Development, Harmonization of Training Manual & Coaching Protocol for School Head Teachers

Ministry of Education, Culture and Higher-Education (MOECHE)

Terms of Reference for Consultancy Service for Development, Harmonization of Training Manual & Coaching Protocol for School Head Teachers

A. General Information


Consultancy Service for Development, Harmonization of Training Manual & Coaching Protocol for School Head Teachers

Reporting to:

Director of Teacher Development, Teacher Development Advisor and Program Coordinator


30 days

Closing date



GPE MCA Program


Short term Individual Consultant



1. Background and Context

In April 2020, the Global Partnership for Education has approved an additional Maximum Country Allocations (MCA) for the implementation of the Education Sector Strategic Plan of the Federal Government of Somalia. It is two year program commencing from June 1, 2020 to May 2023. The program has four key components including:

Component 1: Increasing equitable access to and quality of early childhood care and education: This component seeks to Increase equitable access to and quality of early childhood care and education services through: (a) developing institutional structures at the state levels to better manage the sub-sector; (b) establishing coordination mechanism between the Ministries of religious affairs and Ministries of Education; (c) increasing awareness at the community level on the role of ECCEin children’s development increasing parents’ involvement and support for ECCE; (d) addressing quality of the subsector through the development of an integrated Quranic-ECCE curriculum and training of 50 Quranic teachers; (e) increasing the availability of learning facilities through constructing 50 ECCE hubs within existing traditional Quranic schools.

Component 2: Increased equitable access to quality primary education for out-of-school children: This component seeks to enhance equitable expansion of access to quality primary education through: (a) construction and rehabilitation of school infrastructure(classrooms and WASH facilities), (b) improving access to primary education for children with disabilities.

Component 3: Enhanced quality of education and children’s learning outcomes: This component also seeks to enhance quality of primary education and children’s learning outcomes through (a) provision of school based coaching for headteachers to improve school performance, (b) review of textbooks content for grade 1 to 8, (c) construction of libraries in selected schools to promoting a culture of reading and literacy, (d) increasing access to safe and protective learning environments for Somali children.

Component 4: Strengthening the education system at the federal member state level for improved service delivery: This component seeks to strengthen the education system at FGS and FMS level through: (a) provision of support for examination (primary grade 8) at FMS level to improve learning outcomes, (b) embedding technical staff at FMS level, (c) short-term skills development trainings conducted for education personnel, (d) construction of offices for two FMS and MOECHE.

This consultancy will particularly focus on component 3: Sub-component (a) provision of school based coaching for head teachers to improve school performance. The focus is to provide continuous professional development support towards strengthening the leadership qualities of head teachers to ensure overall quality of education service delivery. In this respect, the GPE MCA program targets a total of 690 school head teachers for training during mid-term school break.

2. Purpose of the Consultancy

The overall purpose of this Consultancy is to engage potential consultant that will support MOECHE the development of head teachers training manual on school leadership and coaching. Partners have been adopting different training manual for school head teacher training on leadership and schools management, thus the consultant will be expected to review the existing different head teachers training manuals used by partners and develop comprehensive and consolidated head teacher training manual. The consultant will closely work with Teachers Development Department of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Higher Education and Somali National University that will be supporting the training of the headteachers.

3. Scope of Work

The consultant should consider the purpose of assignment and gather initial information at the onset of the process. The following are some general considerations;

· Conduct extensive review of the existing head teacher training guidelines and Identify gaps

· Collaborate and Work closely with Teacher Development Department, Director of Policy and Planning for MOECHE and Somali National University

· Employ different methodologies such as desk review, FGD discussion, KIE with stakeholders, including schools headteachers to identify key topics that is necessary to be included in the training manual

· Prepare inception report and organize validation workshop with stake holders for briefing and inputs on the development of the head teachers training manual

· Develop relevant, comprehensive consolidated headteachers training manual on school leadership and management, coaching, Conflict resolutions, and basic school Quality Assurance steps.

4. Methodology

The consultant will perform the tasks under the overall authority/directions of the Director of Teacher Development and advise of the teacher training advisor.

The consultant is expected to compare and contrast the different existing head teachers training manual with different partners including learning institution such as Somali National University and identify key gaps on the different guidelines and incorporate the most relevant topics that is deemed necessary to enhance school leadership and management procedures. He/she is expected to propose key topics that need to be incorporated in the training manual which will be a resource that will be used by all education stakeholder in future.

5. Key Outputs/Deliverables

i. Submit a timeline for the deliverables/outputs, not exceeding 4 weeks (in English/Somali).

ii. Produce a framework/outline of this training manual to be approved before drafting the actual manual.

iii. Produce and deliver a draft training manual for consultations by all stakeholders.

iv. Produce and deliver a final copy of training manual inputs incorporated.

v. Conduct a validation workshop for all education stakeholders.

vi. Translate the training manual in Somali language.

vii. Submit the final versions both in English and Somali language.

6. Essential and Desirable Experience/Qualifications/Specialised knowledge

· At least 10 years of progressively responsible professional work experience in education and teacher training, with proven experience developing training materials.

· Excellent written and visual communication skills including ability to present complex processes and issues clearly to a heterogeneous audience and in an actionable manner.

· Experience in developing training programmes for adults.

· Demonstrated experience conducting training and related capacity building of school head teachers for managing schools.

· Knowledge of governance framework and issues in the Somali context.

· Preferably fluency in English and Somali.

· Excellent facilitation skills

· Advanced university degree in education or a related field.

· Availability at the preferred time/during available time window

· Acceptability to all key stakeholders

7. Lines of Communication

The consultant will be reporting to:

· The Director of Teacher Development and the teacher development advisor.

· Closely with the GPE program coordinator for the deliverables.

How to apply

How to Submit the Expression of Interest

Interested candidates who meet the above requirements must submit individually the following;

  • A technical proposal (Max. 20 pages) including;

o Proposed methodology & approach

o Work plan including the activity schedule with the total number of days and earliest date of availability to undertake assignment

o Demonstration of Capability i.e. CV of the lead consultant and, if quoting for an organization, attach the CV of any other personnel to be involved in the assignment

o A list of previous work done (Work Completion Certificates and or References)

o Telephone & email contacts of at least three (3) professional referees

  • A financial proposal (quoted in USD) for the whole assignment inclusive of Professional fees, Accommodation, DSA, Security, Communication & Transportation. Professional fee must be quoted as a daily rate.

All interested consultants should submit their applications via email to the following Ministry’s procurement email address by 11th of November 2020 5pm EAT with the subject of the email as Development, Harmonization of Training Manual & Coaching Protocol for School Head Teachers”.**

NB: Late applications will not be considered.

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