WAMO RELIEF & REHABILITATION                           SERVICES.


Wamo Relief and Rehabilitation services (WRRS) is a humanitarian and Relief organization founded in Somalia in 2004. WRRS envisions promoting a peaceful society that can facilitate social economic activities and co-existence free from poverty and conflict-committed and united towards the reconstruction and development of communities. WRRS Mission is to strengthen the capacity of the local communities in Somalia and Kenya so that they may share and contribute to the educational, economic, and social well-being of their life through provision of relief supplies, emergency livelihoods and social support and capacity building interventions which are integrated in participatory community-based peace building and human rights-based approaches towards sustainable peace, reconstruction and development of Somalia.

Wamo Relief and Rehabilitation Services  invites applications from interested vendors (including current suppliers) to express their interest to work with us for provision of fresh fish meat in BIweekly interval  .



Issue invitation to Tender 18thSeptember2020

Last date for Return/submitting of tenders 27th September2020

Tender Opening Date   28thSeptember2020

Analysis 28th September2020

Award Notification                                                                                30th September2020

Contract Signing                                                                                    30th September2020

Contract Commence date                                                                     1st Octoberber2020

The following documents will be reviewed as part of the Tender:

  • Company profile (organogram, product specification, current list ofclient)
  • Tax compliance certificate.
  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Certificate of registration .
  • At least a letters of recommendation from Humanitarian organizations or other reputable companies for similar servicesrendered.

Properly completed tender documents should be submitted ina sealed envelope (by hand delivery / courier) .

Sealed envelopes should be deposited in the Tender Box at the below address not later than 5:00Pm on 27th September 2020. The envelope should indicate the tender reference number PT/WRRS/FNP/ No: 001/01/09/2020 and be addressed to :

Wamo Relief and Rehabilitation Services , Kismayo Office .

Farjano ,Kismayo- Jubaland state of Somalia

TELL: 0615924991

Any document received after the deadline time shall be rejected Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification

Wamo Relief and Rehabilitation Services (WRRS) reserves the right to accept or reject any application and is not bound to give reasons for its decision. Applicants who have not heard from us by 1st October 2020 should consider their applications to have been unsuccessful.



  • Introduction.

Wamo Relief and Rehabilitation services (WRRS) is a humanitarian and Relief organization founded in Somalia in 2004. WRRS envisions promoting a peaceful society that can facilitate social economic activities and co-existence free from poverty and conflict-committed and united towards the reconstruction and development of communities.

WRRS is Implementing Fish for Nutrition Project in partnership and with the support of GIZ targeting 2 schools in Kismayo

WRRS  invites your submission of a tender for provision of this  in accordance with the conditions detailed in this ITT. The successful supplier will be given a 3 month contract.

  • TenderCompliance.

The following documents will be reviewed as part of the bid and must be submitted in full to avoid disqualification:

    • Bidders Responsedocument
    • Company profile (organogram, product specification, current list ofclient)
    • Tax compliance certificate.
    • Certificate ofIncorporation
    • Audited financial reports for the past twoyears
    • Certificate of registration from the Insurance regulatoryauthority.
    • At least three letters of recommendation from Humanitarian organisations or other reputable companies for similar servicesrendered.

We include the following information for your review:

  • Part 1: TenderInformation
  • Part 2: Conditions ofTendering

Part3:Terms and Conditions of Purchase (which will be signed by the successful Bidder




The scope of the product required will be;










  • fresh raw meat.
  • born less.
  • tuna/king/shark/tilapia
  • should be parked in 5kg/10 kg.
  • weekly delivery of 175kg
  • fresh fish (not more than 2 days old)
  • refrigerated frozen
  • should be delivered in ice box.
  • should be clean.



Award criteria

Award of the contract will be based on the following criteria:


Bidders must meet the following criteria:

    • Bidder meets required specification for the products;  alternatives will only be accepted if they demonstrate operational advantage to the organization or in the event of phasing out of themodels
    • Certification by government regulatoryauthority
    • Bidder’s registration in country ofoperation.
    • Pricing must be inUSD
    • Tender Compliance – submit complete Bidders response document and all relevant documentsrequested.

The following criteria are considered very important in the evaluation of this tender:

    • Bidder demonstrates superior product quality that meet organization requirement .
    • Bidder demonstrates ability to offer services in all WRRS location asindicated.
    • The financial sustainability of Bidder; Audited Annual Accounts for last twoyears
    • Bidder’s prices demonstrate an economically advantageous position for WRRS
    • Bidders demonstrate Short turnaroundtime

The following criteria are considered of fair importance in the evaluation of this tender:

    • Bidder’s responsiveness in emergencysituations
    • Bidder’s ability to provide warranties and guarantees as part of thecontract.
    • Bidder demonstrates unique selling points and additional benefits or services that are of value to WRRS
    • Bidder experience with Aid & Relief sector – Client References, provides a list and supply values for the last one year, as well as email contacts forverification.


    • Scope ofTender
      • WRRS intends to contract for the supply of goods detailed in the above scope of works. It is expected that the tender documents will be submitted to be received by WRRS on or before the closing day statedabove.

2.1.3. Current contracted suppliers are also invited to submit their bids.

    • Submission ofApplication
      • Thetenderdocumentsshallbesubmittedinsealedenvelopesmarkedwiththetender name and reference number and deposited in the tender box as instructedabove.

The closing date for applications is 27th September2020. WRRS reserves the right to accept or reject any application and is not bound to give reasons for its decision.

      • All the information requested for in the tender documents shall be provided in the EnglishLanguage.
      • Failure to provide information that is essential for effective evaluation of the applicant’s Qualification or to provide timely clarification or  substantial   information supplied may result in the applicant’s disqualification.
    • EligibleApplicants
      • ThisInvitationforBidsisopentoallsuppliersfromeligiblecompaniesasapprovedby government regulatory board except as providedhereinafter;
      • Bidders must not be under a declaration of suspension for corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive or obstructivepractices.
    • Qualification Criteria
      • Qualification will be based on meeting the minimum requirements to pass in the criteria for the various categories as set out. The contract award will be done taking into account the applicant’s general and particular experience, personnel, terms of offer, capability and financial position as demonstrated by the applicant’s response in the attachedforms.

The applicant should provide accurate information on any litigation or arbitration resulting from contracts completed or under its execution over the last fiveyears

      • Suppliers who qualify according to the selection criteria will be invited for a presentation for the supply of services as part of the vettingprocess.

Bid evaluation.

All bids will be reviewed by a Procurement committee.

All the information will be assessed in the light of the criteria set out in these specifications. The procedure for the award of the contract, which will concern only admissible bids, will be carried out in three successive stages. The aim of each of these stages is:

        • To check on the basis of the exclusion criteria whether tenderers can take part in the tenderingprocedure;
        • To check on the basis of the selection criteria the technical and professional capacity and economic and financial capacity of eachtenderer
        • To assess on the basis of the award criteria each bid which has passed the exclusion and selection stages.

Only tenders meeting the requirements of one step will pass on to the next step.


The tender Pricing will be in USD Pricing will be done inclusive of all taxes and charges that may be applicable, additional cost not expressed in the bid will not be accepted later.

The prices will be maintained for the life of the Contract, changes in pricing will lead to termination of the contact.

Contract  period.

The successful supplier will be engaged by the organization for 3 months after which renewal terms will be discussed. Either party will have the opportunity of terminating the framework agreement with issue of 1 months’notice.

    • AdditionalRequirements

Agents/distributors shall provide certified true copies of letters of appointment by the appointing body.


  • Definitions

In addition to the terms defined in the Cover Letter, in these Conditions, the following definitions apply:

    • Award Criteria – the award criteria set out in the Invitation toTender.
    • Bidder – a person or organization who bids for thetender.
    • Conditions – the conditions set out in this ‘Conditions of Tendering       document.
    • Cover Letter – the cover letter attached to the Tender InformationPack.
    • Goods and/or Services – everything purchased by WRRS under thecontract.
    • Invitation to Tender – comprises : The Tender Information, these Conditions, WRRS Terms and Conditions of Purchase.
    • WRRS – Wamo Relief and Rehabilitation Services
    • Specification – any specification for the Goods and/or Services, including any related plans and drawings, supplied by WRRS to the Supplier, or specifically produced by the Supplier for WRRS, in connection with thetender.
    • Supplier – the party which provides Goods and/or Services toWRRS.
  • TheContract

The contract awarded shall be for the supply of goods and/or services, subject to WRRS Terms and Conditions of Purchase . WRRS reserves the right to undertake a formal review of the contract after Nine months.

  • Late tenders

Tenders received after the Closing Date will not be considered, unless there are in WRRS’s sole discretion exceptional circumstances which have caused the delay

  • Acceptance oftenders

WRRS may, unless the Bidder expressly stipulates to the contrary in the tender, accept whatever part of a tender that WRRS so wishes. WRRS under no obligation to accept the lowest or any tender.

  • Alternativeoffer

If the Bidder wishes to propose modifications to the tender (which may provide a better way to achieve WRRS’s Specification) these may, at WRRS’s discretion, be considered as an Alternative Offer. The Bidder must make any Alternative Offer in a separate letter to accompany the Tender. WRRS is under no obligation to acceptAlternative Offers.

  • Prices

Tendered prices must be shown as both inclusive of and exclusive of any Value Added Tax chargeable or any similar tax (if applicable).

  • No reimbursement of tenderexpenses

Expenses incurred in the preparation and dispatch of the tender will not be reimbursed.

  • Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality

Bidders must treat the Invitation to Tender, contract and all associated documentation (including the Specification) and any other information relating to WRRS’s employees, servants, officers, partners or its business or affairs (the “Confidential Information”) as confidential. All Bidders shall:

  • recognize the confidential nature of the Confidential Information;
  • respect the confidence placed in the Bidder by WRRS by maintaining the secrecy of the ConfidentialInformation;
  • not employ any part of the Confidential Information without WRRS’s prior written consent, for any purpose except that of tendering for business fromWRRS;
  • not disclose the Confidential Information to third parties without WRRS’s prior writtenconsent;
  • not employ their knowledge of the Confidential Information in anyway that would be detrimental or harmful toWRRS;
  • use all reasonable efforts to prevent the disclosure of the Confidential Information to third parties;
  • notify WRRS immediately of any possible breach of the provisions of this Condition 9 and acknowledge that damages may not be an adequate remedy for such a breach.
  • AwardProcedure

WRRS’s Tender Review Committee will review the Bidders and their tenders to determine, in accordance with the Award Criteria, whether they will award the contract to any one ofthem.

  • Information and RecordKeeping

WRRS shall consider any reasonable request from any unsuccessful Bidder for feedback on its tender and, where it is appropriate and proportionate to do so, provide the unsuccessful Bidder with reasons why its tender was rejected. Where applicable, this information shall be provided within 30 business days from (but not including) the date on which WRRS receives therequest.

  • Anti-Bribery andCorruption

All Bidders are required to comply fully with WRRS’s Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy

  • ExclusionCriteria

Any Bidder is required to confirm in writing that:

  • Neither it nor any related company to which it regularly subcontracts is insolvent orbeingwoundup,ishavingitsaffairsadministeredbythecourts,hasenteredinto an arrangement with creditors, has suspended business activities, is the subject  of proceedings concerning those matters, or are in any analogous situationarising from a similar procedure provided for in national legislation orregulations;
  • Neither it nor a company to which it regularly subcontracts has been convicted of fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organization, any money laundering

offence, any offence concerning professional conduct, breaches of applicable labour law or labour tax legislation or any other illegal activity by a judgment in any court of law whether national or international;

  • Neither it nor a company to which it regularly subcontracts has failed to comply with its obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions or the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the relevant country in which it the Bidderoperates.

Any Bidder will automatically be excluded from the tender process if it is found that they are guilty of misrepresentation in supplying the required information within their tender bid or fail to supply the required information.

  • Conflict of Interest / NonCollusion

Any Bidder is required to confirm in writing:

  • That it is not aware of any connection between it or any of its directors or senior managers and the directors and staff of WRRS which may affect the outcome of the selection process. If there are such connections the Bidder is required todisclose them.
  • Whether or not there are any existing contacts between WRRS, and any other WRRS entity, and it and if there are any arrangements which have been put in place over the last twenty four (24)months.

That it has not communicated to anyone other than WRRS the amount or approximate amount of the tender

  • That it has not and will not offer pay or give any sum of money commission, gift, inducement or another financial benefit directly or indirectly to any person for doing or omitting to do any act in relation to the tender process.
  • Assignment and novation

All Bidders are required to confirm that they will if required be willing to enter into a contract on similar terms with either WRRS or any other WRRS entity if so

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