Closing date: 24 Jan 2021

1.1 About SOS Children’s Villages **

SOS Children’s Villages is a global federation of 116 national SOS Children’s Villages associations, working in more than 2000 programme locations worldwide. We work together with a single vision: every child belongs to a family and grows with love, respect and security.

Uniquely, we provide long-term, family-like care for children who have lost parental care (alternative care service), and we work with vulnerable families and communities to help strengthen them and prevent child abandonment (family strengthening service, FS). SOS alternative care is usually organised in the form of a cluster of SOS families, where each SOS parent cares for small group of children.

1.2 Description of programme location

Djibouti, located in the Horn of Africa, is one of the smallest countries on the continent and has an estimated population of 960,000 people, two thirds of whom live in the capital Djibouti City. The planned project will be carried out in the Balbala District, a southern suburb of Djibouti City, where about 345,600 people live. Balbala is a densely populated suburb consisting of 14 administrative units. The most important economic sector is logistics. Djibouti has the potential to develop into a global trading centre due to its important port. At present, however, the country’s economy is dependent on imports and foreign investment.

Some of the persisting challenges experienced in Balbala include food insecurity due to the onset of severe droughts; widespread poverty whereby the average household income in Balbala is 83 EUR per month; poor water and sanitation; high youth unemployment rate (21.69%); and child protection issues.

SOS Children’s Villages Djibouti has been operating at the Tadjourah and Balbala sites since 2014 and employs 68 people. In Tadjourah, 88 children and adolescents without parental care are holistically supported in the context of care in an SOS Children’s Village. In the adjacent SOS Kindergarten, 70 children are cared for, who also come from vulnerable families in the surrounding community. In Balbala, SOS Djibouti operates an e-learning centre to prepare 200 socially disadvantaged and marginalised young people for the labour market.

Our ‘Improved socio-economic situation of families through strengthened community-based Structures and local partnerships’ project will improve the living conditions of vulnerable families and young people in Balbala by Improving the living conditions and resilience of vulnerable families and youth in Balbala by strengthening local partnerships (Outcome 1); and Improving community-based structures to protect vulnerable children and families (Outcome 2).

Over 44 months, the project will directly benefit:

a) 200 vulnerable parents and guardians from low-income families and/or families of single mothers in Balbala with 4-6 children living on less than 2 EUR / day

b) 400 young people (60% girls and 40% boys), aged between 14 and 28 years, with low educational attainment and/or dropped out of school

c) 30 representatives of about 5-6 community-based structures and 10 members of employment committees.

It will also indirectly benefit at least 1,000 children from the 200 families mentioned above (see a), 1,500 community members, 15 representatives of state institutions.

1.3 Rationale and overall objective of the baseline study

Prior to the implementation of the project activities, an external consultant will conduct a multi-sectoral baseline study.

The objectives of the study are as follows:

  1. The study will cover all project-relevant circumstances at household level of the selected beneficiaries, such as own motivation, income levels, housing and living conditions, health status, preparedness to engage in self-help initiatives, and participation of CBOs.
  2. For young people, the focus will be on identifying their school background and employability.
  3. At community level, it will include a brief analysis of existing child protection mechanisms.
  4. Finally, the study will examine the socio-economic conditions in Balbala. The focus is on a needs analysis of the labour market. The various economic sectors are examined for their potential and, as a result, sectors are identified which are suitable for the realisation of business ideas of the project beneficiaries. It also identifies which sectors have the capacity to employ the young people trained under the project.

In general, the baseline study complements the previous knowledge and experience of SOS Djibouti in the context of its commitment emanating from the Balbala e-learning centre and serves as a solid basis, among other things, for measuring the indicators of the impact matrix.

The baseline study will also be used as a reference document to appeal to decision makers for improved access to primary care for children in the target group.

1.4 Rationale and overall objective of the CBO capacity assessment **

In addition to the baseline study, the external consultant will also conduct a capacity assessment on approximately 5 CBOs in Balbala.

A capacity assessment provides an objective analysis of the target group’s capacity.

The implementation of a capacity assessment is crucial for the sustainability of this project. The assessment aims to identify the capacity gaps of CBOs working in Balbala District in the field of socio-economic strengthening of families, women, child protection and youth development and to develop a training plan based on this. This will contain recommendations for training courses in areas such as project and organisational management, documentation, planning and implementation of projects in the field of income generation and entrepreneurship, advocacy and resource mobilisation. To this end, a local advisor is commissioned to systematically assess the needs of the organisations and develop appropriate capacity building plans for the community-based structures. It is assumed that about 5 CBOs/ self-help structures will be reached by this measure.


The bidders are welcome to submit their proposal for a baseline study in the location of BalbalaDjibouti. This bid is open to all national and international suppliers (independent consultants or companies) who are legally constituted and can provide the requested services. The bidder shall bear all costs of the bid; costs of a proposal cannot be included as a direct cost of the assignment. The proposal and all supplementary documents have to be submitted in English. Financial bid needs to be stated in Djiboutian Franc DJF.

2.1 Process of Submission of Bids **

To facilitate the submission of proposals, the submission duly stamped and signed can be done electronically in PDF format and sent to

Indicate the subject of your email as SOS CV Djibouti FSP/Consultant Title

The titles of submitted PDF documents should clearly state “Technical proposal for baseline study and CBO capacity assessment in Balbala, Djibouti by the company/consultant title” and “Financial Proposal for baseline study and CBO capacity assessment in Balbala, Djibouti by the company/consultant title”. Please make sure that the technical and financial proposals are handed in separately (financial proposal to be in a separate PDF file). During the process of evaluation, technical bids will be opened and evaluated first. The financial part of those proposals, which are shortlisted after evaluation of the technical proposal, will be reviewed in a second step.

Documents to submit

2.2 Bid submission / identification form – See annex 1 to 4

· Bid submission / identification form

· Previous experience format

· Price schedule form (to be sealed in a separate PDF file)

· Technical proposal

· CVs of the research team member(s) including current geographical location(s)

· Three references (at least two of them must be familiar with your work)

· An example of a recent/relevant evaluation report (if available for public use)

2.3 Deadline for submission

The proposal has to be received by latest on 24 January 2021, by the end of the day East Africa Time. Proposals received after the deadline will not be considered.

2.4 Modification and withdrawal of bids

Proposals may be withdrawn on written request prior to the closing date of this invitation. Any corrections or changes must be received prior to the closing date. Changes must be clearly stated in comparison with the original proposal. Failure to do so will be at bidder’s own risk and disadvantage.

2.5 Signing of the contract **

SOS Children’s Villages will inform the successful bidder electronically and will send the contract form within 3 weeks after closure of the bid submission deadline. The successful bidder shall sign and date the contract, and return it to SOS Children’s Villages Djibouti within seven calendar days of receipt of the contract. After the contract is signed by two parties, the successful bidder shall deliver the services in accordance with the delivery schedule outlined in the bid.**

2.6 Rights of SOS Children’s Villages:

  • contact any or all references supplied by the bidder(s);
  • request additional supporting or supplementary data (from the bidder(s));
  • arrange interviews with the bidder(s);
  • reject any or all proposals submitted;
  • accept any proposals in whole or in part;
  • negotiate with the service provider(s) who has/have attained the best rating/ranking, i.e. the one(s) providing the overall best value proposal(s);
  • contract any number of candidates as required to achieve the overall evaluation objectives

2.7 Evaluation of proposals

After the opening, each proposal will be assessed first on its technical quality and compliance and subsequently on its price. The proposal with the best overall value, composed of technical merit and price, will be considered for approval. The technical proposal is evaluated on the basis of its responsiveness to the Term of Reference (TOR). Bidders may additionally be requested to provide additional information (virtual presentation or phone interview) to SOS Children’s Villages on the proposed services.


  1. Tasks and Questions

The baseline study is an analysis of the situation prior to a programme, against which progress can be assessed and comparisons made. The baseline study tests indicators listed in the results framework (Impact Matrix for this project) regarding their validity, reliability, and data availability. In some cases, the baseline study report might suggest changing/refining indicators or adapting the source of verification within the results framework, because it is not feasible to find reliable data for the originally proposed indicator. In addition to those minor changes, the baseline study should establish the starting indicator value so targets can be set and the source of verification can be tested to ensure it is reliable and data can be accessed or collected. A strong and accurate baseline is the starting point from which change can be measured during monitoring and evaluations.

The capacity assessment will inform the project team on the approaches and methodologies to adopt in order to successfully engage with 5-6 CBOs in Balbala. The proposed timetable below includes submission and approval of inception report. The assessment will only start after the contracting is completed.

Key Tasks:

a. Baseline Study

  1. Test indicators and their proposed sources of verification on availability and reliability
  2. If necessary: suggest modification on either sources of verification or indicator definition / operationalisation (only in case of severe challenges in collecting reliable data)
  3. Establish baseline and target indicator values for all indicators defined in the results framework
  4. Provide a short report with recommendations and a narrative summary of the baseline findings.

b. Capacity Assessment of CBOs

  1. SWOT analysis (existing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats)
  2. Potential development of any particular organisational skills (i.e. fundraising, management of micro-credit or savings groups, etc.)
  3. Organisational structure
  4. Methodology

The data collection process for the baseline study is to be proposed by the consultant and should include e.g.: accessing existing data collection systems such as programme database (PDB) and existing reports such as the needs assessment; interviews with key stakeholders like representatives of the target group, community leaders and representatives of the municipality, accessing country statistics etc.. The technical proposal is expected to include a section on methodology.

For the CBO capacity assessment, the methodology is expected to be relevant to the local context and tailored to the target groups.

  1. Expected deliverables

3.1 Expected deliverables for Baseline Study:

  1. Documentation of activities (e.g. interviews including consent forms) carried out
  2. Baseline study (draft and final) report containing (see outline in the annex):

a. Executive summary

b. Methodology

c. Recommendations on indicators and sources of verification, specifically using Detailed Indicator Template, see annex 6

d. Outcome of baseline study (table with baseline values)

e. Narrative summary and recommendations

3.2 Expected deliverables for Capacity Assessment of CBOs:

  1. Documentation of activities (e.g. interviews) carried out
  2. Refinement of capacity assessment design and methodology in an inception report
  3. First draft of the final report in English
  4. First draft of a capacity building plan for CBOs based on findings
  5. Presentation of preliminary results to SOS Children’s Villages Djibouti Country and International (face-to-face)
  6. Final report
  7. Final capacity building plan
  8. Timetable

Baseline Study Activities


Time frame


Prepare baseline study


98 hours in total


Test indicators and sources of verification

TBD by consultant


Conduct data collection (interviews etc.)


Analyse data and prepare draft report

Remote or Balbala

Prepare final report and presentation (if needed)


Remote or Balbala

CBO Capacity Assessment Activities


Time frame


Prepare capacity assessment and submit suggested data collection methods and interview partners to the contracting body (inception report)


40 hours in total (consultant to decide on the allocation of their time)


Conduct desk research (general)


Conduct data collection (interviews etc.)

Analyse data

Prepare draft report

Incorporate feedback and prepare final report

Draft capacity building plan for CBOs

Incorporate feedback and prepare final capacity building plan and presentation

Deliver presentation


  1. Qualification of the researcher / research team

The researcher / team of researchers must have:

a) proven competency (record of previous experiences) in project/programme evaluations, including formative programme evaluations / baseline studies

b) a good understanding of development work in Djibouti

c) a good understanding of child rights and issues affecting vulnerable children and their families

d) proven experience in working with conceptual frameworks and data collection methods (including age appropriate data collection methods)

e) strong analytical and conceptual skills

f) excellent written communication skills in English

  1. Logistical arrangements

When at the programme location, accommodation and transport to the field can be organised by the member association on request, but the consultant is responsible for the full coverage of costs during the entire stay of the researcher(s) (costs for accommodation and transport should be included into price proposal).

National or location level staff (SOS) will be available to help organizing the interviews including contacting SOS, announcement and local preparation of evaluation, linking to community duty bearers and national authorities if required.

  1. Duration of the contract and terms of payment

Payment will be made only upon SOS Children’s Villages acceptance of the work performed in accordance with the above described deliverables. Financial proposals should include proposed stage payments. Payment will be effected by bank transfer in the currency of billing and is due 30 days after receipt of invoice and acceptance of work.

Funding and Payment: The consultant will be paid by SOS Children’s Villages as follows:

25% on the submission and approval of Technical Proposal

25% on completion of the draft reports

50% on completion of final reports

Duration of contract: the contract is effective from the moment it was signed until the acceptance of work by the international project team.

  1. Notice of Delay

Shall the successful bidder encounter delay in the performance of the contract which may be excusable under unavoidable circumstances; the contractor shall notify SOS Children’s Villages in writing about the causes of any such delays within one (1) week from the beginning of the delay.

After receipt of the Contractor’s notice of delay, SOS Children’s Villages shall analyse the facts and extent of delay, and extend time for performance when in its judgment the facts justify such an extension.

  1. Copyright and other propriety rights

SOS Children’s Villages shall be entitled to all intellectual property and other proprietary rights including, but not limited to, copyrights, and trademarks, with regard to products, processes, inventions, ideas, know-how, or documents and other materials which the Contractor has developed for SOS Children’s Villages under the Contract and which bear a direct relation to or are produced or prepared or collected in consequence of, or during the course of, the performance of the Contract. The Contractor

acknowledges and agrees that such products, documents and other materials constitute works made for hire for SOS Children’s Villages.

All materials: interviews, reports, recommendations, and all other data compiled by or received by the Contractor under the Contract shall be the property of SOS Children’s Villages and shall be treated as confidential, and shall be delivered only to SOS Children’s Villages authorized officials on completion of work under the Contract. The external consultant is obliged to hand over all raw data collected during the assessment to SOS Children’s Villages.

  1. SOS Children’s Villages child protection policy and code of conduct

SOS Children’s Villages International has a child protection policy and code of conduct that all consultants will be expected to comply with and will be required to sign a statement of commitment to the policy. This will happen upon signing of contract, together with an orientation of consultants on internal child safeguarding processes and data protection regulations.

Before the actual start of data collection, a police check is to be provided, in case any direct contact with programme participants and/or any sensitive data is planned.

In addition to the above mentioned, the following key areas for ethical consideration need to be taken into account:

Graham, A., Powell, M., Taylor, N., Anderson, D. & Fitzgerald, R. (2013). Ethical Research Involving Children. Florence: UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti.

The successful bidder is requested to obtain written consent from all participants of the evaluation process and/or their official guardians/representatives (when applicable).

  1. Termination

SOS Children’s Villages reserves the right to terminate without cause this Contract at any time upon forty-five (45) days prior written notice to the Contractor, in which case SOS Children’s Villages shall reimburse the Contractor for all reasonable costs incurred by the Contractor prior to receipt of the notice of termination.

SOS Children’s Villages reserves the right to terminate the contract without any financial obligations in case if the contractor is not meeting its obligations without any prior notice:

· agreed time schedule **

· withdrawal or replacement of key personal without obtaining written consent from SOS Children’s Villages

· the deliverables do not comply with requirements of ToR and research guide.


  1. Bid submission / identification form

This bid form must be completed, signed and returned to SOS Children’s Villages. Bids have to reflect the instructions described in the Request for Proposal and Terms of Reference.

Any requests for information regarding this Request for Proposal shall be send to

The Undersigned, having read the complete Request for Proposals including all attachments, hereby offers to supply the services specified in the schedule at the price indicated in the Price Schedule Form, in accordance with the Terms of Reference included in this document.

Offering service for: SOS Children’s Villages Djibouti

Company/Institution Name/Individual’s Name___

  1. Address, Country: __
  2. Telephone: __ Fax _ Website___
  3. Date of establishment (for companies): _
  4. Name of Legal Representative (if applicable): _
  5. Contact Person: _ E-mail: __
  6. Type of Company: Ltd. Other _
  7. Number of Staff: __
  8. Subsidiaries in the region:

Indicate name of subsidiaries and address




Validity of Offer: valid until:__


Signature and stamp

  1. Previous experience form



(services and products provided to the clients relevant to the current RFP)


Contact person/phone, e-mail address

Date of assignment


  1. Price schedule form

The financial proposal needs to include all taxes.

Baseline Study


Staff involved (indicate profile)

Number of persons

Number of days

Daily rate

Price (all incl.)

Percentage of total price






1.Preparation of data collection

2.Data collection

4.First draft of the final report

5. Final report

Total Price (F)


Accommodation and local transportation to be covered by consultant, to be included into price proposal.

CBO Capacity Building


Staff involved

Number of people

Number of days

Daily rate

Total price per row

Percentage of total price






  1. Development and preparation of data collection methodology (Inception report)

2. Data collection

3. First draft of the final report and first draft of the capacity building plan

4.Final report and final capacity building plan

Total Price (F)


Accommodation and local transportation to be covered by consultant, to be included into price proposal.

This proposal should be authorized, signed and stamped

(Name of Organisation)

Name of representative



  1. Technical proposal (guideline)

Name of Organisation/Firm/Independent Consultant

Name of contact person for this proposal (for organisation/firm)




The technical bid should be concisely presented and structured in the following order to include, but not necessarily be limited to the following information listed below.

1. Quality and Relevance of Technical Proposal

· Describe all actions related to defining data collection methodology and conducting the baseline study

· Realistic work plan with time lines in accordance with ToR

· Detailed quality assurance process for data collection and analysis

2. Qualification and expertise of or organisation/team of consultants/consultant submitting proposal

· Reputation of firm/organisation and staff and individual consultant/s (competence and reliability) in carrying out evaluations

· Relevance of:

  • Specialized knowledge
  • Proven expertise in carrying out formative evaluations

· CVs for key staff


The final baseline study report should be based on the proposed outline:

COVER PAGE (1 page)

[The cover page of the report must include SOS CV Djibouti, programme location, country and date.]

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (1 page, main findings)


1.1 Short description of programme location

1.2 Description of the objectives

1.3 Methodology: description of the overall assessment process, research team, and methodology


2.1 Recommendations on indicators and sources of verification

2.2 Outcome of baseline study (table with baseline values)


[Analyse the main findings and give recommendations on indicators, data collection tools, reliability and validity of information]

  1. Detailed Indicator Template (one of the deliverables of the study)

Project objective: (Outcome) xxxxxxx






Data Collection





Quality Control

This table should be completed per each indicator including the Subgoals 1, 2 and 3 (output) of the Impact Matrix (see 4. in the approved project application to the donor).

  1. Structure for capacity assessment report

The final capacity assessment report should be based on the proposed outline:

COVER PAGE (1 page)

[The cover page of the report must include the name of the programme, country, date, implementing agency of the evaluation, name of the authors.]

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (1 page, main findings)

1. INTRODUCTION (1 page)

1.1 Overview on location and short description of the work carried out by each CBO

1.2 Description of key questions and objectives

2. METHODOLOGY (2 pages)

2.1 Description of the overall assessment process, research team, and methodology

2.2 Data collection methodology


2.1 SWOT Analysis per each CBO

[Strengths and Weaknesses should focus on internal factors and availability of resources; Opportunities and Threats should focus on external factors and availability of resources]

2.2 Organisational structure

[Assessment on governance, human resources, legal registration, etc.]

2.3 Potential development of any particular organisational skills

[Assessment on organisational skills such as fundraising, management of micro-credit or savings groups, etc.]

2.4 External environment

[Include the PESTLE analysis table and narrative summary that answers the critical reflection question]


[Analyse the main findings and give recommendations on a way forward. This will lead into a Capacity Building Plan]

How to apply

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