Invitation to bid for Construction Civil Works – QALAH IDP -Hargeisa, Somaliland

World Vision Somaliland (WVS) is implementing WASH program in the named IDP to supply and fix water tank to the IDP households in Qalah IDPs.

WVS is inviting to a bid for the provision of works as specified in the Lot Numbers below and detailed tender documents complete with Bills of Quantities & structural drawings are now available (free of charge) for collection from the Hargeisa Office & District Sub Offices) during office working hours. Also, it will be shared into your email if you request it from supply chain focal point.

Lot Description of planned activities Location Tender Open Tender Closure
1 Provision of 1meter cubic capacity of steel water tank to Qalah IDP in Hargeisa. Qalah IDP in Ahmed Dhagax district – Hargeisa 9th March 2020 17th  March 2020

Submission Procedures:

  • Bid documents are available for collection from the date of this ITB. Offers must be received before the deadline which is on 17th March 2020 at 02: PM hours.
  • Completed tender documents clearly marked with the Lot Number bided for must be deposited at the WVS Hargeisa Office before the deadline date and time, and recorded in the log book
  • The Tender Committee will be convened promptly, on Tuesday the 17th March 2020 at2:00pM to open and receive the bid submissions. Bidders or their representatives are encouraged to attend.
  • Formal bids being submitted must be on formal company letters, duly signed and stamped must indicate the Full Company Name, Physical Address, Contact Telephone Number/contact Email address, Directors Names, addresses and their telephone numbers


  1. Mandatory Requirements
  2. Provide a certified copy of a certificate of business registration, certificate of incorporation, business license or similar document.
  3. Provide a certified copy of tax registration, tax clearance certificates or similar documents.
  4. Provide information on ownership structure (Name of directors of the company / Owner)
  5. Past Experience-Provide references of the previous works or goods supplied before (attach recommendation letter or Previous LPOS/Agreements
  6. Please indicate delivery period
  7. Indicate validity of quote
  8. Credit Terms.
  1. Technical Evaluation

Bids technical evaluation based on the specification submitted

  1. Financial Evaluation

Based on cost quoted

  • Quotation’s should be received at World Vision Hargeisa Office or send via email not later than 17/3/2020 at 2 PM.

  1. Advert note for Water Tanks
  2. Design for WaterTank
  3. Water tanks BOQ

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