Hargeisa Office, Airport road, Behind
ambassador Hotel Hargeisa; Somaliland Telephone: +252 2 569071 Email: Mukhtar.Mohamed@nrc.no |
Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) has been present in Somalia since early 2004 and has since expanded its Horn of Africa Program to Kenya in 2006 and to Ethiopia in 2011. Since 2004, the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) has demonstrated a regional competence and expertise in working with displaced populations. NRC has mainly focused on Somalis who are displaced by the ongoing conflict and more recently by the drought and famine.
The NRC Somaliland office invites all the interested and potential suppliers to collect the tender document in order to submit their firm offer regarding to the below mentioned works:
- Construction of large Berkad for IDPs in Guumays, Sool region Somaliland
- Construction of Permanent Latrines AtBuhoodleh IDPs
Interested companies who wish to submit their proposal should meet the below listed requirements;
- Fair Price in comparison to NRC’s established rate
- Delivery Time (detailed Work schedule)
- The tax certificate and all applicable licenses to operate;
- The company’s status and the registration certificates;
- Company’s track record of similar works – Please attach awarded contract, PO or certificate of completion as an evidence.
- Updated and relevant company profile.
- Current bank statement.
- Updated CVs for the technical personnel that will work on the project
- List of company plants and equipment
- Bid validity period (preferably 90 days)
Any request for tender clarification must be received by NRC in writing at least 1 days before the deadline for submission of tenders. NRC will reply to bidders’ questions at least 1 days before the deadline for submission of tenders.
NOTE: If you win this contract, there will be the government’s revenue tax of around 3% of the contract value that will be applied and NRC reserves the rights to share the contract details with the tax authorities.
Manner of Submission:
Bids can be collected from NRC Buroaoffice (27th Aug to 9th Sep from 8am to 12pm of Sun-Thursday)The deadline for bid submission is from 27thAug to 10thSep2020 at 4:00pm.the tender applications has to be delivered to NRC Hargeisa Airport Road, Behind Ambassador Hotel, Hargeisa, Somaliland.Companies that submit their quotation after the deadline will not be considered.
The bid opening will happen at NRC Hargeisa office by 13thSeptember2020 at 10:00am.