- Terms of Reference 3.1 Objectives of the case study 3.1.1 Objective The objective of the Case Study is to assess the nexus between SOS Somaliland humanitarian project (i.e. FSL, Cash programming, WASH and protection) and the overall mandate of SOS CVI to support children in need and prevent family separation. The humanitarian projects of SOS Somaliland focus on the lifesaving, recovery, protection and building to the local community based organizations in the project target locations. The mandate of SOS Children’s Villages is that every child belongs to a family and grows with love, respect and security; SOS Children’s Villages in Somaliland has three different care options, FamilyLike Care, Foster Family Care, Youth Care and Family Strengthening to prevent family separation. 3.1.2 Two statements are essential in this Case Study: i. SOS Children’s Villages in Somaliland implements emergency response programmes (ERPs) in a Multi-sectorial Humanitarian assistance.( FSL, Cash programming, WASH and protection) ii. The best place for a child to grow in is within a caring family environment. SOS Children’s Villages in Somaliland assumes that if, in a setting of a humanitarian crisis, children and young people under 18 years are protected/accompanied by one or more caregivers, these children and young people have a better chance of being spared from distress, lack of food and shelter, exploitation, abuse and violence. As such, it is more likely that they develop as any other child in normal situations. 3.1.3 The assignment: The case study aims to provide evidence by examining the above two statements. It therefore elaborates the following questions: i. To what extent do the multi-sectorial ERP programs of SOS Children’s Villages in Somaliland (focussed on food security and livelihoods, Cash programming, WASH and protection) contribute to family preservation and child/youth wellbeing? ii. What are the key contributing factors and activities within the ERP interventions that contributes to the family preservation and wellbeing of children and youth (<18 years)? iii. What are the best practices, lessons learned and recommendations? iv. How can the current approach be adapted to increase impact on family preservation and child/youth wellbeing and protection? 3.1.4 Methodological implications: Data collection based on: – Literature and documents (including project proposals, Annual Program Reports and Real Time Review Report) on SOS Children’s Villages in Somaliland (list of documents attached) – Statistics provided by UN, INGOs and Government institutions. – (Structured) interviews with resource persons (including caregivers, children and youth) – Interviews with other stakeholders (WVI and SCI) – TASCO LNGO Data will be collected in the SOS Children’s Villages ERP Project locations: – Site of the ERP Maroodi-Jeex and Sahil Regions. o Nasahablod A. Malowle, Qalax and Mandheera IDP camps Request for proposal and ToR for Case Study of SOS Children’s villages in Somaliland Emergency Response Program on Family Preservation, children and Youth Wellbeing and Protection Target Group – ERP Beneficiaries from target locations – Non ERP Beneficiaries (representative for control group) – FSP Beneficiaries (representative for control group) – AC Beneficiaries (representative for control group) Collected data should allow for: – Comparison between refugee/IDP camps where SOS is intervening and refugee/IDP camps without interventions (as yet). – Comparison between SOS CV Somaliland and other stakeholders involved in ERP 3.1.5 Scope The Case study will assess the impact of SOS Somaliland Emergency Programme has on Family preservation and children and youth wellbeing and protection; the Emergency programme consists five main sectors which needs to be appraised: 1. Food Security and Livelihoods 2. Water, Sanitation and Hygiene 3. Protection 4. Multi-Purpose Cash 5. Localization: Working with CBO’s
How to apply
Process of Submission of Bids To facilitate the submission of proposals, the submission duly stamped and signed can be done electronically in PDF format and sent to hr@sos-somaliland.org The titles of submitted documents should clearly state “Case study of SOS Children’s Villages in Somaliland Emergency Response Program on Family Preservation, children and youth wellbeing and protection”. Please make sure that the technical and financial proposals are sent in a separate PDF file. During the process of case study, technical bids will be opened and evaluated first. The financial part of those proposals, which are shortlisted after case study of the technical proposal, will be opened in a second step.