Consultants to conduct training in promotion of creative recreational and psychosocial support and learning activities for school children.


ADRA is seeking to recruit consultants to conduct training in promotion of creative recreational and psychosocial support and learning activities for school children.

Purpose and Objective of the Consultancy

This assignment recognizes that children, their parents/guardians, and communities, can be active agents in the face of adversity and therefore a resilience-building approach to psychosocial wellbeing and child protection is imperative.

ADRA is therefore desirous to promote activities with potential to stimulate development of children by achieving the following objectives:

  1. To promote emotional self-awareness, management, and personal growth of the child.
  2. To develop and strengthen children’s capacities and skills for collaboration and managing social relationships.
  3. To strengthen family and community care-giving structures for children’s holistic development and age-appropriate physical, cognitive, and emotional competencies.

Scope of Work and Timeline of Activities

The scope of work shall include but not limited to the following categories:

  • Crafts activities: use a variety of materials for students to create artwork, which can include visual arts drawing and painting.
  • Drama activities: where students can express themselves through role-play and acting.
  • Game activities: aimed at presenting students with a particular challenge or exercise to work through. These activities are often, but not always, done in groups or teams.
  • Music/poetry activities: involving the creation of music by the students.
  • Puppet activities: involving the teacher using a puppet to help encourage students to explore their thoughts and feelings.
  • Relaxation activities: intended to calm students and encourage a safe space with the use of physical stretches and other guided engagements.

Key components of the categories above shall include:

    • Establishing a routine and opportunities for regular learning activities, either in schools, or other safe spaces. – Providing opportunities for children to interact with their peers, and supportive adult interaction. This requires training of teachers and facilitators to provide supportive responses to conversations and facilitate appropriate group discussion activities according to age level. – The provision of sports, creative arts and opportunities for free play and scheduling sports for both sexes into the timetable. – Structured opportunities for discussion, play, drama, music, art, writing etc to process experiences. These can be conducted within safe spaces or by teachers in schools or non-formal education settings. – Remove biased and inflammatory material in the curriculum. – Incorporating peace education, reconciliation, SEL, life skills and school-based health activities into the curriculum – Activities to encourage parents to participate in their child’s education through family/student/teacher group discussions or peer-to-peer parenting circles to develop their psycho-social skills to support their children. – Advocating for community support to children’s well-being.

Qualifications of the Consultant

  1. Post-graduate or graduate studies in Education or Social Sciences or related field
  2. Good technical knowledge on child protection and child rights issues in line with UNICEF/INEE standards.
  3. At least 3 years of experience in psychological and psychotherapeutic interventions, specifically working on MHPSS system development.
  4. At least 3 years of previous experience in providing services to displaced populations, migrants, refugees, or conflict affected populations.
  5. Demonstrated experience in pedagogical skills and learning principles.
  6. Good understanding of Somalia context and experience working in Somalia.

Application Requirements:

All expressions of interest should include:

  • Cover letter, maximum three pages.
  • Detailed curriculum vitae.
  • Technical Proposal: maximum 5 pages interpreting the understanding of the TOR, detailed methodology of executing the task, as well as draft work plan.
  • Financial Proposal: should provide cost estimates for services rendered including daily consultancy fees but to exclude accommodation and living costs; transport cost; stationeries, and supplies needed for the training as well as costs to be incurred by trainees.

How to apply

Applications for this consultancy should be emailed to the Human Resource Manager using the email not later than 8th February 2023, with “Expression of Interest for “Recreational PSS” in the subject line.

‘’ADRA is committed to upholding the rights of all children and vulnerable adults that we serve and those we interact with in the course of our work. We endevour to protect all from all forms of abuse and exploitation as outlined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and Inter Agency Standing Committee (IASC) six core principles on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA). ADRA has zero tolerance to abuse and exploitation of beneficiaries and staff.’’

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