The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) is a global humanitarian organization with a mission to work with people in poverty and distress to create just and positive change. ADRA Somalia belongs to the worldwide network, comprised of more than 130 supporting and implementing country offices. ADRA Somalia is seeking to recruit a consultant for Development of Education in Emergencies (EiE) Policy under Education Cannot Wait.
In developing the Education in Emergencies (EiE) Policy document, the consultant will undertake the following activities:
- Consult all the key stakeholders in MoECHE, State MoEs, UN Agencies, INGOs, LNGOs, private sector and other relevant actors in Somalia on its current and future EiE interests and policies. Consultative workshop(s) will focus on undertaking preliminary consultations in plenary and on one-on-one basis to brainstorm and identify the key elements of an EiE Policy Framework and to gather the relevant data.
- Review of the existing structures, systems, and regulations in the EiE subsector, as outlined in the ESSP. Also review extensively all relevant government policies including those in drafts, reports, studies and surveys, and synthesize the information.
- Conduct initial national and state level consultations with all relevant stakeholders including education umbrellas, non-state actors, Federal Member States, and others.
- Develop the draft EiE Policy Framework and identify developments required to support the policy, develop an implementation strategy for the policy and a national mechanism for implementing, reviewing and monitoring the EiE Policy.
- Present the draft EiE Policy Framework to MoECHE and State MoEs and finalize the Policy Framework taking into account the comments from all the stakeholders.
The following outputs are expected from the consultant:
- An Inception Report prior to commencement of the assignment, explaining the detailed policy development process and implementation plan. The inception report must also include a well-defined stakeholder engagement framework. The Inception Report shall be approved by the Grantee and MoECHE before data collection and stakeholder engagement can commence.
- Policy Framework for education in emergencies which should be aligned to the Education Sector Strategic Plan (ESSP).
- Draft EiE Policy for Stakeholder Review and Validation
- Final EiE Policy
- 10+ years working on education policies and plans, in Somalia or comparable Countries;
- 10+ years of experience as an educationist with a strong background in education in emergencies, education policy and planning or other related subjects;
- Robust understanding and application of policy concepts, methodologies and tools – proven capacity to draft EiE policy papers;
- 5+ years mentoring and coaching experience of key government staff in change management, policy formulation and analysis;
- Broad knowledge and understanding of Somalia’s Federal and State level governance structure and development issues specifically in the education sector;
- Robust knowledge and understanding of education in emergencies, resilience concepts and approaches
- Fluency in spoken and written Somali will be an added advantage
Mode of application
For full Terms of Reference (TOR) please visit ADRA Somalia website Applications with non-returnable copies of CVs, testimonials and 2 samples of previous work related to this assignment (policy development) and should be submitted on or before 15th July 2020 via email to and
All applications should include the following:
- Cover letter (maximum 1 page)
- Technical proposal (maximum 5 pages). The technical proposal should include (i) brief explanation about the consultant with particular emphasis on previous experience in this kind of work (ii) understanding of TOR and the task to be accomplished (iii) proposed methodology, and (iv) draft work/implementation plan.
- Financial Proposal (maximum 1 page)
‘’ADRA Somalia is committed to upholding the rights of all children and vulnerable adults that we serve and those we interact with in the course of our work. We endevour to protect all from all forms of abuse and exploitation as outlined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and Inter Agency Standing Committee (IASC) six core principles on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA). ADRA Somalia has zero tolerance to abuse and exploitation of beneficiaries and staff.’’