Individual Selection of Consultant
Country: Federal Government of Somalia
Name of the Project: Improvement of Health Services (Damal Caafimaad) Project
Consulting Service: PCIU Contract
Management Specialist (no.2)
Individual/Firm: Individual
Duty Station: Mogadishu
Deadline: 10 August 2021
The Government of the Federal Republic of Somalia, through the Federal Ministry of
Health, is implementing the Improving Healthcare Services in Somalia under the
“Damal Caafimaad” Project, with financing from the International Development
Association (IDA) of the World Bank Group. The four-year project will contribute to
Essential Package of Health Services (EPHS 2020) implementation aimed at improving
the coverage of essential health and nutrition services in project areas and strengthen
the stewardship of the Ministries of Health in Somalia. The Damal Caafimaad Project,
funded by the World Bank, has three key components: (i) Expanding the coverage of a
prioritized EPHS in selected geographic areas;
Strengthening Government’s stewardship to enhance service delivery; and (iii) Project
Management, M&E, Knowledge Management, and Learning. The Project will focus on
expanding an essential package of high-impact health and nutrition services across the
population in project target regions within available resources and service delivery
capacity, and also aims to develop the Federal and State Ministries’ of Health capacity
to act as stewards of the health sector.
Objective: To carry out all contract management activities for Damal Caafimaad and
FHW health programs including setting expected performance standards, completing
procurement processes, conducting technical contract monitoring, documentation and
reporting on satisfactory fulfilment of contractual obligations, and advising on
contract amendments, cancellation, and authorization of invoice acceptance andpayments, and ensuring transparency and accountability of processes through proper record-keeping. In addition to managing the contracts, the team is expected to build capacity of existing MOH officials through hands on training on contract management. The Ministry of Health and Human Services is seeking to use a portion of the Damal Caafimaad Project to finance the recruitment of a Contract Management Specialist. 2. SCOPE OF WORK AND RESPONSIBILITIES The Contract Management Specialist will play a crucial role in implementation of the Damal Caafimaad project and will support the implementation of the FHW program. The procurement and subsequent contract management of the EPHS service delivery agents will be performed according to World Bank procurement regulations. The Specialist contributes throughout the entire procurement processes, e.g.: planning and executing the procurement activities, as well as managing these contract(s) during implementation phase. The specialist will support the contract management of the FHW program and will review of HTP contractor deliverables (including inception, quarterly and end of project reports) in a timely manner, in order to provide clear and concise feedback in line with expectations as outlined in contract. Under the direct supervision of the Senior Program Coordinator, and with the support of additional team members within the PCIU at the FMOH and FMS, the incumbent is expected to execute the following tasks among others: Contribute actively in the development of ToRs for Invitations to Bid/Expressions of Interest, Requests for Bids/Proposals, and other required documentation for procurement, in line with FMOH and WB Procurement guidelines and templates. Prepare procurement contracts and include results of the negotiations of certain conditions of contracts. Conduct at least two field visits to project sites per year to assess both technical, administrative and financial processes and implementation progress of the contract by the contracted agency and discuss and document project strengths and challenges.
Act as the FMOH focal point and liaison for the contracted agency for Damal Caafimaad, FHW Programme and other programmes; Organize and conduct [quarterly] progress review meetings with the contracted agencies. Take the lead in the preparation of a template/checklist to standardize quarterly and annual progress review meetings with contracted agencies, assessing technical and financial reporting, progress towards indicators, and overall performance. Review financial data submitted by the contractor, in support of the Finance department Meet regularly with FMS contract management officers and Support FMS contract management officers in problem solving with contractors, as needed Prepare and submit monthly report about project related work and deliverables to the Senior Health Service Program Coordinator, and report on the outcomes of all the quarterly contract review meetings S/he will undertake all the other specific tasks detailed in the Terms of Reference (TOR) that can be found at the following www.mof.gov.so or can be provided upon submission of application (in person or by E-mail to the address in paragraph 7.1 below). 3) SELECTION CRITERIA The selection shall be based on qualification, experience and skills of the candidate and followed by an interview. The qualifications, experience and competencies: Master’s degree in management discipline such as business administration or public administration, OR Master’s degree in public health, epidemiology, Medical degree
The ideal candidate will have a combination of training in health / public health and management competencies At least 7 years of experience in a project or programme management position with government, NGOs, or development agencies in the health sector is required. At least 5 years of experience with NGOs or development agencies is required. The candidate will have a strong combination of management and health experience. Familiarity with current health policies and the functions and use of existing M&E tools such as DHIS2, supportive supervision tools Desirable: Experience working in senior management positions and/or on contract management with government and/or international institutions would be an advantage Strong skills in using MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) Excellent written and spoken English and fluency in Somali The ability to work with flexibility in a multi-disciplinary environment Excellent teamwork and communication skills, and the ability to take initiative Strong communication skills and the ability to collaborate with partners coming from a variety of backgrounds and positions, including local and national authorities 3. REPORTING
The Contract Management Specialist will report to the Senior Programme Coordinator of the PCIU in the Federal Ministry of Health. DURATION OF ASSIGNMENT: The Contract Management Specialist will be engaged on a part-time basis and is expected to commence the assignment on 14 October 2021 for an initial period of 12 months, with a probation period of 6 months. The contract shall be renewed annually subject to satisfactory performance. DUTY STATION The Contract Management Specialist will be based in the Project Coordination and Implementation Unit (PCIU) to be established within the Federal Ministry of Health, with site visits to health facilities to support project understanding and implementation on an as-needed basis. The duty station is Ministry of Health in Mogadishu, Somalia. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to section III, para 3.14,3.16 & 3.17 of the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers: Procurement in Investment Projects Financing Goods, Works, Non -Consulting and Consulting Services, July 2016, revised November 2017 August 2018 and November 2020 (“Procurement Regulations”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest. A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Individual Consultant method set out in the World Bank Procurement Regulations. Interested applicants may obtain further information including a detailed Terms of Reference from the Ministry in person or by e-mail to the address given below during office hours from 9.00 a.m.– 4.00 p.m. Saturday to Thursday. Deadline: Expressions of interest and CV must be delivered to the address below by hand, mail, courier or email on or before 10 August 2021 at 16:00 E.A.T hours.
7.1: Address:
The General Director; Ministry of Health and Human Services Federal Government of Somalia Corso Somalia Street, P.O. Box 22, Shangani, Mogadishu, Somalia Email Address: procurement.damalcaafimaad@gmail.com with copies to: dg@moh.gov.so; planning@moh.gov.so Submit your application with the following as your subject: PCIU Contract Management Specialist No. 2 -SO-MOH-FGS-011-CS-INDV