Curriculum Development External Advisor (CDEA)

Terms of Reference For: Curriculum Development External Advisor (CDEA)

World Vision Somalia

SomReP Program

Somali Response Innovation Lab


1.0 Organizational Context

The Somalia Resilience Programme, (SomReP) is an ambitious approach to tackle the challenge of recurrent droughts and the chronic vulnerability that results among pastoralists, agro-pastoralists, and peri-urban households across Somalia. Seven International NGOs (ACF, ADRA, CARE, COOPI, CARE, Oxfam and World Vision) with deep experience in Somalia have joined as a long-term consortium to build and field test a resilience model based on the latest global resilience thinking, innovative livelihood approaches for the Somalia context, and bridging the relief to development continuum.

The SomReP program has grown significantly since its inception in 2013. To date the consortium has over five active donors with on-going program interventions.

The Response Innovation Lab (RIL) is an interagency global partnership whose original founding members include World Vision, Oxfam, Save the Children, Civic George Washington University that operates in Iraq, Jordan, Uganda, Puerto Rico, Somalia, South Sudan and Yemen.

The RIL is hosted under SomReP in Somalia, and it seeks to create and apply effective innovation to enhance the impact of humanitarian and development investments and interventions designed to improve the resilience of populations in Somalia. The RIL aims to provide a supportive and safe environment to create new and existing innovation for application at scale for enhanced resilience.

2.0 Project Overview

World Vision (WV) and its consortium members CARE International-Somalia and Sadar Institute (formerly Somalia Disaster Relief International–SDRI) will improve the self-reliance and sustainability for 31 Local Non-government organizations (LNGOs) on the front lines of providing humanitarian assistance collectively reaching 67,124 beneficiaries, including 39,603 women and 27,521 men in in Somalia, Sudan and South Sudan. The Community-led Capacity Strengthening for Fragile Contexts (C4FC) project will establish and promote an ecosystem for peer-to-peer learning, scaling, and adaptive management that will strengthen the organizational systems of 31 LNGOSs in Somalia (11), Sudan (10) and South Sudan (10). CCS4C will support the established humanitarian architectures in these countries and provide innovative approaches to strengthen the capacity of local organizations who are on the front-lines of responding to humanitarian disasters. These capacity building initiatives will directly reach 80 frontline women and men humanitarian workers, with a cascading effect that is designed to reach on average 10 additional workers per LNGO (500 humanitarian workers (M: 340, F: 160). The LNGOs directly serve women, girls, boys, men, persons with disabilities and older persons at risk of disasters.

The consortium will mentor and strengthen the organizational capacity of local partners to respond to and prepare for crises by leveraging its consortium’s strengths and existing partnerships in all three countries to provide coordinated capacity strengthening support as well as conducting two-way learning processes with LNGOs throughout the project life cycle. CARE and WV (Somalia, Sudan and South Sudan) will build upon a network of 31 LNGOs who were selected based their varying maturity in organizational capacity to respond to disasters and who will therefore greatly benefit from focused capacity building efforts. They were also chosen based on their geographic footprint, to enable the learning to cascade to a wide geographic reach and impact. Sadar will leverage partnerships with local academic institutions and LNGO implementers to facilitate co-creation of training modules, tools and guidelines using contextualized data to the different hazard environments. WV and Sadar will identify emergent best practices, support adaption and disseminate this knowledge to partners in all three countries.

WV and CARE will leverage global expertise and resources in Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) and grant solutions capacity building projects to strengthen the capacity of LNGOs in their comprehension of grant requirements, adaptations and analysis of organizational policies and procedures, application of GESI / Gender Equity and Diversity (GED) tools and knowledge of best practices and hands-on use of the regulations to make grant management decisions. C4FC aligns directly with the Somalia, Sudan and South Sudan Humanitarian Response Plans and the National Development Plan–9 in Somalia. This project aligns with The Grand Bargain commitments and localization principles through strategic interventions within the Humanitarian Policy, Studies, Analysis, or Applications sector in order to contribute towards OFDA’s mandate to save lives and alleviate human suffering.

3.0 Scope of Work

The Curriculum Development External Advisor (CDEA) is an external consultant that will sit under and be accountable to Technical Coordination Unit (TCU) lead by the RIL (hosted under the SomReP and WV Somalia), to support system and tool development.

3.1 Objective

To support the development of the Community Driven Resilience (CDR) curriculum via a co-creation process and support Sadar Institute with technical backstopping.

3.2 Expected Outcomes (Key Results Expected / Key Deliverables)

They will be the architect for the:

(i) Community Driven Resilience (CDR) curriculum: (a) CDR training modules; (b) CDR instructors lesson plans; (c) CDR contextualized learning content; as well as;

(ii) Community Driven Resilience online modules to be uploaded on Kaya;

(iii) Online LNGO Capacity Building Roadmap Tool;

(iv) Online Partner Capacity Building System (PCBS) management tool and platform for LNGO Capacity Building Roadmap Tool.

3.3 Activities

May include but are not limited to:

· Lead / facilitate a co-creation process

· Research (desk based; KIIs; FGD…)

· Ecosystem mapping

· Designing survey tools

· Designing capacity building modules

· Reporting

· Developing Knowledge Products

· Conducting training and capacity building of partners

· Travel to project locations (Kenya; Somalia; Sudan; South Sudan)

4.0 Project Timeline

The expected timeline is up to 24 months.

5.0 Logistics Required

This will be a remote based position, but the applicant should be based in the East Africa Time zone for easy coordination. When necessary, WV Somalia will facilitate any travel require as part of this role.

6.0 Evaluation Criteria

6.1 Mandatory Requirements

a. Provide a certified copy of a certificate of business registration, Certificate of incorporation, business license or similar document (Companies/Organizations)

b. Provide a certified copy of tax registration, tax clearance certificates or similar documents (Companies/Organization)

c. Individual tax registration documents (for individual consultants)

d. Provide information on ownership structure (Name of directors of the company / Owner) (Companies/Organization)

e. Provide last two years of audited financial statements or tax filing, or similar documents (Companies/Organization)

f. Provide references from previous clients for similar works.

Note – Applicant who will not meet the above mandatory requirement will not be considered for Technical Evaluation.

6.2 Technical Evaluation by a Technical Team

Applicants will need to have the following experiences and qualifications (as detailed in their CVs that are submitted as part of the application):

· Strong education academic background (Masters in Education preferred)

· Strong understanding of and experience with designing educational technologies and, innovative approaches to learning, and educational systems with and for partners in resource constrained contexts

· Strong experience in curriculum development and instructional design with relevant work in competency-based curricula

· Strong experience teaching online classes as well as in working with online instructors to deliver digital courses

· Strong experience working with teams to co-create and test mobile and web-based educational products

· Strong experience in utilizing and designing with open source web development tools

· Working knowledge of digital design tools used for creating reusable digital media including SCORM compliant tools for course production

· Experience of working and traveling in East Africa and the Horn of Africa

· Strong experience in working with institutions within East Africa and the Horn of Africa at a systems level

· Strong networks with academic institutions across East Africa and the Horn

· Experienced in localized capacity building, organizational resilience building, and leadership development

· Located in the East Africa Time zone for easy coordination

· Experience in mapping ecosystems and similar knowledge management activities

· Experience in designing and leading co-creation workshops would be beneficial

· Experience in designing online learning for persons with disabilities would be highly beneficial

· Experience working with the C4FC projects main academic partner, Sadar Institute (formerly Somalia Disaster Relief International–SDRI), would be significantly beneficial

· Strong research experience (designing survey tools, remote and onside data collection, report writing), especially in a fragile context

· Experience of working for/with academic institutions as well as NGOs

All applicant CV’s will be reviewed by a panel of WV / SomReP / RIL technical and programs people to determine:

· If the applicant has the necessary skills and experience to deliver on the Expected Outcomes

· If the applicant has the networks and relationships that can be leveraged as part of the co-creation process with multiple stakeholders

6.3 Financial Evaluation

Given the complexity of the deliverables and the fluid nature of the co-creation process, all bidders are advised to submit the following:

• Daily rate

• Payment terms (i.e. submitting an invoice on a monthly basis)

How to apply

Application Process

All interested bidders/consultants are requested to submit their Technical Proposals and Financial Proposals in Separate documents as attachments (Bidders who will combine both technical and financial proposals shall be disqualified) via email on or before **25th March 2021*. Bids received after deadline shall not be considered.***

Email title should be;- Curriculum Development External Advisor (CDEA) Application

Your financial proposal should have your professional fee (Daily Rates) and payment terms. Financial proposal should not be part of the technical proposal, it should be a separate document.

Only selected candidates will be contacted for an interview (done virtually).

In case of any clarifications write to

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