Post Emergency Response Monitoring (PERM) SIDA and SDC Emergency Drought Response Project

Terms of Reference


Post Emergency Response Monitoring (PERM)

SIDA and SDC Emergency Drought Response Project

Compiled by

Somali Resilience Programme (SomReP)

15 August, 2022

Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction. 1

2.0 Objectives of the post emergency response monitoring (PERM) 2

3.0 Methodology. 3

3.1 Data Collection. 3

3.2 Sampling. 3

3.2 Study Areas and the sampling frame. 3

4.0 Management of the Consultancy and Reporting. 3

5.0 Authority and Responsibility. 3

5.1. SomReP.. 3

5.2. The Consultant 4

6.0 Logistics. 4

7.0 Proposal Content 4

8.0 The desired profile of the consultant 5

1.0 Introduction

The Somali Resilience Programme (SomReP) aims to “to increase the resilience of chronically vulnerable Somali people, households, communities and systems to climatic shocks and other related risks in targeted pastoral, agro-pastoral, peri-urban and fisher folk livelihood zones by 2023” through effective disaster risk management and positive coping strategies; adaptation of communities to rapid and slow on-set shocks; sustainable livelihoods and economic growth; and transparent and accountable governance structures at community, district and national levels.

From 2020 to present, Somalia has continued to experience an exceptional multi-season drought, which is driving a sharp increase in acute food insecurity. The intensifying drought has resulted in acute water shortages, the loss of livestock essential to Somalia’s pastoral and agro-pastoral livelihood systems, and escalating staple food prices, which were exacerbated by political uncertainty that characterised the highly contentious electoral process, disputes emanating from natural resources and global supply shocks. The food security outlook indicated that the Deyr harvest in January was the third lowest in the past 25 years, and field data suggests that households have lost up to 30% of their livestock due to starvation or disease since the middle of 2021. In some regions, water and staple food prices increased by 140% to 160% above the five-year average in February 2022, rivalling those recorded during the 2010-2011 and 2016-2017 droughts (FEWS Net Somalia February to September 2022).

According to FEWS NET and FSNAU it is anticipate that 4-5 million people in Somalia (25-30 percent of the population) require humanitarian food assistance to prevent Crisis (IPC Phase 3) or worse outcomes in 2022, inclusive of up to 1.0-1.5 million people in Emergency (IPC Phase 4). The 2022 Gu rainy season in Somalia came to an early end in May, with lower rainfall recorded and little to no rain in June. This marks a fourth consecutive failed rainy season since late 2020 and with this Somalia faces a risk of Famine (IPC Phase 5) in 2022.

SomReP, utilizing the flexible pool funds[1] (which it maintains to support communities to undertake pro-active measures in the face of larger magnitude shocks) and donor fund from SIDA and SDC, started implementing the following key interventions in May 2022: cash interventions, rehabilitation and safeguarding of livelihood infrastructure, and water trucking, to support affected Somali communities and stop the adversely affected households from adopting negative coping mechanisms[2] and support them to recover early and take advantage of key moments in the agricultural calendar year[3]. The drought (emergency) response that SomReP is undertaking is anchored by SomReP’s Early Warning Early Action System which emphasizes on the need to respond to changing conditions, timely and strategically, in key sectors or pillars which supports the local economy and society to protect resilience gains. SomReP therefore seeks the services of the consultant to conduct the post emergency response monitoring to understand how the cash (unconditional and conditional) transfers were used, establish whether cash and other interventions implemented were appropriate and relevant, and of suitable quality and of sufficient quantity.

2.0 Objectives of the post emergency response monitoring (PERM)

The main objective of the PERM is to determine effectiveness and relevance of the emergency response interventions implemented and to identify success and shortcomings in implementation process to inform improvement in programing. The PERM will specifically address the following objectives:

  1. To establish whether the agreed amount of cash (be for UCT or CT) were received by the intended beneficiaries and establish whether diversion of cash or its re-distribution took place.
    1. Was cash received by the intended beneficiaries?
    2. Were there cases of cash diversion or re-distribution?
    3. Were there any complaints by beneficiaries on the whole CTP?
  2. To establish whether the emergency response interventions (including the cash payments) were the most appropriate type of assistance and whether alternative set of emergency response interventions should have been implemented.
    1. Was the cash received adequate for the intended use as planned in the programme design?
    2. Was the cash received used for the intended purpose as stipulated in the programme?
    3. Were cash and other interventions implemented preferred interventions by the beneficiaries? If not what are the preferred interventions?
  3. To identify strengths and weaknesses of the current approaches and accountability feedback mechanisms utilized to deliver the emergency response interventions visa-vis other forms of delivering the same.
    1. Were the beneficiaries provided accurate and timely information
    2. How long did it take for the beneficiaries to receive the cash (how long did they queue? Were the cash readily available)?
    3. How well was the whole cash transfer process organized?
  4. To assess whether post emergency response interventions created protection risks for the beneficiaries before, during and after the implementation.
    1. Did indirect expropriation took place including price rises on basic goods in the markets?
    2. Were there cases of sexual exploitation and abuse or other breaches of humanitarian code of conduct
    3. Did the cash received affect intra and inter community and household relationships?

3.0 Methodology

The consultant is expected to develop a detailed research methodology based on their understanding of the terms of reference. The final research methodology shall be agreed upon between the consultant and the Consortia partners.

3.1 Data Collection

While the onus to choose the study design and data collection methodologies is left to the consultant, the consortia strongly recommend that both quantitative and qualitative methods should be used. The quantitative methods shall include use of questionnaire to capture beneficiary specific experiences while qualitative methods such as focus group discussions shall be used to capture community or group experiences. The focus group discussions shall be conducted with groups of beneficiaries selected on the basis of sex, age, occupation or a combination. However, the final methods have to be agreed upon between the consultant and Consortia.

3.2 Sampling

It is recommended that a mix of both purposive sampling and random sampling methodologies should be used. Purposive sampling will ensure that issues that affect the beneficiaries as a group are captured through the focus group discussions while random sampling will ensure that there is reduced bias on information that will be obtained from the beneficiaries within the purposively targeted areas. The consultant will be responsible in determining the sample size of the study. In determining the sample size the consultant shall ensure that the sample size is representative of the population targeted and satisfy the assumptions of statistical techniques. This is particularly important to ensure that results obtained from the sampled beneficiaries are generalizable to the entire group beneficiaries.

3.2 Study Areas and the sampling frame

The study area and sampling include the 13 districts where the programme is implemented. The thirteen districts are: Eyl, Xudur, Las Cannod, Afgouye, Badhan, Bosasso, Burco, Baidoa, Dollow, Lughaya, Salahley, El-Afweyn and Odweyne.

4.0 Management of the Consultancy and Reporting

The consultants to undertake the assignment will report directly to the M&E Manager for SomReP.

5.0 Authority and Responsibility

5.1. SomReP

  • Provide the selected consultant with necessary documents to enable a clear reporting and understanding of the Consortia program.
  • Create linkages with field staff, Implementing Partners and other stakeholders to ensure effective accomplishment of PERM
  • Review report and provide feedback to the consultant to ensure consistency with Consortia implementation objective.
  • Arrange key informant interviews and focus-group discussions as per the evaluation methodology.
  • Liaise with local implementing partners on behalf of the consultant to plan data collection
  • Provide necessary orientation and training to the consultant.
  • Review and approve field approaches to be used by the consultant.
  • Review the draft report and provide feedback to the consultant.

5.2. The Consultant

  • Provide summary fact sheet highlighting key findings
  • Develop assessment plan, methodology and appropriate/relevant data collection tools.
  • Work closely with SomReP M&E Managers and partner project staff through SomRep Head of Quality Assurance Manager during the inception, implementation and report finalization process.
  • Incorporate feedback from the stakeholders at all the stages.
  • Train enumerators, guide and supervise enumerators during data collection in the field.
  • Data collection, validation, processing and analysis
  • Compile a comprehensive draft report for the assignment covering both the document review and primary research with compelling recommendations.
  • Do de-briefing on preliminary findings to the field team soon after data collection Report writing. The result is expected to be shared with the stakeholders and the consultant needs to give due attention for the quality of the report.

6.0 Logistics

The consultants will be responsible for their own logistics as such the budget should reflect both professional and operational costs. SomReP’s role will include coordinating and linking the successful firm with the partners.

7.0 Proposal Content

Proposals from Consultants should include the following information (at a minimum)

  • Technical Proposal with clear methodology, including types of data collection tools and analysis
  • CV of key consultant(s) attached to the technical proposal
  • Proposed budget (both professional fees and operational budget –well itemised)
  • Proposed timeline
  • Two samples of past similar assignments;
  • Two referees for programme evaluation work completed in the last year

8.0 Required Skills, Experience and Competence

SomReP is looking to engage the services of a qualified consultancy firm to undertake the PERM assignment. The consultancy firm should have the following skills and expertise;

  • In depth knowledge and experience of Somalia and its regions including government and community level service delivery structures
  • Minimum Master’s Degree in social sciences, economic development, rural development and agriculture studies or related subjects and, experience in resilience. PHD is an added advantage
  • Has a minimum of 5 years of technically sound experiences in conducting livelihood evaluations or Resilience measurements
  • Familiarity with computation of resilience capacity, adaptive capacity, absorptive capacity and transformative capacity indices.
  • Has at least 3 years of extensive experiences in food security and livelihood programing/resilience programing in fragile contexts
  • Diverse team comprising personnel with the following skills and expertise; resilience expert, M&E expert, statistician/data analyst, Gender expert, graphics designer etc.
  • Demonstrated experience of working in donor funded projects, SDC and SIDA will be an added advantage

9.0 Evaluation Criteria

9.1 Technical Evaluation

The evaluation of bids received towards this request will be based on the following technical evaluation criteria:

  • A cover letter outlining the suitability of the consultant in undertaking the assignment (PERM), motivation and summarizing relevant experience (Not exceeding two pages)
  • Consulting firm profile (Not exceeding one page)
  • Business registration certificate to undertake data collection both quantitative and qualitative in all the mentioned project locations.
  • Precise technical proposal that should include proposed methodology, sampling size and design to be adopted, quality assurance and data analysis plan to be used (Not exceeding 5 pages)
  • Clear work plan including outputs/deliverables and time frames (One page)
  • Detailed CVs of key personnel (including any formal qualifications) should be provided (Annex)
  • In-depth knowledge and experience of Somalia and its regions including government and community level service delivery structures. Prior experience working in Somalia and relationships with Somali-speaking field data collection supervisors will be an added advantage.
  • Has technically sound experiences in qualitative and quantitative evaluations. Experience in conducting PERM or PDM.
  • Has Strong written communication, interpersonal and analytical skills in English, with substantial experience in training and managing teams
  • Has knowledge and experience conducting research on case studies
  • Firm’s local presence including having a team of competent local enumerators and supervisors in all the assignment’s location to manage data collection

9.2 Mandatory Documents

The listed documents are the minimum mandatory requirements to do business with World Vision.

  • Provide a certified copy of business registration(company/organization)
  • Provide a certified copy of tax registration
  • Provide information on ownership structure – name of directors/owners of the company(company/organization)
  • Company profille
  • Successful bidder will be required to sign World Vision Supplier Code of Conduct form (To be provided by World Vision upon successful award)

9.3 Financial Evaluation

  • A financial proposal with a detailed breakdown of costs (which shall include professional fees and operational budget) quoted in USD. Applicable tax amount must be clearly stipulated and separated from the base costs.
  • Payment Terms
  • Credit Period

How to Apply

All interested bidders are requested to submit their proposal in English and by email to on or before 31st August 2022. Proposals should be submitted in three distinct/separate attachments, namely. Mandatory Requirements, Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal (Bidders who will combine both technical and financial proposals shall be disqualified)

EMAIL TITLE SHOULD BE; – Post Emergency Response Monitoring (PERM) SIDA and SDC Emergency Drought Response Project

Bids received after deadline shall not be considered

[1]The pool funds are generally very effective at supporting localized crisis and the average amount per response is USD 100,000

[2] For example selling off assets, family splitting, charcoal production, etc

[3] For example repair damaged irrigation canals and other productive assets to quickly return to productive activities

How to apply

Clarification of Bidding Document

A prospective bidder making an inquiry relating to the tender document may notify WVS in writing at caroline_njuki@wvi.organd WVS will only respond to requests for clarification received no later than 24/8/2022.

How to Apply

All interested bidders are requested to submit their proposal in English and by email to on or before 31st August 2022. Proposals should be submitted in three distinct/separate attachments, namely. Mandatory Requirements, Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal (Bidders who will combine both technical and financial proposals shall be disqualified)

EMAIL TITLE SHOULD BE; – Post Emergency Response Monitoring (PERM) SIDA and SDC Emergency Drought Response Project

Bids received after deadline shall not be considered

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