VSFG – Veterinaires Sans Frontieres Germany


Request for Expression of Interest


Consultancy service for the Design, Drawing, and Estimation of Village milk centers (VMC), milk sales posts, meat stalls and slaughter slabs in Puntland, Somalia


Re-advertisement Date of the REOI: 14/08/2020

Letter of Invitation Requesting EOIs



Re: Consultancy service for the Design, Drawing, and Estimation of Village milk centers (VMC), milk sales posts, meat stalls and slaughter slabs in Puntland, Somalia

Dear Madam/Sir:

  1. Veterinaires Sans Frontieres-Germany (VSF-G) has received financing from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (“IFAD”) and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this grant to eligible payments under this contract, for which this Request for Expression of Interest is issued.
  2. VSF-G Invites Expressions of Interest (EOIs) from individual consultants (NOT AS A COMPANY) to provide the consultancy services referenced above. More details on these consultant services are provided in the Terms of Reference (ATOR). This REOI is open to all eligible entities (“Consultants” INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANTS) who wish to respond.
  3. The Client intends to hire an individual consultant (THECONSULTANT”, NOT A COMPANY) to provide consulting services for the Design, Drawing, and Estimation of Village milk centers (VMC), milk sales posts, meat stalls, and slaughter slabs in Puntland, Somalia.

Location: Bari and Nugal regions, Puntland State of Somalia

Anticipated Start Date: 12th, October 2020

Duration of Assignment: 20 days, beginning from 12th to 31st October 2020.

  1. Before preparing its EOIs, the Consultant is advised to review the Abridged Terms of Reference attached hereto as Annex 1, which describes the assignment in detail, and Annex 2, which delineates how the technical qualifications of the Consultant shall be evaluated.
  2. An individual consultant will be selected under Selection Based on the Consultants’ Qualifications (CQS) method in accordance with the procedures set out in the IFAD Procurement Handbook which are provided on the IFAD website[1].
  3. Submission Procedure: Please submit your EOIs using the forms provided for this purpose. Your EOIs should comprise one (1) original copy of each of the EOI Forms.
  4. Procedure: The Client will evaluate the EOIs using the criteria provided in Annex 2. The Consultants who attain the highest (minimum of 3 and maximum of 6) total points (who also attain the minimum technical score required to pass) shall be shortlisted.
  5. Any request for clarification on this REOI including the ATOR should be sent via e-mail to the address above no later than 5.00 pm EAT of 21st August 2020 VSFG will provide responses to all clarification requests by 5.00 pm EAT of 25th August 2020.
  6. EOIs shall be submitted to the address below no later than 5:00 pm EAT of 1st September 2020

VSFG Regional Office in Nairobi

Piedmont Plaza, 671 Ngong Road,

Attn: Maurice Kiboye, Country Director

Or alternatively to the following email address:

Yours sincerely,

Sign — ——— Date: ——14th August 2020

Lynette Sikulu,

Human Resource Manager,


Form EOI-1 EOI Submission Form

[Location, Date]

[Authorized Official]

Dear Sir or Madam,

Re: Consultancy service for the Design, Drawing, and Estimation of Village milk centers (VMC), milk sales posts, meat stalls and slaughter slabs in Puntland, Somalia


I, _, the undersigned, offer to provide the consulting services for the above-mentioned assignment in accordance with your REOI dated ___.

I am hereby submitting my EOI, which will be open for acceptance for a period of ninety (90) days.

I hereby declare that all the information and statements made in this EOI are true and accept that any misrepresentation contained in it may lead to the individual consultant’s disqualification.

We understand you are not bound to accept any EOIs that you may receive.

Yours sincerely,

Consultant Signature:

Full Name of the Consultant:

Address of the Consultant:

Form EOI-2 Qualifications of the Consultant

Re: Consulting Services for Baseline assessment in terms of hygienic standards and the capacities of producers, vendors and /or processors, Somalia


Provide a brief description of the background of the individual consultant and of each Associate (if any) for this assignment. Include the CV of the consultant and each Associate (if any) to carry out the task.

The EOI must demonstrate that the Consultant has the individual capability to carry out the assignment.

The Qualifications document shall further demonstrate that the Consultant has the capacity to carry out work in the field and provide experienced on short notice.

Maximum 5 pages

Form EOI-3 Experience of the Consultant

Re: Consultancy service for the Design, Drawing, and Estimation of Village milk centers (VMC), milk sales posts, meat stalls and slaughter slabs in Puntland, Somalia


Using the format below, provide information on each relevant assignment for which the Consultant was legally contracted for carrying out consulting services similar to the ones requested under the Terms of Reference included in this RCQ. The EOI must demonstrate that the Consultant has a proven track record of successful experience in executing tasks similar in substance, complexity, value, duration, and volume of services sought in this procurement.

(Maximum 20 pages)

Assignment name:

Approx. value of the contract (in current US$):

Location within country:

Duration of assignment (months):

Name of client:

Total No. of staff-months of the assignment:

Address, and contact details (including email address(es):

Approx. value of the services provided by your individual consultant under the contract (in current US$):

Start date (month/year):
Completion date (month/year):

No. of professional staff-months provided by associated consultants:

Name of associated consultants, if any:

Name of senior professional staff involved and functions performed (indicate most significant profiles such as project director/coordinator, team leader):

Narrative description of the project:

Description of actual services provided by you within the assignment:


Terms of Reference

Consultancy service for the Design, Drawing, and Estimation of Village milk centers (VMC), milk sales posts, meat stalls and slaughter slabs in Puntland, Somalia

IFAD and AICS funded Project:

Food Security and Sustainability in Fragile Situations

Project name: Food Security and Sustainability in Fragile Situations (FSSFS)

Title of the assignment: Consultancy service for the Design, Drawing, and Estimation of Village milk centers (VMC), milk sales posts, meat stalls and slaughter slabs in Puntland, Somalia.**

Locations of the assignment: Puntland State of Somalia, Nugal and Bari regions

Duration of the assignment: 20 days


The European Committee for Training and Agriculture (CEFA) is an International Non-Governmental Organization established in 1972 and active in 10 Countries in Africa, Latin America, and Eastern Europe. CEFA’s medium- and long-term interventions in the agricultural, environmental, and Human Rights sector are focused on the sustainable development of the communities, achieved by involving local counterparts and by promoting the active participation of the beneficiaries.

Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Germany (VSF-G) is an international Non-Governmental Organization, providing humanitarian aid and development assistance to pastoralists and vulnerable communities in areas where livestock is of importance. Its support is in animal health; livestock-related agriculture, marketing, food safety, drought responses and mitigation, capacity development of communities and governmental institutions, peace and conflict management with the ultimate aim of food security, and strengthened livelihoods of livestock dependent communities.

Overview of the project

The overall goal of the project is to sustainably improve food security, nutrition, and livelihoods and to build resilience among vulnerable households and their communities. The development objective is to increase targeted households’ income through improved agricultural production, mainly focusing on the palm dates value chain and livestock productivity.

The following outcomes are expected:

a. Irrigation Infrastructures are constructed/rehabilitated as well as properly managed and climate-smart technologies are adopted (in both Yemen and Somalia).

b. The production of selected crops is increased and processing and marketing of palm dates in Somalia and vegetables in Yemen is sustainably improved.

c. Rangeland and small ruminant productivity in project areas of Puntland is increased.

The project consists of the following activities grouped under three components. The components summary descriptions are as follows:


· Support for the sustainable management of the irrigation infrastructures.

· Construction and Rehabilitation of irrigation infrastructures.

· Application of climate-smart technologies for irrigation infrastructures.



· Training farmers on sustainable agriculture practices and techniques, with a specific focus on the palm, dates value chain.

· Support in developing a private sector-led supply of inputs.

· Value chain capacity building for private sector traders, businessmen, and producers.

· Establishment of a date processing unit.


· Value chain capacity building for private sector traders, businessmen, and producers

· Introduction and adoption of a ‘Holistic Natural Resources Management’ (HNRM) approach for sustainable management of rangelands

· Increase small ruminant productivity through genetic improvement and feed technology.

· Capacity building for public (Veterinary Officers) and private (CAHWs – Community Animal Health Workers) and public veterinary service providers on disease control.

· Deployment of a methodology for Livestock Body Condition Scoring aimed at strengthening the capacity of the Ministry of Livestock to be fully able to monitor the general body condition of the Livestock.


· Promote and strengthen collaboration with agricultural extension service providers and local authorities through short courses, workshops, and provision of critical research inputs

· Capitalization of knowledge and Documentation of Best Practices

Scope of the assignment.

VSF Germany is looking for an individual consultant; an Independent Individual consultant, to conduct a site survey and evaluate existing slaughter sites, milk collection centers at the village level, meat, and milk markets used by venders in the meat and milk sectors in the project target areas. The aim is to establish sustainable approaches to improvement use and management market practices including hygiene and sanitation of these structures. The consultant will work closely with the Ministries of Livestock and Animal Husbandry (MoLAH), Public Works, Municipality, local authorities, and milk and meat vendors Puntland to achieve the objectives of this task.

Objectives of the consultancy

The purpose of this consultancy is to assess the current general situation of the project areas, in terms of livelihoods, socio-political and economic conditions, power relations, information on minority groups and any form of social exclusion, social/cultural practices, policies, local governance issues at village levels that impact market infrastructure used by actors in milk and meat sectors. Overall, the focus is on understanding the conditions of structures used by milk and meat vendors in selected locations and what should be done to improve their use and make them more viable for the resilience of pastoralists and agro-pastoralists.

The specific objectives of the study are to:

(i) Assess the sites selected by communities for construction/rehabilitation of slaughter slab (for small ruminants), Village milk collection center (VMC), and milk and/or meat sale posts in 2 districts (Garowe and Burtinle) of Nugal region and their technical viability.

(ii) To prepare detailed designs, drawings, and Bills of Quantities (BoQ) with accurate Engineer’s cost estimates for the proposed construction/rehabilitation works of milk and meat sale posts and slaughtering slabs. The consultant could be engaged in construction supervision and contract management activities.

(iii) Prepare technical specifications to facilitate the tendering process and guide the contractors during the actual construction

Specific tasks to perform

The consultant is expected to undertake the following tasks:

a) Develop and submit a proposal detailing the methodology of the technical design of proposed structures.

b) A desk-review of relevant project documents with a focus on the kind of proposed market structures and other relevant documents prior to the implementation of the task.

c) Provide an inception report detailing the understanding of the concept of the assignment.

d) Develop the tools for the assessment and design in consultation with project staff.

e) Interact with MoLAH, Ministry of Public Works, Municipality, and local authorities during the technical assessment of sites and sites to ensure the capture of their opinions about proposed structures.

f) Quality control of the design work to ensure accuracy and viability before submission to the client.

g) Prepare and discuss with the VSFG and stakeholders a draft report with sufficient details on design and key recommendations.

h) Make a presentation of the design to VSFG and stakeholders for validation of the suitability of the designs.

i) Incorporate the comments from the client and relevant stakeholders into the final report.

j) Prepare and submit a final report of the design work.

Duration and Timeline

The duration of the assignment is 20 calendar days, beginning from 12th October 2020. The foreseen assignment is part of the inception period, conducted in order to establish the benchmarks in community knowledge, attitude, and practices as determinants of sustainable management of locally available natural resources. It will also pave ways for the involvement of cal authorities and stakeholders from the onset of the project in an effort to embrace holistic natural resources management as a tool for sustainable utilization of the rangelands to enhance food and livelihood security.

Description of the Proposed Activities

The proposed activities to be implemented are as follows:

  1. Site/Master plan

· The consultant will prepare a site plan including the spatial orientation of each construction site and necessary utilities.

· The consultant will determine the space needed for each structure in view of the current users and capacity evolution in the coming years

  1. Site survey including soil investigation

· The consultant will visit the proposed sites and conduct reconnaissance surveys as well as the assessment of existing conditions and determine all topographical features and water sources as may be required for the purpose of designing the site plan. Identification and Surveying of appropriate water sources for the structures.

· All the pre-requisite studies such as site study, surface study, and investigations, tests, collection of data, (adequate trial pits), etc. should be carried out and incorporate in the structural design before detail design of structures.

  1. Designs of the structures

· The detailed design should fit into the requirements of the VSF G in terms of capacity and cost.

· The consultant should identify the appropriate water sources and design how the water supply should be channeled to the structures including a storage overhead reservoir/ tank within the site (appropriate size) and water distribution within each of the structures; with an adequate number of water taps distributed for drawing water for various uses.

  1. Drawings for the structures

· The designs and drawings should be made to scales suitably fixed so that they are easily readable at site or workshop by the naked eye. The drawings should preferably be made to the scale of 1:50 and for showing finer details to 1:20 / 1:10 where necessary.

· Each structure shall have, where deemed necessary, separate drawings in cross-section, elevation, and plan (Except for similar structures).

· Adequate number of copies of drawings should be produced to properly represent all the necessary details, views, etc.

· The drawings should include detailed structural details.

· All drawings shall be in the ISO A3 format (297x420mm) and dimensions shall be in the metric system (i.e. meter, cm, and mm). Descriptive reports shall be prepared in A4 format (210x297mm).

  1. Bills of Quantities (BoQ) and cost estimates

· The BOQ should clearly cover all items of work and follow the Standard Method of Measurement (SMM). They should be as exhaustive as possible to avoid variations that may arise during execution and therefore the undesired disputes and claims.

· The detailed technical and material specifications should be a part of the BOQ. One copy of the Technical Specifications shall be submitted to Project or country program Manager for any comments and suggestions before producing final copies.

· Conduct market survey in Hargeisa, Puntland for common building materials to establish standard specifications of items and also the local prices. Skilled and unskilled labor rates’ assessment to be carried out as well.

· Availability of materials may also be specified for those that are unique in features. As far as possible, the materials should be readily available in Hargeisa, Puntland. The materials may be suggested to suit the climatic conditions of different locations.

· The cost estimates should be appropriately worked out to indicate the cost of the entire construction works (materials, labor, transport, etc). It should be accompanied by an analysis of rates where necessary.

· The cost estimates should be treated as highly confidential information not to be shared out by the Consultant without the written approval of VSFG.


The Consultant will be required to develop a clear methodology and procedure to carry out the task. Such methodologies should clearly show how various activities of the assessment will be carried out for expected output. The Consultant is expected to design the most suitable data collection tools ensuring the inclusion of all the project actors in the market structures design process. The methodology will be discussed with VSF Germany to agree on the most suitable approaches for the assessment in line with the project objectives.

The Consultant will examine all content of the project proposal focusing on market infrastructure for each result and output areas of the project and where necessary consult with VSFG, MoLAH, Ministry of Public Works, and Municipality staff.

Presentation of the design draft report to all stakeholders at a joint meeting for validation. The consultant will make a presentation of the design to inform any technical adjustments in the planned structures and activities for the market operations to guide the project implementation. The purpose will be to enable the VSFG and stakeholders to have the opportunity to validate the contents of the report and any proposed modifications in line with baseline findings and provide any necessary input before finalization. The meeting will be organized by VSFG and partners on a date to be defined.

Finalization of the design report: the consultant will incorporate the input from the VSFG and stakeholders to finalize the above document and present the final products to VSF Germany for sharing with other consortium partners (CEFA and MoLAH) and submission to IFAD.

The Consultant is expected to take all necessary steps to ensure that the security and dignity of the respondents and any persons participating in this assessment are not compromised and that disruption of their on-going activities is minimized. The role of VSF G and stakeholders is to provide the Consultant (s) with all the necessary logistic support and documentation to facilitate the smooth technical assessment and design process.

Expected Deliverables

The expected deliverables to be provided under the initial contract are as follows:

  1. The Consultant shall submit and present the followings reports to VSF G for review and approval:

ii. Inception report 5 days after signing of contract and site visit.

iii. Draft Report, 10 days from submission of the inception report.

iv. Design and drawings with complete site development work for each structure (site).

v. Architectural drawings with complete details of BOQ and cost estimates for each structure (site).

vi. Final Report, 5 days after receiving any comments on the draft report, and should include the information outlined below.

vii. Site plan with all complete details including fencing where necessary, drawings of each structure and development works

viii. Architectural drawings with complete details

ix. Structural drawings with complete details

x. Drawings for Services (Plumbing, Sanitation and Electrical works)

xi. BOQ and cost estimates for each structure (site).

xii. Design and drawing of water supply system (intake and reservoir).

All reports and documents should be submitted in 3 hard copies and soft copies emailed to the Project/country program Manager and country director.

NOTE: Further works or revisions of the report may be required and if the final report does not meet the requirements of the TOR, it may not be accepted, and the client will be at liberty to reject it with service provider bearing the liability.

All reports should be submitted in Microsoft Word format, in UK English [amend as appropriate]. All text should be unformatted. Graphs or other graphical devices should be editable (i.e. not pictures). All references must be cited according to the convention, and detailed in a bibliography, using the Harvard system as set out in the UNESCO Style Manual. All verbatim quotations must appear in quotation marks and must not be of excessive length. All data collected under the consultancy must be submitted with the deliverables, in a widely recognized format such as Microsoft Excel.

Everything submitted to VSF-G and CEFA must be the original work of the consultants. Any plagiarism in any form, or any other breach of intellectual property rights, will automatically disqualify the consultant from receiving any further payments under the contract by VSF-G, and VSF-G will seek to recover any payments already made.**

All participants in any study or other interaction will be fully informed about the nature and purpose of the interaction and their requested involvement. Informed consent must be obtained for any photographs, audio or video recordings, etc., in accordance with VSF-G and CEFA’s policy on consent. In addition, the consultant will follow an ethical framework for research in working equids by observing 4 principles: nonmaleficence, beneficence, autonomy, and justice for the participation of equids owners.

Methods of Payment and Installments

· 1st installment – 20% of the total amount will be paid upon submission of the inception report.

· 2nd installment – 40% of the total amount will be paid upon submission and review of the draft report by the client

· 3rd installment – 40% of the total amount shall be paid upon completion, submission, and approval by VSF-G and CEFA of the final report.

The payments will be made in A/C payee cheques/or direct bank transfer in the name of the consultant individual consultant as indicated in the signed contract. VSF-G will deduct with-holding tax at source as per the rules of taxation governing VSF-G operations and it will be deposited directly to the custodian of such tax. No other benefits shall be admissible beyond what is stipulated in the contract nor does it guarantee a regular position in VSF-G.

The Consultant will be responsible for their own Insurance during the period of the contract, and CEFA and VSF-G will not be responsible for any injuries or damages incurred during the assignment. The contractor will also meet their own communication and incidental costs (e.g. hot drinks during the assignment). The cost of consultancy submitted must exclude all anticipated expenses on the cost of visa processing, transport (air and /or land) to locations of assignment, transfer costs, local transport in assignment sites in both Somalia and Kenya, meals and accommodation, and security limited to securing the services of local guards to accompany the consultant and VSF-G and CEFA staff to field as required by the VSF-G and CEFA regulations.

Profile of the consultant(s) must meet the requirements below:

· Must have at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture/Civil engineering, from a recognized institution

· Must be registered with the relevant regulatory body for the profession

· Must have at least 5 years of experience in the design of building works.

· Must be fluent in written and spoken English.

· Must have prior Somalia experience and adaptive to different cultures and proficiency of Somali language is an asset.


Qualification and Evaluation Criteria

Table 1: Criteria and Point System for the Evaluation




For specific experience, evidence shall include successful experience in the execution of at least 2 assignments of a similar nature and scope of works during the last 5 years.

A. General Experience 20

I General Experience: The Consultant has at 5 years of experience in similar fields and consultancy services 10

ii General Experience: The Consultant has undertaken technical assessments and design of market infrastructures funded by international donors or international organizations in the last 5 years. 10

B. Specific Experience 80

Experience in Site/Master plan 10

Experience in Site survey including soil investigation 10

Experience in Designs of market structures for meat and milk vending. 10

Experience in Drawings for the structures for milk and meat “rural markets” in ASALs 10

Experience in developing Bills of Quantities (BoQ) and cost estimates 40

Total Points 100

Minimum points required to pass 70


How to apply

  1. Submission Procedure: Please submit your EOIs using the forms provided for this purpose. Your EOIs should comprise one (1) original copy of each of the EOI Forms.
  2. Procedure: The Client will evaluate the EOIs using the criteria provided in Annex 2. The Consultants who attain the highest (minimum of 3 and maximum of 6) total points (who also attain the minimum technical score required to pass) shall be shortlisted.
  3. Any request for clarification on this REOI including the ATOR should be sent via e-mail to the address above no later than 5.00 pm EAT of 21st August 2020 VSFG will provide responses to all clarification requests by 5.00 pm EAT of 25th August 2020.
  4. EOIs shall be submitted to the address below no later than 5:00 pm EAT of 1st September 2020

VSFG Regional Office in Nairobi

Piedmont Plaza, 671 Ngong Road,

Attn: Maurice Kiboye, Country Director

Or alternatively to the following email address:

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