Terms of Reference
Invitation for expression of interest (EOI) for partnership to implement peace building project in Somalia (Gedo, Puntland and Banadir) 2021- 2024
Location |
Gedo, Puntland, Banadir. |
Time Frame |
2021-2024 |
Tentative Start date |
Jan 2021 |
NCA has been in operation in Somalia since 1993 and recognizes this unique opportunity to contribute towards the development goals and priorities of Somalia aligned with Somalia National plan to contribute to Sustainable Development Goals
NCA Somalia envisions a Somalia that is cohesive, inclusive, peaceful and resilient where people are healthy, safer and prosperous through its Peace building program among its many concurrent projects in the country.
Somalia is emerging from one of the longest conflicts in Africa. Since 2012, Somalia has made considerable progress and is now in political transition towards democratic elections, implementation of a federal system of government and finalization of a new constitution. The country has made substantial progress towards establishing regional states, rebuilding government institutions and re-engaging with the inter-national community. This has set the country in a positive trajectory as it harnesses economic, political, and social momentum towards greater stability, building a functional economy, improving security, and establishing credible and durable governance systems.
Somalia is emerging from close to three decades of conflict. Conflicts experienced in Somalia revolve around resources (land, water, pasture, minerals, fish), clan conflicts, religious ideological differences, political tensions, and external interests. The conflicts are often driven by poor governance and state fragility; manipulation of clan identities for control of power and resources; militarization of conflict abetted by proliferation of small arms and light weapons; positive and negative external influence from international actors from within and outside the region; harsh climatic impacts leading to competition
over scarce resource autonomous armed groups including Al Shabab and rising religious violent extremism leading to heightened insecurity.
NCA Somalia will strengthen collaboration with government at local, state, federal levels to ensure that the programmes are aligned with government policies, strategies, plans and priorities. NCA will continue to implement both directly through its four field offices and indirectly through local partnership.
2. Scope of the work – proposed program
The Somali Peace building Program has three main components all over Somalia for the period of 2021-2024. These components will form the base of the peace building intervention within the country in the 4-target location (Gedo, Puntland, Banadir)
Sub-goal 1: Promoting social cohesion and countering violence
There is a correlation between cohesiveness and violence: societies that are more cohesive are also more peaceful and inclusion and social cohesion is the essence of preventing violence. Social cohesion refers to inclusion and creating bonds across groups. A cohesive society works towards the well-being of all its members, fights exclusion and marginalization, creates a sense of belonging, promotes trust, and offers its members the opportunity of upward mobility.
The theory of change underlying this sub-goal gravitates around the assumption that prejudice, dehumanization and other negative attitudes and behaviors can be countered by combined action on three spheres:
Promoting alternative, positive narratives anchored in belief systems, cultural values, and social
Acting for appropriate regulatory frameworks.
Generating spaces for direct positive interaction.
The expected outcomes under this sub goal are:
Sub-goal 1 outcome
1.1 Improved intra/inter groups relations.
1.2 Capacities of CSOs and Government enhanced to prevent and counter violence.
1.3 Inclusive response to prevent and counter violence.
1.4 Empowerment of youth at risk of engagement into violent groups.
Sub-goal 2: Peace structures prevent and transform conflict
Peace structures (peace committees, community peace groups and councils, district and provincial peace councils, etc.) play a critical role in conflict resolution, mediating interpersonal and inter-group conflicts over, inter alia, natural resources, gender relations and social norms. The peacebuilding programme will continue to work on strengthening formal and informal (customary, traditional) peace structures at all levels, making them inclusive and facilitating the creation of linkages among them (infrastructures for peace). In working with these structures NCA will consider interaction with other local structures. Under this goal, the Programme will:
Promote inclusion
Good governance within these structures.
Increasing awareness of and respect for legal and normative frameworks
Build capacities on conflict mediation.
Create linkages between formal and informal structures, at different levels.
Boost women’s and youth meaningful participation in these structures, in line with Women, Peace and Security and Youth, Peace and Security agendas.
Sub-Goal 2 Outcome
2.1 Local, State and national peace building and conflict transformation structures established and/or strengthened and supported to prevent and transform conflict.
2.2 Enhanced coordination and linkages between supported peace building structures and other peace actors.
2.3 Increased civic awareness on the supported peace building and conflict transformation mechanisms.
2.4 Enhance the capacities of community structures supported by NCA to prevent and transform conflicts. (CEC, WASH committees, Cooperatives, farmers associations, etc)
Sub-Goal 3: Peace processes are inclusive
Inclusive and just peace processes generate the conditions for sustaining peace and avoid relapsing into
conflict including women, youth in peace process.
The peacebuilding program will focus on:
Promoting women and youth participation at all levels and in all phases of the process
Working with religious actors
Empowering female religious actors and youth of faith as negotiators,
Mediators and active participants in peace processes through knowledge and capacity building and networking;
Challenging stereotypes and social norms that preclude meaningful participation and inclusion of women and youth from different groups and backgrounds
Facilitating research and analysis on gender and age perspectives of peace processes.
Sub-goal 3 outcome
3.1 Right holders are mobilized for collective action on common interest.
3.2 Capacity of marginalized groups strengthened in peace building, conflict transformation and leadership.
3.3 CSOs advocate for enactment and implementation of policies promoting inclusivity in peace processes.
3.4 Government supported to enact and implement policies, frameworks and plans promoting inclusivity in peace processes.
3.Partnership approach and Nature of partnership:
NCA Somalia shall enter into formal partnership agreement with selected NGOs for the aforementioned project duration if organization is selected. However, financial commitments are made on yearly basis depending on funds availability. The selected partners should be prepared to phase-out in a short time notice in case of unavailability of fund in any point of time.
The interested organization is requested to read this terms of reference (TOR) carefully and prepare a clear capacity statement of 10-20 pages.
1.1. Experience and achievements about type of work the organization has done in the related field.
1.2. Interest, motivation and rational for implementing project activities in the proposed theme as per given TOR.
1.3. Strengths of the organization to successful implementation of the propose program in the proposed program district.
Brief concept note limiting to the following outline or scope.
(Page limit 10 pages, A4 Size, margin 1” top, bottom, left and right):
Context and problem analysis within the specific project location.
Main Objectives of the program.
Proposed activities and outputs.
Type and numbers of Target beneficiaries.
A brief outline on project implementation modality and strategy.
Strategy to engage stakeholders, Duty bearers, other actors in project cycle.
Description of Project monitoring and evaluation including the Plan and the Framework.
Risk assessment and mitigation measures.
Project sustainability plan and the transition phase-out strategy.
4.Guiding note for the proponent organization
This process is guided by NCAs partnership Policy using standard selection criteria and scoring matrix. Being an independent international organization with accountability towards the right holders, duty bearers and donors, partner selection is an internal regular process of the organization. At the same time, it ensures that the selection process is fully impartial and compliant to its policies and guidelines so that the appropriate and best suitable partner get selected. Therefore, NCA will review all the submitted EOIs and Potential organizations that meets the requirements below shall be invited for further discussion on the next steps.
The following be key and major areas of assessment and selection criteria
Organizational Governance and Management.
Level of compatibility of strategic vision, mission, and objective with NCA Somalia.
Humanitarian and development work experience and related expertise.
Gender and Social Inclusion reflected in the organization structure and decision making.
Technical review and assessment of concept note and capacity statement to obtain overall impression on the concept note, capacity statement, EOI, presentation.
Interview with staff/board members, physical verification of documents and field visits. Evidence of Conflict of interest: Any of member of an executive board serving as a full time or part time staff member or consultant on a partner’s payroll will be considered as conflict of interest. NGOs which are governed by close family members, whether related by blood or marriage also be disqualified from selection unless there is clear written or documented statement of declaration.
Timeframe – schedule
The process of identifying Potential partners will be expected to be completed end of January 2021.
Organization experience
Qualification of top management and experience in the peace building work
In-depth knowledge and experience on Peace Building approaches, Conflict mediation, Sensitization, promotion of non-violent culture, individual capacity building on non-violence, advocacy workshops, active women participation and engaging religious actors. The marginalized/minority groups inclusion in participating all activities for their voices to be heard well and loud.
Knowledge of and familiarity with Somalia context
Experience in building capacities of local structures.
Knowledge and experience of NCA thematic Programme areas -e.g. Peacebuilding, WASH, GBV, CSEE, Education, etc.-] will be an asset
Excellent Analytical, Communication and Report writing skills
Requirements for Submission of Expression of Interest (EOI)
The EOI shall contain the following documents:
Concept note in NCA template ( (5-10 pages), including an outline of the methodological approach and activities proposed considered to be necessary to achieve the contract objectives and a tentative timeline with key milestones.
Capacity statement.
Registration from Federal Government and State Government.
The most recent audited financial report 2017, 2018 and 2019 respectively.
CV’s (Max 3 CV’s each 3 pages from the team members and detail distinct roles and responsibilities).
The proposals will be evaluated using the capacity statement, and concept note two-stage procedure shall be utilized in evaluating the Proposals; a technical evaluation based on Legitimacy, vision, organizational values, and their theory of change.
For the evaluation of the concept notes, NCA shall take the following criteria into consideration, with the indicated weights: