Request for Proposals – Monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) service provider (SSFMR-045-C01).


The Somalia Stability Fund (SSF) is a multi-donor fund working towards a peaceful, secure, and stable Somalia. It offers Somali stakeholders a source of multi-year funding that can respond to local needs and opportunities.

The Stability Fund aims to contribute to enhancing stability in Somalia through the following programmatic outputs:

  1. Fault-lines for political conflict (FGS-FMS, inter & intra state) are identified and appropriately addressed
  2. Enhanced popular participation in governance, particularly for women and excluded communities
  3. Increased government visibility and community engagement
  4. Reduced community vulnerability to conflict

SSF invites eligible and qualified entities (“Bidders”) to submit proposals in response to this RFP for Monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) service provider (SSFMR-045-C01).

Objective of the Assignment

The Somalia Stability Fund (SSF) is seeking to enter into a framework agreement with a reputable Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) service provider to develop the methodological design, implement data collection and analyse the resulting information for all qualitative and any quantitative indicators related to SSF’s results framework (RF) for 2021.

While SSF’s donors have approved the Results Framework, the team is open to considering robust proposals for alternative methodologies, and as such, the selected contract service provider (CSP) will work with the SSF team to refine the methodologies, including development of data collection tools, and assess options for robust data collection that is also cost effective. The full RF is included as Annex 1 and gives the full understanding of SSF’s past and current objectives. SSF’s Performance and Delivery Unit (PDU) will be responsible for the management of the relationship with the CSP and provide oversight to all aspects of this ToR throughout the contract period.

Evaluation Criteria and Scope

The detailed Results Framework and Results Framework Revisions Summary Note are included in the request for proposals package under Section 8, which details the evolution of SSF’s previous RF to the current thinking on each indicator’s methodology. The proposal process is the bidder’s opportunity to provide SSF with either a more detailed refinement of how the methodologies mentioned in the Summary Note can be implemented, or propose other innovative, more robust solutions to collecting valid data against each indicator. where new solutions are proposed, bidders should keep in mind the indicated maximum budget for this contract.

Upon agreement with the SSF team on the methodology, the selected CSP will be responsible for all data collection, data cleaning, analysis, and the packaging/presentation of the analysed information to both the SSF team for an initial review via one-day workshop(s) and subsequent reports, as well as a presentation to SSF’s Joint Donor Committee (JDC). The presentations and reports of data collected should demonstrate a contextualized analysis of results and trends within each indicator, its meaning with the scope of SSF’s contribution or attribution to the program results, lessons learned, and recommendations for future programming.

The key areas of focus are further outlined under Section 7 of the Request for proposals package available here: 

The Selected CSP will be responsible for the following

  • With support of the SSF team, finalize the refinement or revision of the methodology for each of the selected indicators, including, reference to the sampling of target districts and target respondents, and develop a proposed timeline for completion of each of the studies. The methodologies should ensure the collection of both qualitative and quantitative data.
  • Development of data collection tools for the agreed studies and methodologies.
  • Deployment of field staff to collect qualitative and quantitative data from the field for all proposed studies and indicator performance tracking information.
  • Provide SSF with raw data, interview and focus group discussion transcripts, etc. collected in the field.
  • Organize one-day workshop(s) to present findings to SSF team prior to submission of each case study report. The SSF team will have the opportunity to comment during this workshop so that feedback can be integrated into the report.
  • Synthesize data collected into case study reports that present data analysis and demonstrate progress, results, trends, correlations and lessons learned, as relevant, from the findings. All reports should be submitted to the SSF team by November 1, 2021.
  • Present findings to SSF’s Joint Donor Committee (JDC) following submission and acceptance of case study reports by the SSF team.
  • Provide training to SSF staff and partners on the proposed/selected M&E methodologies where requested by the SSF team.

Key Deliverables

  1. Inception report with complete data collection design, implementation and dissemination plan, including:
  2. o Refined data collection methodologies, including sampling methodology where relevant;

    o Design and pre-testing of data tools be used for the various case studies per the agreed data collection methodologies;

    o Training of data collectors in proposed tools and collection methodologies;

    o Risk management plan;

    o Field work: timeline and description of pilot phase, implementation, proposed organization of field teams, duty of care plan for field work, etc.;

    o Data processing, data management and data quality assurance plan;

    o Data analysis.

  3. Workplan/Gantt chart for implementation of methodologies, data analysis and reporting for studies pertaining to this assignment.
  4. Workshops and presentations to SSF and the JDC.
  5. Reports that are inclusive of findings, progress against milestones, trends over time where relevant, and contribution or attribution of results to SSF as appropriate.
  6. Raw data collected.

Key Personnel

The proposed team should be comprised of the following staff (one person can fill multiple roles), at a minimum. Positions highlighted in bold are considered ‘key personnel’.

I) Team Leader

  • A minimum of 10 years’ experience of qualitative and quantitative evaluation methodologies in Fragile Conflict Affected States (FCAS);
  • Bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences or related field;
  • At least 2 years’ experience in Somalia;
  • Ability to analyze, present and communicate data from different methodologies; and
  • Demonstrated experience of managing large data collection activities in a fragile state context.

II) Conflict and Gender Advisor

  • At least 8-10 years’ experince in conflict and gender analysies in FCAS
  • At least 2 years’ experience in Somalia; and
  • Demonstrated ability in the contextualised analyis of data collection

III) Value for Money (VfM) expert

  • At least 8-10 years’ experience in VfM analyses in FCAS
  • At least 2 years’ experience in Somalia;
  • Demonstrated ability in the contextualized analysis of data collection.

IV) Data Analyst

  • A minimum of 5 years’ experience developing data collection tools, training enumerators and analysing large and complex data sets from qualitative and quantitative methods;
  • Advanced degree in Statistics or related field;
  • At least 2 years’ experience in evaluating projects in FCAS and
  • At least 2 years’ experience in Somalia.

V) Program Manager

  • Administrative manager with at least 5 years of experience in managing similarly sized contracts in FCAS (experience in Somalia a benefit)

VI) Quality Assuarance Manager

  • M&E expert with at least 5 years of experience in quality assurance and data verification.

VII) Enumerators

  • Field staff with extensive experience in collection of data using proposed methodologies in SSF targeted areas and
  • Experience in data translation and transcription

Duration of Assignment

This contract will run for about six months from July 2021 to December 2021.

Geographic Scope

SSF currently works in the Federal Member States (FMS) of Puntland, Jubaland, South West State, Galmudug and Hirshabelle. In addition, the Fund works at the district level across these FMS, both in urban and rural areas. The geographical scope of this ToR will depend on the specific requests from SSF. However, for illustrative purposes for this ToR, bidders are expected to be able to work in the following locations that SSF works in:

  • Wadajir Framework implementation: Galmudug (Hobyo, Balanbale and Abudwak districts); Puntland (Iskushuban and Qandala districts); and South West State (Baidoa district).
  • Support to subnational democratisation: Puntland, Galmudug and South West State.
  • Peace dividends and large infrastructure investments: sample districts to be determined.

It should be noted that SSF’s work may expand beyond this list and bidders are also expected to be able to work in other difficult to access areas. The exact districts to be sampled will depend on the bidder’s proposed methodologies, budget, and proposed statistical significance and validity of findings. The selected CSP will help SSF determine appropriate selection criteria for sampled districts.

How to apply

To access the full RFP package, interested Bidders are advised to click on this link: 

For clarification questions, please email us at no later than Monday, 21 June 2021 at 1000 HRS (East African Time).

Responses to clarification questions will be uploaded no later than, Tuesday 22 June 2021 at 1000 HRS (East African Time) and accessed through the same OneDrive link with the RFP Package: 

The Technical and Financial proposals will need to be submitted separately in electronic form by Wednesday 07 July 2021 at 2330 HRS (EAT). The proposals shall be submitted separately to the following addresses:

Technical Proposal:

With the following subject title: TECHNICAL PROPOSAL- Monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) service provider (SSFMR-045-C01).**

Financial Proposal:

With the following subject title: FINANCIAL PROPOSAL- Monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) service provider (SSFMR-045-C01).

No exceptions will be made for late entries.

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