Tender for Provision of safe and clean water for 24 ECW supported schools to reduce water born and communicable diseases – Puntland, Somalia

Tender for Provision of safe and clean water for 24 ECW supported schools to reduce water born and communicable diseases.

    • Introduction

Somali Institute for Development Research and Analysis (SIDRA) was conceived by a group of intellectuals, opinion former, research professionals and practitioners with the aim of creating new ways of thinking about and solving the range of complex challenges that face Somalia – from socio-economic development, governance reforms to climate change since 2015. SIDRA since 2015 has been a fully registered and licensed non-governmental research and policy support organization within Puntland State and Federal Government of Somalia.

The institute serves a broad mix of public, private, and civil society organizations. We have established a flexible structure that quickly brings together the right team and experience to effectively address all research and policy analysis needs of our clients. The quality of our people gives us the capacity to fulfill our objectives. We therefore continually identify people with exceptional skills and invest in nurturing their skills and competencies. This diversity of background, expertise, discipline and gender ensures that we are a credible and efficient change facility. Besides research programs SIDRA works on education, democracy and the rule of law, employment, health and energy and environment as well as gender equity and equality. The United Nations (UN) Convention on the Rights of the Child underpins SIDRA’s work and approach.

SIDRA Institute has more than 5 years of experience in successfully managing institutional grants.  Gender Policy in Education in Emergency is one the areas that works in partnership to deliver child-focused programming in Puntland to ensure Gender mainstreaming in Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MoEHE) Policy documents and legal frameworks. Our headquarters is in Garowe and our researches and other development programs cover the whole country.

    • Background of the Project

On 16thMarch, 2020, the Federal Government of Somalia announced the first case of COVID-19 thus joining the list of countries with confirmed cases of COVID-19 virus. This has prompted the Government of Puntland to put in place precautionary and preventive measures to curtail the spread of the deadly virus. One such measure included immediate closure of all educational institutions (schools, colleges, Koranic schools and universities) to reduce the risk of exposure and contamination of the school children from the virus. Whereas these measures are good for preventive reasons, this meant that 24 Somali Institute for Development Research and Analysis (SIDRA Institute)supported primary schools and Alternative Basic Education (ABE) centers in Puntland were closed, and disruption of education for 6,514 (3,725 boys; 2,789 girls) primary and ABE children. Most especially at this critical time when the academic year is almost coming to an end and examinations are due to begin in a months’ time. In addition to the education continuity disruption, which is the biggest in which Puntland education has ever faced, Puntland as a state in general, and the education sector in particular is not prepared for dealing with such a pandemic.

Furthermore, as issued by the COVID-19 response task force recently formed by Puntland education stakeholders and led by Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MoE&HE), some of the notable existing gaps in the education sector include; that education staff are lacking the necessary expertise for online/radio based education, schools and education sector in general are not materially prepared to handle online/radio based education to ensure continuity of education. In addition to that, most of the schools do not have fully equipped hand-washing facilities with all the necessary items and worst of all, none of the teachers, parents and caregivers are trained/sensitized on the prevention and identification of COVID-19 cases.



The main objective of this activity is to improve safety and protection in learning environment. The specific objective is procurement and provision of safe and clean water for all 24 ECW supported schools and institutions to reduce water born and communicable diseases.

  • Specification Breakdown
  • Program Evaluation Score (30%) Organizational Experience Score (40%) Government legibility Score (30%)
    Filled Bid Documents 10% Updated and detailed Company Profile, including Company Name, Vision, Mission, Organagram (Attached Copy) 10% Business Certificate License/ Commercial License/ MoPIC certificate (Any expired will not accepted) (Attached Copy)   15%
    Filled Quotation with accurate arithmetic 20% Identity document/ Passport of at least 2 Directors and CVs of core Staff including engineers
     (Attached Copy)
    5% Valid Tax Compliance Certificate, Tax payment Voucher (Attached Copy) 7%
    Bidder’s Authorized Representative Information 5% Evidence of Relevant experience for at least 3 years, signed Purchase Orders (POs)/ Contracts/Completion Certificates and any evidence of successful delivery. (Attached Copy) 10% Registration Certificate from local authority (Attached Copy) 3%
    Certified Bank Statements of at least the last 3 years (Attached Copy) 10% Registration certificate from Tender Board (Attached Copy) 5%

    Technical Evaluation

    Bids technical evaluation is based on the specification submitted.

      • Financial Evaluation
        S/N Description Unit Quantity Remarks
        1.0 Procurement and provision of safe and clean water for all 24 ECW supported schools and institutions to reduce water born and communicable diseases. Water tank 96 4 water tanks for each and every school; 2 tanks on August, 2 tanks on September to ECW supported schools in Puntland
        2.0. Distribution Cost Schools 24 ECW supported schools[Sanag, Nugal, Mudug and Bari/Karkar]

        4. Evaluation Criteria

        The Bidders are expected to submit the following documents which will form part of the pre-selection process and non-returnable copies with scoring marks each as shown in Table 1 below:

          • Mandatory Requirements

        Table 1: Showing Mandatory Requirements earmarked with scores

    Bids financial evaluation is based on the cost quoted and proper calculation of arithmetic.

    *SIDRA invites interested individual suppliers/companies/bidders who meet the above criteria to request the procurement documents/bidding documents via procurement@sidrainstitute.org.

    All completed hard copy tender Documents should be submitted latest on 29th July, 2020 at 2:30 in sealed envelopes and shall be hand carried addressed to SIDRA Institute, Operations Office, Garowe Puntland-Somalia at 1st August, Main Gate of Dalxiiska Ministerial Compound.

    Late bids shall be rejected and no liability will be accepted for loss, late delivery or non-delivery, whatsoever. Bids shall be opened at a later date to be communicated.

    A representative from your company will be invited to witness the opening.

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