TOR for Business Development Service (BDS) Providers Support
(Equipment Distribution)
Organisational Background
After decades of civil war, violent extremism and recent widespread famine caused by droughts, Somalia’s youth face numerous hardships in accessing better opportunities. To improve access to jobs, SPARK has helped create a mandatory, national internship policy in Somaliland that ensures all students gain real work experience prior to graduation. We also work to improve entrepreneurship education by developing entrepreneurship modules for higher education institutes. Similarly, we counter high unemployment rates by supporting new entrepreneurs to establish businesses and grow existing small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
Project Background
The LEAD 2 programme is a 4-year Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs-funded programme (2020/2023) that aims to improve and enhance economic prospects and opportunities for youth in Tunisia and Somaliland by supporting SMEs to grow, alongside supporting an enabling business environment and developing entrepreneurship and employability measures.
Details of the TOR
BDS providers are a key factor in both start-ups and existing businesses, they provide a much-needed guidance and direction through different mechanisms. it is important that MSMEs have the support networks in place and can access high quality business advice and training.
Unfortunately, BDS providers in Somalia/land lack the institutional capacity to effectively deliver business services. Therefore, SPARK will target public and private BDS providers to ensure they have the skills and experience to be able to deliver quality business support and coaching.
SPARK is seeking to support potential BDS providers in Somalia/land. We will provide essential equipment to a selected number of BDS providers for a more effective service delivery to entrepreneurs and SMEs. It is also assumed that once these BDS providers are strengthened through equipment distribution, their market for business development services will increase and expand.
Eligibility Criteria of BDS Providers
We are looking for BDS providers that can fill in the following criteria:
- BDS providers should be public or private entities that offer a wide range of services to MSMEs including consultancy, training, mentoring, marketing support, technology know-how, policy advocacy, infrastructure, and access to finance
- They are legally registered to operate in Somaliland
- They have at least 2 years experience in providing business development service to SMES or entrepreneurs
- They are willing to give high quality services and advices to young entrepreneurs
How to apply?
If you are interested to apply this TOR, please submit the following documents along with your application via AND until December 6th, 2020 (Subject: Equipment Distribution to BDS Providers)
- Technical proposal detailing your organisational profile, capability, and the BDS services you offer. In your proposal, you must mention what equipment you need and how such equipment will solve your current shortcomings in delivering quality support and coaching to SMES and entrepreneurs
- A budget detailing the list of equipment you need and their costs
- Valid registration certificate
- Previous samples of BDS services you have offered to SMES and entrepreneurs