
Development of Beacon Teachers’ Training Manual and Tools for Silence Mentorship


The purpose of the consultancy is to:

  1. Develop beacon teachers’ training manual with specific focus on silent mentorship approaches to be used to train 95 teachers across the project locations (Banaadir, Hirshabelle, Southwest and Jubaland)
  2. Develop silent mentorship observation tool
  3. Conduct TOT training for 16 selected trainers in project locations


Mogadishu, Somalia


21 days

Start Date


Reporting to

Gender and Safeguarding Advisor


Adolescents and youth between the ages of 15 and 29 comprise 23 percent of household members in Somalia, with a higher proportion of women among them. Despite substantial progress made during the past decade, access to education remains limited in Somalia, presenting a major barrier for adolescents’ and youth’s participation in the country’s economy. The gross primary enrolment is only 27 percent (29 percent for boys, 25 percent for girls). Most of today’s Somali youth has never attended school or have had limited access to education, with boys more likely to be attending school at all levels. Overall, 75 percent of the women ages 15-49 have never attended school, but this proportion is likely much higher among marginalized ethnic groups, minority clans, displaced pastoralists, and girls with disabilities. The proportion of women without formal education is also likely much higher in rural areas, reflecting limited service provision and barriers posed by affected adult girls. The baseline study for the AGES project, conducted in Banaadir, South West and Jubaland, showed that among young women ages 20-24, those who have a disability, belong to a pastoralist household, face food insecurity and/or live in an insecure location were less likely to ever have been enrolled in school.

Results from the Quarter 15 third party monitoring report and girls’ survey (May 2022) pointed out that 7% of teachers practice corporal punishment through caning, slapping, and beating while 10% of headteachers indicated that they also practice corporal punishment. In addition, 28% of students indicate they experienced physical punishment while 19% of respondents indicated that they witnessed abusive language/shouting.

The Overall Goal of the Project

The AGES project works with communities, private providers, MOEs, religious leaders to provide tailored, sustainable solutions to develop literacy, numeracy, and key life skills for more than 80,000 of the most marginalized girls in South Somalia between the ages of 15-25 who have never enrolled in school, have dropped out in grade 1, or only had access to short-term courses, without acquiring basic literacy and numeracy skills.

Project Outcomes

  1. Improved literacy, numeracy, financial literacy, and knowledge of SRH
  2. Increased transitions to formal and non-formal education and employment,
  3. Increased sustainability of AGES’ approaches at institutional and community levels

Project Intermediate Outcomes

  1. Increased attendance and retention
  2. Improved quality of teaching
  3. Acquisition of leadership skills
  4. Positive shifts in community practices towards girls’ education
  5. Strengthened school governance
  6. Increased self-efficacy and female youth
  7. Strengthened economic situation of female youth
  8. Enhanced social support for ultra-marginalized female youth

Project Outputs

  1. Access to financial services and safety
  2. Availability of quality, relevant non-formal learning opportunities tailored to the needs of ultra-marginalized girls and young women
  3. Social norms change movement towards broader life opportunities for adolescent girls and boys
  4. Build institutional capacity for quality assurance in inclusive education
  5. Enhanced access to education for girls with disabilities
  6. Collective action of adolescents/ young women and men towards realization of rights
  7. Increased access to information about other development opportunities
  8. Increased access to critical services

Target Group

The project targets 38,475 adolescent girls and young women ages 15-25 who have never enrolled in school, have dropped out in grade 1, or only had access to short-term courses, without acquiring basic literacy and numeracy skills. This age group has been selected due to the lack of opportunities for education and training for older adolescents and youth in South Somalia, which has a particular impact on young women, given the gender gap in access to education and the greater barriers faced by girls to attend school in comparison to boys. The project will prioritize adolescent girls and young women from the subgroups of the population most likely to be out of school as per AGES’ findings, including occupational minorities; individuals with disabilities; married and divorced girls; single mothers; minority language speakers; and displaced pastoralists. A large proportion of the older adolescent girls and young women targeted by the expanded activities is likely to be married or divorced and already engaged in some form of work.

Objectives of the TOR

Even though 93% of the learners are aware of the feedback, complaints, and response mechanism (FCRM), the project has noted that very few cases are reported through the system. Most of the cases reported are through quarterly surveys and focus group discussions with the girls, making it a challenge to follow up on cases and to provide timely support and guidance on referral services if needed. All the reported cases have yielded no results upon investigation as the girls have recanted their initial reports. The project seeks to find alternate ways of helping the girls to voice their concerns in a space in which they feel safe.

The objective of the consultancy is to develop a “beacon teachers’[1]” training manual on beacon mentorship and additional skills in “silent mentorship[2]” as an approach to empower the existing teachers in schools and to train selected trainers in the MoE and project staff. The main objective of a silent mentorship approach is to provide the beacon teachers with relevant skills needed for silent mentorship aimed at getting the girls to talk about and to confide in trusted adults about their fears. The aim of using the silent mentorship approach is to help girls feel close to at least one supportive adult at school. The consultant is expected to focus on areas such as gender, child protection and safeguarding, and positive discipline when developing the training manual and the silent mentorship tool.

Scope of Work

The consultant will be expected to undertake the following tasks:

  • Review thematic content on child protection and safeguarding in the existing NFE teacher training materials and other existing modules, including those training materials related to verbal/corporal punishment and positive discipline and the Girls’ Empowerment Forum manual (particularly sections focused on mentorship), and identify gaps around skills and thematic areas that need to be included to support safe and supportive engagements of beacon teachers using a silent mentorship approach with NFE learners.
  • Develop a practical user-friendly inclusive, gender sensitive and teacher centered training manual for beacon teachers.
  • Train project staff and selected teachers as trainers of trainees to pioneer beacon teachers’ training and their use of a silent mentorship approach across project locations.
  • Develop the agenda, Pre- and Post-test for the ToT of project staff and selected teachers.

Time Frame

The consultancy will be for a maximum of 21 days for the entire process effective from date of signing of the contract until sign-off by the department technical staff


  1. Work plan detailing the timelines of all the activities under this consultancy. The timelines should clearly state the rationale behind each activity.
  2. Inception report on the review of the existing teacher training and other relevant materials mentioned above.
  3. Draft beacon teachers’ training manual with practical and user-friendly content and activities as per the above thematic in the scope of work and responsive to the needs and interests of adult learners.
  4. Draft silent mentorship observation tool to be used by the teachers.
  5. Share final signed/approved copy of the training manual and silent mentorship observation tool that has undergone final quality assurance review by CARE.
  6. Share final training report.

Required/desired skills and qualifications

  • A minimum of master’s degree in Education (Psychology, Sociology, gender, safeguarding)
  • 5+ years’ experience in development of training manuals, guidelines, and teaching/learning materials, preferably tailored for teachers or those supporting teachers of adolescents
  • 5+ years of demonstrated training for teachers and counselors in the field of psychology or in psychosocial support provision, particularly to adolescents/youth
  • Previous experience in developing a beacon teacher training manual and silent mentorship observation tools highly desired
  • Extensive experience working with teachers and learners in conflict-affected areas
  • Excellent analytical and conceptual skills to think and plan strategically
  • Ability to manage a demanding workload and strict adherence to timelines provided
  • Have excellent analytical and writing skills
  • Excellent written and spoken English; proficiency in Somali language is desired
  • Knowledge of PSHEA policies, teacher’s code of conduct, and safeguarding measures to protect vulnerable children and vulnerable adults that apply for all contracting service providers.

How to apply

Interested candidates should send the following documents to the email address to the email address by 17th October, 2022.

  • Detailed technical and financial proposal
  • Proposed methodology and workplan responding to the ToR
  • Evidence of similar assignment in the form of contracts/Pos
  • CVs of key subject experts
  • Company profile

How to apply

How to apply

Interested candidates should send the following documents to the email address to the email address by 17th October, 2022.

  • Detailed technical and financial proposal
  • Proposed methodology and workplan responding to the ToR
  • Evidence of similar assignment in the form of contracts/Pos
  • CVs of key subject experts
  • Company profile

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