Securing livelihoods of agro-pastoralists setting up and strengthening of livestock sector value chains,promoting infrastructure and generating income

Title of the Action

Securing livelihoods of agro-pastoralists through setting up and strengthening of livestock sector value chains, promoting infrastructure and generating income.

Area of intervention

Somaliland, (Salxley, Cadaadley, Dacarbudhuq, Gebiley, Kalabaydh and Tog-Wajaale ) districts

Project Reference Number

PN: 2016.0118.6

Length of Project (Months)

58 months

Start date of the Action

July 2016

End date of the Action

30th April 2021.

1. Introduction:

Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Germany (VSF-G) is an international Non Governmental Organization, providing humanitarian aid and development assistance to pastoralists and vulnerable communities in areas where livestock is of importance. VSF-G support is in animal health; livestock related agriculture, marketing, food safety, drought responses and mitigation, capacity development of communities and governmental institutions, peace and conflict resolution with the ultimate aim of food security and strengthened livelihoods of pastoralist communities.

In Somalia VSF Germany is directly implementing a 58 months (1st July 2016- 30th April 2021) project funded by BMZ. The overall coordination of the project at the county level is conducted by Ministry of Livestock and with technical guidance of Veterinary Department in Hargeisa. In addition, the project collaborates closely with District Authorities in the three districts of operation to ensure the success and attainment of its objective

A significant investment in dairy value chain and economic empowerment over a number of years has resulted in improvements in resilience to shocks.

Based on these findings that VSFG designed this project” to contribute towards improving food security and building resilience of communities to drought in Somaliland (covering Salxley, Cadaadley ,Dacarbudhuq Gebiley, Kalabaydh and Tog-Wajaale districts) with funding from BMZ.

This action was developed in tandem with priorities and plan of Somaliland in close coordination and cooperation with Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Development (MoLFD).

The overall coordination of the project has been conducted by MoLFD in Hargeisa with technical guidance from VSFG in Nairobi. In addition, the project has collaborated closely with Local Authorities, Ministry of Planning and National Development to ensure success and attainment of its objective.

2. Purpose of the evaluation

To assess the impact of the project on the lives of direct beneficiaries and its contribution to the principle objective: Improvement of livelihood of dairy and meat-producing agro-pastoralists and of members of the milk and meat value chain through increased income and, hence, all year improved access to animal products at local markets for consumers to access high-quality protein; outputs, outcomes, innovative practices and key learnt from the action.

The specific objectives of the evaluation are:

a) Assess whether or not this Action, in design and implementation strategies, was consistent with the overall goal of BMZ programme the extent to which the various interventions have contributed to priorities set national government priorities, policies and the targeted project beneficiaries.

b) Examine to what extent targeted communities and the Government have participated in dairy value chain and income generating activities undertaken under the Action and how this has contributed to improved food safety, food security through enhanced income and resilience to drought of beneficiaries in Salxley, Cadaadley, Dacarbudhuq, Gebiley, Kalabaydh and Tog-Wajaale districts.

c) To assess improvement on the quality dairy and meat products traded by actors

d) To assess the milk and meat chain actors’ behavior change on adoption of hygienic standards practices through the decrease of use of unhygienic materials (plastic containers for milk vendor & meat vendors) among dairy and meat chain actors directly.

e) Examine the extent to which key result areas has been achieved as per the set result and indicators in the project document

*Results 1:* Hygienic conditions and practices in the dairy and meat value chain improved, leading to higher revenues on markets and, hence to increased income for the producers.

i. At least 79% of dairy and meat products traded by actors directly involved in the project in local markets meet product specific quality and hygiene standards by end of the project.

ii. *At least 45% decrease in the use of unhygienic materials among dairy and meat chain actors directly involved in the project (e.g. plastic containers for milk vendors) by end of the project***

iii. *At least 79% of the beneficiaries (milk and meat producers, processors and vendors) have their incomes from milk and meat products increased by 30% by end of the project***

Result 2: Resilience of food vulnerable households strengthened to avoid or overcome hunger crises through improved access to different hygienically improved animal protein;

i. Availability of different locally processed milk and meat products increased by 45% by end of the project.

  1. 1933 households (11,600 people) have improved their diet through regular consumption of hygienically improved dairy and/ or meat products indicated by an improved HDDS score

Result 3: Capacity to regulate and provide services in dairy and meat sectors enhanced) were achieved and good practices applied.

i. At least one municipality produced a policy document and is able to regulate the dairy and meat sector by end of the project.

ii. At least 70% of dairy chain actors are organized into active structures and are linked to reliable institutions in dairy and meat value chain by end of the project.

f) Assess the impact of the project on the targeted and final beneficiaries including, pastoralists; agro-pastoralists, National Livestock Professional Associations, Community groups, Government and local authorities, Private sector involved in the dairy value chain and draw key lessons learnt and opportunities for future programming in similar contexts.

3. Scope of work

The evaluation is expected to examine and quantify, where possible; (i) the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of the overall and specific objectives and contributions of the Action towards improving food security and communities’ livelihoods through enhanced resilience to common shocks.

The performance of the project should be measured through analysis of the project indicators –comparing the baseline and outcome information/ data, how the project was adapted to the evolving social and economic situation in target areas, approaches adopted and donor visibility.

The consultant(s) shall review relevant documents on the project and interact with a wide range representative of informants including pastoralists, agro-pastoralists, local authorities, Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Development(MoLFD) staff, IGA groups keepers and transporters, CBOs, women traders who directly benefitted from the project; and key actors in dairy value chain.

3.1Review project documents

The consultant is expected to review available documents on the project to get back ground information and deep understanding of the project.

3.2Methodology of carrying out the task.

The consultant will be required to develop clear methodology and tools that will be used to carry out the task. Methodologies should be clearly stated to show how various stakeholders will be involved as well as the tools to be used in generating the evidence of change sought by the study. Reference will be made to BMZ guidance and DAC in development of participatory tools. The methodology must include but not limited to, literature reviews; in-depth key informant interviews with officials in the MoLFD, Focus group discussion, Household Survey and interviewing project staff, project beneficiaries, local leaders, etc) and stakeholder consultations. The consultant will develop data collection that will capture quantitative and qualitative variables that are appropriate for the task. The consultant will be expected to do field visits and conduct sessions with communities and groups using appropriate sample size which is valid and representative with less bias to reach direct beneficiaries including government officials. VSFG will take responsibility for logistics, mobilization and facilitations in the field

3.3Collection data and assessment of impact

The consultant(s) will evaluate three result of the project in collaboration with VSFG staff, government authorities and community groups through:

· Review of the tools developed by consultant and piloting on the reliability and validity of the tools.

· Data collection methods will employ both qualitative and quantitative data collection from the key stakeholder and the targeted household of meat and milk actors

· Field visits to project locations and assessment of achievement to each of the activities under the three thematic areas.

· Document output and outcome, lesson learnt and recommendations attributed to the project activities.

· Present the first initial draft of documented findings to VSF Germany and MoLFD.

3.3. Expected Deliverables

· Inception report with evaluation methodology and detailed work plan

· Draft of evaluation report supported with annexes of quantitative/ qualitative analysis

· Final report with recommendation for the future project

· Folder of clear photos taken during the assignment

3 .4: Validation meeting with project partners and stakeholders

The consultant will make a presentation of the findings on the project output and outcome to the VSFG and stakeholders at a joint meeting. The purpose will be to enable the stakeholders to have the opportunity to validate the findings and make any necessary input before finalization. The work meeting will be organized by VSFG and partners at Hargeisa level, Somaliland.

3.5 Finalization of the report

The consultant will incorporate the input from the stakeholders to finalize the report and present the final product to VSF Germany for sharing with MoLFD and the donor.

The following will be the deliverable which consultant is expected to submit before being paid the final dues.

  • A draft report of key findings on output and results of the project (both positive and/or negative), and innovative approaches of the project within 13 days of work ;( 1 soft copy only).
  • A presentation of the key findings to key stakeholders at field level and Regional Office of Nairobi.
  • A report incorporating input from the workshop held at county level with stakeholders not later than 15th day of the assignment.
  • Final report of the task with main body not more than 30 pages not later than 25 days of the assignment in 3 hard and 1 soft copies.
  • A folder of photos and beneficiary stories captured during the field work in electronic form.

NOTE: Further works or revisions of the report may be required and if the final report does not meet the requirements of the TOR, it may not be accepted and the client will be at liberty to reject it with service provider bearing the liability.

  1. Indicative Plan/Time frame

The duration of the assignment is 23 calendar days and actual implementation plan could be discussed and greed by both parties. It is expected that the whole task should be finished within four weeks from the starting date.

Assessment and awarding of contract

1 days

Meeting with VSFG staff at Country level

1 day

Review of documents and develop data collection tools

2 days

Travel to field for field work

1 day

Field work (details to be developed with field teams).

10 days

Travel back to Hargeisa

1 day

Report writing and consultations

4 days

Presentation of findings(draft report) on power point

1 day

Submission of final report

2 day

5. Consultant’s Profile:

a) A Degree or higher qualification preferably in Development studies, Agriculture, Veterinary Medicine, Social Sciences, or any other relevant degree from recognized institutions.

b) At least 5 years’ experience of work or undertaking similar assignments under humanitarian and development frameworks in the ASAL of the Greater Horn of Africa.

c) Sufficient knowledge and experience covering the key result areas of the project.

d) Demonstrated understanding of evaluating pastoral livelihoods, food security and Resilience building using Dairy value chain, Capacity building and Economic empowerment models at community level.

e) Proven understanding and use of participatory methodologies in data collection.

f) Strong analytical and writing skills to clearly present findings, practical conclusions and recommendations.

g) Previous work experience on BMZ funded projects and knowledge of context of project area is a plus.

a) Ability to deliver on the tasks within tight deadlines.

b) Mastery of written and spoken English.

8.0 Expression of Interest

Any person/firm interested in undertaking this task should send an expression of interest comprising:

a) Technical proposal; The technical proposal should briefly be and clearly describe the following aspects; Understanding of the task, Technical aspect of the proposal, Methodology (Evaluation strategy, Sampling design, Data collection tools, Data Processing & Analysis, Data quality control measures, operational plan, names and curriculum vitae (CV as an annex) of person(s) to do the work and with contact details of bidder.

b) Financial proposal: The financial proposal of the task should be broken down in details as follows: Consultancy fees, Data processing & analysis and Communication.

NB: The costs of long meetings such as focus group discussions will be borne by the VSF Germany.

9.0 Key issues of the project study:

The consultant should assess evidence of relevance and quality of design, efficiency of implementation, effectiveness, impact and analysis of potential sustainability of the achievements. The issues to be studied are:

9.1 Relevance:

Relevance is the extent to which the objectives and design of the action being evaluated fit with: current global/ regional policies, challenges and concerns; the needs, policies and priorities of intended beneficiary; BMZ guidance and the good practices principles developed by relevant ministries and others, the specific objectives, roles and comparative advantages of the implementing agency. It is critical that evaluation looks especially at the adoption of the good practices and principles.

9.2 Effectiveness: Is the extent to which the action has achieved its outputs and outcomes.

9.3 Efficiency: – is the extent to which an action has converted its resources and inputs (such as funds, expertise and time) economically into results in order to achieve the maximum possible outputs, outcomes, and impacts with the optimum possible inputs.

9.4 Impact; The word impact can be used in different ways. In this task the e OECD‐DAC definition: “Impacts are positive and negative, primary and secondary long‐term effects produced by an action, directly or indirectly, intended or unintended” will be used. Impacts can be at the macro (sector) or micro (household or individual) level.

The consultant is expected to use a very practical approach and expect that he/she will systematically refer to the impact/ outcome indicators for the specific results to strengthen the evidence of the findings and recommendations. The evaluators will also check what actions taken outside this project in the six districts complemented achievements of planned outcome (e.g., by the private sector, changes in policy, etc) as well as document (and where relevant/possible, quantify) spin off effects and risks of similar projects.

9.5 Sustainability: – is the continuation of benefits from an action after work has been completed, or the probability of continued long‐term benefits. Questions on sustainability will vary considerably with the objectives of action being evaluated as appropriate.**

10.0 Key contacts and report:**

VSF-Germany’s Country Director, Kenya &Somalia will be the focal point at Nairobi level. At Field level, the contact person in VSFG Somali Office, Hargeisa will be the Technical Advisor/PM.


11.0 Mode of payment:**

The payment will be done according to the following plan /arrangement:

· First installment: The Consultant will be paid 20% of the agreed amount after submission of the draft report.

· Final installment: 80% of the agreed amount in the contract shall be paid upon completion of task, acceptance and approval of the final report and any other documents pertaining to this assignment.

· Consultant shall be required to provide original invoices to facilitate processing of payment.

· The payments will be made in A/C payee in form of cheques/or direct bank transfer in the name of the consultant/company named in the contract. VSF Germany will deduct with-holding tax at source as per the rules of taxation governing VSFG operations and amount will be deposited directly to custodian of such tax.

· No other benefits shall be admissible beyond what is stipulated in the contract, nor does it guarantee a regular position in VSF Germany.

12.0 **. General considerations**

a) Required logistics support will be provided by VSF Germany as prescribed in the contract.

b) All documents prepared during the assignment will be property of VSF Germany.

c) Assignment will not be sub-contracted to a third party by the consultant.

d) In the event that, additional time is required to complete the assignment, over and above that previously agreed to, without changing the scope of work, then it has to be agreed by VSF Germany in writing.

e) Confidentiality of all the assignment will be assured at all times.

13.0 Validation of the Proposal**

All cost should be quoted in USD and will remain valid up to thirty days (30) from the day of proposal submission.

14.0 Confidentiality: All the outputs –Reports, data base, etc produced by this assignment will not be disseminated in part or whole without written authority from VSF-Germany.


How to apply

How to apply: Interested consultant/firms should submit both technical and financial proposals by Sunday, 11th April 2021, addressed to Head of HR & Admin, VSF-G, by e-mail to: to: , with CC to Kassim and . Please indicate “Final Evaluation Consultant-BMZ” in the subject line. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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