimate elimination of extreme poverty in the world’s poorest countries. Concern engages in long-term development work, responds to emergency situations, and seeks to address the root causes of poverty through development, education and advocacy work.


Concern Worldwide is a member of the Building Resilient Communities in Somaliland (BRCiS) consortium and is currently implementing the programme Somaliland Humanitarian and Resilience Programme (SHARP) funded by the UK-Government Foreign and Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)   for the period 2018-2022. The programme goal is to enhance the resilience of vulnerable and marginalized communities to recurrent shocks and stresses and engage in sustainable nutritionally sensitive livelihood strategies.

In Banadir region, Concern Worldwide and the implementing partner, Youthlink, engaged with five communities in 2019 to lead a vulnerability and risk analysis and a participatory process to prepare Resilience Community Action Plans in coordination with district authorities. The Community Action Plans consider in Sahan community (Yaqshiid district) and Bulo Eyle community (Karan district) consider mitigating the recurrent risk of urban flash-flood through improvements in the storm water drainage infrastructure.

The purpose of this consultancy is to conduct a topographical survey and related assessments in the preselected urban communities to establish the topographical conditions that will inform construction of drainage channels aimed at draining the accumulated storm water during rainy seasons. This will improve the sanitary conditions of communities living in the area, reducing the transmission of water related diseases and the negative impacts of recurrent flooding on urban poor livelihoods.


To carry out the topographical (topo) survey using latest topographic survey equipment (Total Station, Auto Level, Digital level, differential GPS (DGPS), and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)), preparation of layout map and digital terrain model for construction of drainage in Sahan community in Yaqshid district and Bulo Eyle community in Karan district. The terrain between these locations is gentle sloping and highly populated with limited access along the existing route. The proposed drainage will be along the existing road, or be in close proximity, to the existing road determined by the topography.

The survey will be carried out in stages, with the lower level alignment carried out initially and higher elevations carried out at a later stage. The subsequent stage of topographic survey will be completed within 20 days.

Topo mapping shall be carried out for a minimum width of 20m from centerline on each side of the road (total width 40m) along the proposed stretch estimated distance of 2km, for each village. The survey shall cover any possible seasonal stream section adjacent/ parallel to the road.

Also, the survey extent shall be increased based on consultant requirement.

If additional survey will require during the detailed design stage due to changes in alignment or any other purpose, the consultant shall perform the survey based on Concern Engineer requirement.

Coordinates of proposed alignment shall be provided to the survey team for all required areas.

The contactor shall fulfil any changes required in Topo Survey during the design stage.

The sections shall be taken every 10m spacing along the proposed alignment. The UTM coordinates system shall be followed for the survey work.

Due to the nature of the terrain and climatic conditions along the proposed alignment the site works will be carried out within

Carry out Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the proposed boreholes to ensure that proper planning is done and that likely potential negative impact that might arise from developing the project are identified and that appropriate mitigation and monitoring measures are included in the project design.


The geographical scope of the project covers two distinct urban communities:

Name of the site No E
Sahan community in Heegan sub-division on Yaqshid district. 2° 3’17.79″N 45°21’8.06″E
Bulo Eyle community in Nageyle sub-division of Karan district. 2° 3’32.09″N 45°22’1.77″E

Within each community, YouthLink and Community Resilience Committees (CRC) have identified the high flood-prone areas and vulnerable households affected, estimated to 200 household in Bulo Eyle and 150 households in Sahan.


The Consultant shall provide details of resource (professional surveyors and labour), specialist survey sub-Consultants (if required) and plant (calibrated and sufficient to provide the specified accuracy along with the bid.

The Consultant will submit a program of the site survey teams, which are anticipated to be a minimum of 4No, such that the works can be completed within the limited time period available for site access. The program, including plant and survey teams will be submitted with the bid to provide assurance that the Consultant is capable of completing these works within the limited access period.

The topographical survey shall consist of the following:

  • Fixing of Primary survey control with static method use GNSS adjustment and GNSS salutation software;
  • Fixing of Secondary survey control with RTK fixed and AutoCAD Civil 3D 2018 & related Software;
  • Vertical Controls by Auto level/ Digital level machine;
  • Details topographic survey, and
  • Data analyse and preliminary survey drawing provide A3 Size (including plan, profile and cross sections).

Level Traversing shall be conducted using Auto level/ Digital level and having accuracy of +/- 5mm in 1 km double run. Benchmark pillars shall be connected to nearest bench mark. Benchmark level also to be transferred on major permanent structures at least once in every 250m with sequential numbering and as per the instructions of the Engineer in charge of the site.

The Total station traverse shall be closed with the nearest pillar. Traversing shall be carried out using (having an accuracy of two sec.) to fix the co-ordinates on the benchmark pillars. Two rounds of angle measurements to be taken on both left and right face in both clockwise and anticlockwise direction. The angle spread between observed round shall not be more than 5 sec. Traverse shall be closed within an accuracy of 1 in 20000.

Topographic survey is to be carried out using latest topographic survey equipment (Total Station, Auto Level, Digital level, differential GPS (DGPS) and GNSS), the horizontal and vertical accuracy shall be +/-5mm. The equipment shall be checked periodically for horizontal and vertical collimation. Vertical control must be done by Auto/ Digital level machine.

For the Primary survey control point,Dual reference pillars shall be established once in every 1 km using GNSS Static method having valid calibration certificate. Reference pillars shall be in the form of concrete blocks of size 40 X 40 X 120cm with proper foundation as per the instructions of the Engineer in charge of the site and shall be embedded to a depth of minimum 40cm in to the ground. The transfer time shall be such that the accuracy achieved shall be better than 1 in 20000.

Regarding the Benchmark Pillars Specifications, Benchmark (BM) pillars shall be established at 250m intervals in the form of precast concrete blocks of size 30 X 30 X 60cm and shall be embedded to a depth of 30cm in to the ground. The BM pillars shall be painted in yellow and details such as BM number and reduced level shall be clearly marked on it with red paint. All BM pillars shall be numbered sequentially as per the instruction of the Engineer in charge of the site. Wherever the new benchmark pillars are laid, the level traverse shall be closed.

5.2       Environmental Impact Assessment

Conduct an environmental impact assessment for the project which includes;

  • Nature of the project, location of project area
  • Activities that shall be undertaken during the construction of the drainage channel
  • Project design, materials to be used and by products, and disposal methods.
  • Identified environmental impacts of the project (both positive and negative) during the i) survey phase and ii) the drainage construction phase.

The assessment should consider impacts on:

-Water resources



-Land use

  • Economical and socio-cultural impacts associated to the potential environmental impacts identified.
  • Any other information the authority may require.

5.3       Production of designs Drawings and Bill of Quantities

Based on the data collected, produce detailed drawings, BOQ and technical specifications of the works to be undertaken.


The duration of the consultancy will be decided by the consultant in agreement with the WASH and construction Coordinator but should not exceed 20 days from the date of signing agreement. A proposed work and travel plan will be developed during the consultation meeting above. The consultant will prepare a tentative work plan for the study and include this in their offer. The work plan should set out the timelines of the following activities;

  • Acquisition and review of secondary data in the office;
  • Assessments / surveys and meetings with line ministry and relevant, community and stakeholders in the field in the two districts;
  • Data analysis and reporting.

The consultant shall report to the WASH & Construction Coordinator or his assigned delegate.

The final report will be a comprehensive account of the whole Consultancy, to professional

standard. It will review the existing literature and other relevant information, topographical data satellite images, etc. The report shall include all field data, interpretations and justifications, conclusions and recommendations relating to the investigated area. In addition, appropriate maps, diagrams and data plots shall be presented.

The reports must be prepared in simple and clear English. The draft reports should be submitted within 4 days after completion of field work. The final reports must be submitted within 3 days of getting feedback from Concern Worldwide.

The report shall contain the following:

  • Work program for the investigations duly approved by engineer in-charge at
  • The report shall consist of topo survey soft copy of drawings including plan, profile and cross sections, field book / level book, and all relevant details of the survey. Report shall be handed over to the Engineer in-charge at site, approved and certified for work or to send the same to the Consultants office as advised by Engineer in-charge at
  • Method used for survey and brief note on procedure
  • Input parameters, if
  • Comments / discussion on results, including a note on accuracy achieved, standard deviation.
  • Survey network diagram inclusive of control points (traverse points) and BM positions with their number and
  • Final coordinate and elevation list
  • Field observations
  • A coma separated ASCII file contains Easting, Northing, Level and
  • Three-dimension Auto Cad Civil 3D drawings of the survey including plan, profile and cross sections. Scale of the drawing should be 1 in 1000. These drawings shall also contain additional details like names of villages, names of approach roads, road destinations & directions, names of junctions & interchanges, names of major buildings, structures, river, stream, water-bodies and other landmark points, in separate AutoCAD Layer.
  • Details of reference pillars, benchmark pillars, and control points are to be submitted as a separate Excel file with their location landmarks and also as a 3d drawing

The following format of the report shall be adopted

(i)          Cover page:

  • Title of the study with the logos of Concern Worldwide and the donor
  • Consultant’s details: name and contact
  • Date of the study and location

(ii)         Table of contents

(iii)        Executive summary, max 2 pages

  • Brief description of the assignment
  • Objectives of the consultancy, methodology and duration of the study
  • Main findings, conclusions and recommendations

(iv)   Main body of the report, max 15 pages

It will provide comprehensive details of the points listed in the Executive Summary. It will contain a description of the findings and an analysis or interpretation of the data collected. It will include a detailed description of the approach and methodology of the survey/assessment. Conclusions and recommendations should be clear and practical based on the local context.

(v)      Annexes

  1. Terms of Reference;
  2. Topographical logs;
  3. List of literature and documents consulted;
  4. List of persons / organizations consulted;
  5. List of places / sites visited;
  6. Tools / materials used in the assignment;
  7. Sketch Maps for all the sites investigated and clear indication of the recommended and an alternative site.
  8. BOQs and cost estimates for the drainage channel which must be quoted in USD.
  9. Photos taken during the survey with one showing the exact clearly marked site selected for drilling of the borehole
  10. COST

The consultant is expected to include all costs related to the consultancy including cost of accommodation, food and transport (personnel and equipment) to, from and within Yaqshid and Wadajir districts of Banadir region.

  • The consultant(s) should have a degree in survey;
  • The consultant must be registered by a relevant professional governing body;
  • The Consultant shall present a list of previous work done in Somalia or similar hydro topographical survey;
  • Possess necessary resources to undertake works of such a magnitude including equipment, personnel vehicles etc. (include list of equipment, CVs of personnel)
  • Submit a detailed technical proposal including proposed methodologies, data analysis, softwares and interpretation, reports and work schedule;
  • Financial proposal quoted in USD with per unit cost for commencing this consultancy work;
  • Proven experience on similar tasks and assignments (include work completion certificates);
  • Submit one report of similar assignment carried out by the consultant;
  • Provide contact details for past 3 clients worked with for reference checks;
  • Indicate earliest date of availability to undertake assignment.
  1. Application process

Qualified and interested independent engineer consultants or consultancy engineering firms are requested to submit the following documents:

  • Expression of Interest
  • Consultant-lead/Company Profile, including CV and Engineer accreditation, samples of previous sand dams designs and references.
  • Where a team of consultants is proposed, to perform the ToR tasks, the consultant team roles will be described in the technical proposal and the CVs and accreditations of all the team members attached to the proposal.
  • Technical proposal clearly demonstrating a thorough understanding of this ToR and including, but not limited to, the following:
    • Description of the methodology proposed to achieve the specific objectives of the ToR.
    • Proposed timeframe detailing activities and work plan.
  • A financial proposal with a detailed breakdown of costs for the consultancy quoted in United States dollars. (Consultancy fees of the consultant-lead and other consultants will be specified in USD per working day).

Please forward full-applications to: procurement.mogadishu@concern.net CC haron.emukule@concern.net and paz.lopez@concern.net,  with subject line: CONSULTANT NAME- Application consultancy: topographical survey and drainage design in Karaan and Yaqshid districts.  The Submission of technical and financial proposals closes on, Thursday 11th March 2021.

Annex 1: Detail Survey of Topographical Features and additional information

Based on the requirement of the consultants, the existing features shall be mapped for a minimum width of 40m from centerline on each side of the road along 2 Km road.

Survey shall be carried out as per the code list provided by the consultant

  • Electrical Poles, Telephone Poles, Lamp Poles and any other Private/Unauthorized utility Poles with their routing
  • Water / Sewerage Pipe Lines with diameter and material of the
  • All Utility lines, both overhead and
  • Manholes – with their actual size and shape (ex. rectangular or square or circular)
  • Trees with girth more than or equal to 0.3m – while surveying the trees, care has to be taken to exactly classify the trees according to its
  • Building lines indicating the type of buildings (shops or houses), Right of Way boundary if available at site by presence of boundary
  • Sufficient road center points, edge points and shoulder points shall be taken to define the existing layout of the roadway. The cross section points shall be taken as detailed in sub-section “cross sections”.
  • Approach road details of 60m width to be recorded on either side of the road. But on important junctions, length of road to be surveyed shall be as per the instruction of the Engineer in charge of the survey subjected to a minimum length of
  • Special emphasis shall be laid in identifying all religious places – its locations, boundary lines and clear dimensions of compound walls and
  • Roadside cultivation viz., agricultural, residential, commercial, shops and business established areas
  • Any other Structure/Utility, (i.e., anything else which is not available in the code list) if found at site should also be recorded as per the instructions of the Engineer in

Accuracy of the Survey

The Consultant is fully responsible for the accuracy of the survey. The maximum permissible error in co-ordinate measurement shall be 1 in 20000 and error in levelling survey should not be more than 12 (k) 0.5.

Annex 2. Safety Precautions

Consultant is responsible for the safety of his / her staffs and equipment’s deployed at site during survey work. Adequate safety precautions shall be taken for working during night viz., providing lamps with red light reflectors, safety reflectors with red band / strips, torches and red jacket for crew.

Additional safety precautions regarding Covid-19

  • Symptoms:
F   Frequency S     Symptom
Common Fever, Cough, usually dry
Sometimes Sore throat;  Muscle aches and pains;  Mild shortness of breath;  FatigueHeadaches;  Loss of the sense of smell and/or taste
Rare Runny or stuffy nose;  Diarrhoea
  • How to protect against C-19
    • Hand washing regularly, or use of an alcohol sanitizer
    • Avoid touching your face with your hands
    • Cover your mouth and nose, when coughing or sneezing, with your bent elbow or tissue
    • Maintain social distancing of at least 1 meter, and ideally 2 meters
    • Wear a face mask, which can be removed when you are travelling to the site and in the car, but should be worn when you are walking at the site while interacting with the community.
  • If you are unwell, DO NOT go to the site.  If your symptoms indicate that you may have C-19, self-isolate.

For mild or moderate cases, self-isolation and home treatment is sufficient.

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