Term of Reference for Health Management Information System (HMIS) Consultant

Introduction and Background: CARE International has been in operation in Somalia/Somaliland since 1981 implementing both Humanitarian and Development programs. Over the years, CARE International has forged strong working relationships with local communities and authorities throughout the country. Building on its commitment to strengthen local capacities and emphasis on local actions and solutions to local issues, CARE is working with 19 national NGOs to provide Humanitarian and longer-term development assistance across different regions Somalia/Somaliland.

CARE is registered with both the Somali Federal Government, all member States and partners with government (Somalia Federal Government and member states), line ministries and/or departments including Ministry of Health as well as the UN (WHO, UNFPA, UNICEF, WFP) for the implementation of Health and Nutrition programs. CARE’s emergency response focus on the needs of the most vulnerable populations, particularly girls and women. CARE implements its emergency response through Health & Nutrition, Education in Emergencies, Protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygeine (WASH), Food security and livelihood sectors with aim of providing a holistic response to the multiple needs of the most vulnerable in the community.

Health and Nutrition sectors are key areas of humanitarian interventions for CARE among drought affected and displaced communities in the regions of Lower Jubba, Galmudug, Sool, Sanaag, Bari and Togdheer. Over the years CARE has built its technical and partners’ expertise and systems to ensure quality and timely service delivery to the populations who are in need and experience frequent shocks (climate related and human). Operating under a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the regional Ministries of Health (MOH) of Somaliland, Puntland, Galmudug and Jubba Land, CARE directly supports a network of 40 fixed and 34 mobile MOH health facilities, building MOH institutional capacity in service delivery, monitoring, and co-ordination. CARE’s integrated primary health care approach aims to bolster Somalia’s fragmented primary health care system which relies predominantly on NGOs, and strengthening MoH’s health system stewardship capacity in the delivery of the essential package for health services (EPHS).

Over the last two years CARE has put stronger emphasis in quality programming in the Health and Nutrition sectors through improved joint supervision, capacity building of its staff and partners in Health and Nutrition and data quality audits. CARE has also linked its Health Facility data with its MEAL information systems and other cluster databases. However, gaps exist in terms building the capacity of staff, institutionalizing the HMIS data and developing a robust data quality system. Towards this, CARE seeks to engage a short term HMIS consultant to support on the identified gaps as per the tasks and deliverables below. CARE will use the use the gaps identified as bench marks for developing quality and accountable health data system for the health and nutrition program.

Purpose of the Terms of Reference (TOR):

The overall objective of the consultancy is to provide support to CARE staff Somalia/Somaliland in developing and implementing health management information systems (HMIS). The consultant will support the existing HMIS by strengthening a system for routine HMIS data collection, collation, aggregation, and analysis to enhance the use of data. He/she will support in generating service and disease specific data and enhancing use for program performance. During this assignment the consultant will;

  • Review CARE HMIS system and identify areas of improvement
  • Review DQA systems and recommend areas of improvement
  • Train CARE Health and Nutrition teams on HMIS
  • Train staff on health data for decision making

Scope of work:

The assignment will cover Health/ Nutrition project activities implemented by CARE and its partner (WASDA) across all the project areas including Sool, Sanaag, Bari, Galgadud and Lower Jubba. The consultant will review existing systems, procedures and recommend areas of improvement and build the capacity of the staff to enhance knowledge and skills for better service delivery. During the assignment the consultant will do the following tasks;**

  • Support training of staff on HMIS concepts and health data management
  • Support on developing Facility level quality data
  • Support the analysis and use of HMIS data
  • Support development of comprehensive HMIS data base linked to Management information systems(MIS)
  • Appraise current HMIS tools and support development of comprehensive HMIS tools for data collection and reporting
  • Develop tools for defaulter tracing, drop outs and train on use
  • Explore the use of mobile phones for improve quality program
  • Support reporting of surveillance and Logistic information system (LMIS) data into District health information system(DHIS2)
  • Explore options of linking HMIS data base, MIS and LMIS


The consultant will undertake the assignment for a period 16 days and will involve training of program staff and partners, site visit to Health facilities, reviewing existing systems, and remote support to the required knowledge and skills in provided, as well ensuring user-friendly is established. The consultant is expected to engage program team and partners during the assignment.

Duration of the Assignment:

The assignment is expected to take place between December 2021 and January 22. The engagement will be for 16 days (10 days’ review of existing system, field travel, engaging with program teams and training staff and 6 days planning, report production, analysis and presentation). The consultant shall submit a detailed consolidated report after undertaking all planned activities. On the last day of the assignment, the consultant will do a Power Point presentation to the program team on key findings of the assessment and recommendations.

Liaison and Communication:

The consultant will closely work with the Health and Nutrition Specialists, MEAL specialist and HMIS Manager. **


The Consultant will be required to submit the following deliverables: A comprehensive final report with key finding and recommendations.

  • A power point presentation briefing summarizing major findings and recommendations
  • Training report
  • Desk review report of CARE HMIS status and recommendations
  • A comprehensive HMIS data base
  • Data quality plan

Responsibilities of CARE:

· Provide consultancy fee for the task.

· Provide transport during the engagement and while undertaking activities on the assignment.

· Provide accommodation and per diem at CARE rates while in the field.

· Identification of project sites to be visited and mobilization of program staff

· Provide timely feedback in reviewing reports and tools

Responsibilities of the Consultant:

· The consultant will be expected to prepare/submit quality and detailed report to Health and Nutrition specialists, MEAL specialists and the HMIS Manager

· Engage with key program team and stakeholders as stated above to generate adequate information relevant to the assignment.

· Plan for field visit to see some of the Health facilities

Qualifications for the Consultant:

  • Advanced university degree health systems, health information management or related field is required.
  • Advanced degree in epidemiology or biostatistics will be an added advantage.
  • At least 8 years of work experience in health management information system in humanitarian context and in particular in health facility setting
  • Experience in data collection, data cleaning, data analysis, writing data reports and presentations.
  • Past experience in Somalia or other conflict and post-conflict countries with be an added advantage.
  • Sound knowledge of the health sector surveillance system, data analysis and management.

How to apply

Interested applicants are encouraged to apply for this assignment by submitting the following.

A) Technical proposal that include but not limited to;

· Demonstrating a clear understanding of objectives of the assignment.

· Detailed work-plan (program).

· CV of the lead consultant(s) undertaking the assignment

· Evidence similar assignments and/or roles

· References

B) Financial proposal:

· Detailed budget of the consultancy fees (Professional fees) quoted at per day’s rate

· The budget should be inclusive of relevant taxes where applicable.

The consultancy proposals shall be sent to SOM.Consultant@care.org on/or 9-Nov-2021 and indicate ToR for Health Management Information System (HMIS) Consultant as the subject heading.

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