REQUEST FOR CONSULTANTS For training of VSLA Members on Good Hygiene, life skills, Gender empowerment and Good Nutrition Practices. – Somalia


The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) is a global humanitarian organization with a mission to work with people in poverty and distress to create just and positive change. ADRA Somalia belongs to the world wide network, comprised of more than 130 supporting and implementing country offices. ADRA Somalia is seeking to recruit a consultant to conduct a training of VSLA Members on Good Hygiene, life skills, Gender empowerment and Good Nutrition Practices.


The purpose of the consultancy is to train and capacitate women members of the Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA) groups in good hygiene and nutrition practices, women empowerment, and basic life skills for the target groups. It is hoped that by the end of the training, the trainees will be able to prepare nutritious meals under good hygiene conditions and identify life skills that they can utilize to enhance their group activities and personal lifestyles.


2.1 Training Objective

To train selected ToTs (Training of Trainers) on basic good hygiene and nutrition and applicable life skills and delivery methodologies for the various fields.

The training should address key issues of hygiene and nutrition through cookery, promotion of improved nutritional practices, and life skills that can empower the members. Focus should be laid on the delivery of the above when training the selected groups.

2.2 Main Responsibilities of the Consultant

Provide a participatory training to the selected 15 ToTs drawn from VSLA village agents and Ministry of Health staff in Lasanod district in Somaliland covering hygiene, nutrition, and life skills. Each training will be held separately.

2.3 Specific tasks and issues to be addressed in this consultancy

Train the ToTs on nutrition, cookery, hygiene, and the identification of malnutrition in children and good dissemination methods for the same.

2.3.1 Training on appropriate life skills

Development of basic training manual for each of the areas listed below

Training the ToTs on the utilization of the developed manuals

2.3.2 Training in nutrition and malnutrition

Training on what nutrition is and what it means to have nutritious meals.

Training on the main foods available in Somalia and their nutritional values

Train on the principles of good nutrition and cookery.

Train in the good food combinations that will derive maximum nutritional benefit

The effects of lack of proper nutrition

Training on the meaning of malnutrition and how it is identified.

Give practical lessons on identification of malnutrition for the different age sets

2.3.3 Training in cookery of vegetables 

Train on various ways of preparing vegetables

Facilitate in the development of basic recipes for vegetable preparations.

Training on how to encourage trainees to introduce the use of vegetables in their families by reminding them the importance of such vegetables in their diets.

2.3.4 Training in hygiene and sanitation 

Train on meaning of hygiene and sanitation.

Train on the appropriate personal hygiene.

Train on good hygiene when preparing meals.

Train on the possible consequence of poor hygiene and sanitation.

2.3.5 Training on appropriate life skills

Identification of appropriate life skills

Train the ToTs on the importance of the life skills

Guide the ToTs on how they can train this component

The training methodology should be participatory suitable for the participants with little or no formal education and develop acceptable and functional action oriented practical solutions. Action plans should be undertaken for effective application of gained knowledge.


The Consultants should be:

Technically competent in handling nutrition, cookery, hygiene and life skills issues.

The consultant needs to be a good and proven trainer with excellent training skills and methodologies suitable for adult learning.

3.  Ability to train adults with low education levels

4.  Availability to undertake the assignment

For the full Terms of Reference (TOR) please visit ADRA Somalia website Interested persons should send a technical and financial proposal to by 26th October 2020. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

‘’ADRA Somalia is committed to upholding the rights of all children and vulnerable adults that we serve and those we interact with in the course of our work. We endevour to protect all from all forms of abuse and exploitation as outlined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and Inter Agency Standing Committee (IASC) six core principles on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA). ADRA Somalia has zero tolerance to abuse and exploitation of beneficiaries and staff.’’

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