Invitation to Tender For QURBANI Meat Supply – Hargiesa, Gebiley, Dacarbudhuq, Abdal and Borama, Somaliland

DATE 24 June 2021
SUPPLY/Hargiesa/Gebiley/Dacarbudhuq, Abdal
and Borama /JUNE/2021

Islamic Relief Worldwide is an international
humanitarian organization that has been
working in Somaliland since 2006. We are
committed to achieving our core vision of
caring for the people of concern in all
countries where we work. Our goal is to
provide vulnerable communities in
Somaliland with access to basic needs
including Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
(WASH), Education, Basic Health services
and Livelihood Support.
Islamic Relief Somaliland plans to carry out 2021 Qurbani in few selected districts that
are mostly occupied by IDPs and other parts of affected people by drought in
Somaliland especially In Hargiesa, Gebiley, Dacarbudhuq, Abdaal and Borama.

Interested Contractors/suppliers with sound capacity and relevant experience in similar work are here by invited to submit their bids in a SEALED envelope clearly marked with tender reference number as above and be deposited at the tender box at Islamic Relief Office situated in North of Mansoor Hotel Hargeisa, Somaliland.
The basic requirements are:

Partial Documents will not be accepted
Tender envelop should be sealed with reference number and stamped.
Company Profile with detailed physically verifiable contact address
Most recent Bank statements (last 6 months).
Quotation price.
Valid Registration certificates in Somaliland
Evidence of Past Experience in a similar work (LPOs/Contract’s letter etc)
All bids should be written in English.
Sharuudaha Xoolaha Laga rabo (Requirements for the live animals)
1. Riyahu waa in ay jiraan 1.5 sano iyo wixii ka weyn
2. Iduhu waa inay jiraan 2 sano iyo wixii ka weyn
3. Xooluhu waa inay caafimaad qabaan aysana ka muuqan dhawacyo jidhka ah
4. Waa inuu xubnihiisa u dhanyihiin sida afarta adimood, indhaha iyo Geesaha.
5. Waa inuusan weyd/caato ahayn.
6. Waa inuusan duq ahayn”
7. waa inuusan wax xanuun ah qabin sida Shubanka, nabaro jidhka ah, miisaan yari,uusan lahayn
8. waa in aanay kamuuqan wax calaamad xanuun ah

Basic requirement
Goats must be minimum of 1.5 years of age and above
The sheep must be minimum of 2 year of age and above
The shoats must be healthy, no injury on the body
The shoats must be comprehensive; not limping or have broken arm or any
other defect
The shoats should not be emaciated / thin
The shoats should not be old
It must be healthy with no any diseases, diarrhea, and skin lotion and with
minimum of 16kg, of flesh meat
Animal for sacrifice must be health animal and must not be Sick and weak
Animal that cannot walk to the place of sacrifice

Basic requirement
Goats must be minimum of 1.5 years of age and above
The sheep must be minimum of 2 year of age and above
The shoats must be healthy, no injury on the body
The shoats must be comprehensive; not limping or have broken arm or any
other defect
The shoats should not be emaciated / thin
The shoats should not be old
It must be healthy with no any diseases, diarrhea, and skin lotion and with
minimum of 16kg, of flesh meat
Animal for sacrifice must be health animal and must not be Sick and weak
Animal that cannot walk to the place of sacrifice Any carcase that is condemned during the ante mortem inspection by the
veterinary doctors is at the expenses of the contractors and replace of the same
should be done immediately, this includes proper disposal of the affected carcase
according to the law.
Tender document with detail specification and terms and conditions will be available
at Islamic Relief Hargeisa office from 24 June 2021 (05:00 PM). The deadline for
submitting bids is July 7 2021 at 05:00 Pm and any tender or documents received
later than this date and time will not be accepted. The sealed envelopes should be
dropped at Islamic Relief HARGIESA Office Tender Box. All tender clarifications &
queries should be sent to ( or 063-
4848333 Ahmed Adam
Please note that the quotations for the Qurbani will be dropped to Tender Box in
Hargiesa office and should be signed the bid receipt which is also available in Islamic
Relief Hargeisa Office and need to be collected and delivered to Hargiesa office.
Note: Islamic Relief will not be able to invite the bidders to participate in the opening
of the tender at Islamic Relief Hargiesa Office due to the impact of the COVID-19.



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