Grant application Writing – Community social Peace and reconstruction

SUPPORT TO GRANT APPLICATION WRITING: Towards democratisation and meaningful participation of all Somalis: Supporting youth and women with and without disabilities to claim their equal human rights. (annex 1)


In May 2019, HI in Kenya submitted a Concept Note to EuropeAid for the following call: “Support to civil society and human rights in Somalia”. (see annex 2) In May, HI was informed that the Concept Note had been pre-selected and was invited to submit a full application form by July 3rd, 2020.

In this framework, HI is contracting a consultant in order to support the development of the Grant Application form, for the following project: Community Social Peace and Reconstruction.


The overall objective of this consultancy is to support the development and writing of a winning project proposal, including budget ready for submission, as per the above mentioned call.

The proposal development and writing of the proposal, inclusive of logframe, narrative and budget are to be done by the consultant, and will be supported by HI team Somalia & Somaliland to facilitate consultation and linkage with partners. HQ technical advisors are available to support with technical resources and input.

The specific objectives / expected outcomes are:

  1. Review the approved Concept Note and do additional desk review of relevant policies and latest evidence around the call’s thematic and prior consultation documents
  2. Facilitate a programming workshop (online) with HI team and partners to prepare input for the Logframe;
  3. Based on the workshop and CN develop a Logical Framework and ensure feedback from partners on the draft is consolidated;
  4. Develop budget and narrative, the Grant Application Form;
  5. Engage two partners for feedback on first draft.
  6. Revise the second draft of the Grant Application Form and propose potential modifications for improvement.
  7. Participate, when needed and anticipated, to Skype discussions with main writer and HI focal point to debrief on quality controls done.


Ø Strong theoretical understanding of Human Rights, Strengthening Civil society in post-conflict & low-income countries; Women & local actor Empowerment, gender & disability equality and engagement of youth

Ø Strong experience in proposal writing, more specifically for EuropeAid

Ø Strong facilitation skills and participatory approaches

Ø Strong analysis skills

Ø Strong writing skills

Ø Strong English (oral and written) skills


Ø Start date: asap

Ø End date: 2nd of July

Ø Service location(s): no specific requirement as it is distance support


An approximate 15 working days

Partner Programming Workshop

Logframe first draft sent to HQ

Budget Draft produced

Feedback on Logframe from partners and HI incorporated

Draft Narrative established and shared with Partners and HI

Feedback on Narrative from partners and HI incorporated

Logframe finalized

Narrative finalized

First draft of budget established

Revision of budgets based on feedback from HQ Financial Controller and Team

Validation of final version


Ø Within the framework of the service provision, the Consultant will be asked to collaborate with Handicap International’s teams and in particular with Mrs Charlotte Fortier, Mr Hamse Yonis, Ms Ulrike Last for narrative, logframe and local engagement, Mr. Khadar and Mrs Quentin Moge for budget, who will be the point of contact.


Ø Cost of service provision: daily fee for 15 days

How to apply

If you are interested in this offer thank you to send before 1st June to :

  • A CV,
  • References,
  • Proposed timeframe,
  • Financial offer with daily fee

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