Type of Service
Mogadishu, with possibility of travel to federal member states
Send documents to
20th October -020
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Title of Consultancy |
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SCI Contracting Office |
Save the Children – South Central Somalia Area Office |
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Period of Consultancy |
45 working days |
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Consultant type required |
Firm |
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Responsibility for Logistics arrangements and Costs |
The consultant will cover his/her travel his admin and travel arrangement |
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Taxation Provisions |
Consultant shall be responsible for all Taxes arising from the consultancy in line with the local Tax regulations applicable at the SCI contracting office named above |
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Travel requirements |
The consultant (s) May required to travel within Sourthern state areas of federal member states .of Jubaland, Hirshabelle,Galmudug , Hirshabelle and Southwest |
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Security requirements |
Consultant will comply with standard Save the Children Security procedures, including the completion of SCI online security training prior to travel to Somalia |
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Qualification and Experience |
o Advanced university degree or masters in special education, or Education related field is a MUST for at least 2-panel experts including a Lead Consultant
o At least seven (7) years of experience in special needs educations assessment and interventions
o must have excellent communication skills to interact with students, parents, and educator
o Be able to work with students in both one-on-one and group settings, while understanding the abilities and needs of each child
o Must be able to employ different techniques such as encouraging, creative, and flexible, with the ability to motivate students and inspire the confidence needed to attempt new tasks.
o Understanding the key issues involved in early childhood education; gender dynamics in Somalia
o Outstanding communication skills, with excellent command of spoken and written English and Somali
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Evaluation Criteria |
Compliance with Consultancy requirement – Provision of required information & documents; responsiveness to ToR’s
Consultant Experience – Qualifications and general experience of the individual/team
– Proven specific experience in performing similar assignments especially in Somalia.
Adequacy of Work Plan & Methodology – Methodology and techniques to be applied well stipulated
– Clear description of tasks in their Scope of Work
Bidder’s Price Quotation
Interested consultants should submit their applications via email to css.logistics@savethechildren.org The applications should be submitted in PDF format as one document comprising Technical and Financial sections as detailed below. a) Technical proposal – including but not limited to :
b) Consultants understanding of the assignment and context
c) Approach to the assignment
d) Methodology
e) Tools
f) Deliverables
g) Workplan
h) Key staff biodata
i) Financial proposal – providing a breakdown of all charges related to the assignment.
j) An inception report elaborating the draft work plan. The inception report should include detailed and comprehensive tools and techniques to be used in capturing the information required/consultations.
Applicants should also indicate the date they are available to start working on the consultancy All applications MUST be submitted on or before the closing date below to be considered for the assignment. |
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Closing date for Applications |
Interested consultants shall submit their applications through the email address provided below on or before 20th October 2020 at 10:00AM Shortlisted candidates will be requested for an interview. |
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Terms of Reference (ToR) |
Complete ToR with details appended below attached herewith as Annex 1. • Purpose of the consultancy,
• Introduction of the project,
• Background of the consultancy,
• Objectives of the consultancy,
• Proposed methodology and approach,
• Scope of work,
• Key deliverables / outputs
• Activity timelines
ANNEX 1 : Consultancy Terms of Reference
Many contexts, even where there is political will to provide educational support to children with special learning needs, often lack sufficient processes and systems to do so. While overarching teaching strategies, such as universal design for learning, response to intervention, and differentiated instruction, can help all children learn, teachers who understand each child’s needs, including the needs of children with disabilities, can better help them learn. Therefore, identification, coupled with targeted follow-up, is essential to promoting quality education for all.
Disability and poverty are deeply interrelated factors, and many with disabilities face rampant exclusion from education, the workforce, and social and civic participation. Without identification, a child may struggle to learn to read due to visual acuity problems that are easily correctable with proper eyeglasses. Children with “invisible” disabilities, such as cognitive or emotional impairments, are particularly likely to go unidentified and may be branded as struggling learners, possibly discouraging interest in school, disincentivizing continued investment in education by resource-strapped families, and ultimately leading to school dropout. Indeed, an estimated 90% of children with disabilities are recorded to be out of school in developing countries.
The need to prioritize inclusive education beyond the boundaries of the school and classroom is real. A holistic and systematic approach is critical to strengthening technical and institutional capacities of the MOEs to effectively deliver educational services to most of the Disadvantaged groups who include out-of-school children and children with special needs. There is commitment to Inclusive Education under the broad approach of Child-Friendly Schools (CFS). However, even though the CFS approach can commendably improve teaching practices and attitudes of learners, some barriers are unique to children with special needs and cannot always be resolved through general improvements alone. There is an overall challenge to the national education system on the means to meet the education needs of children with disabilities and specifically, policy gaps which have not spelt out among other critical aspects, how to adequately address learning and participation needs of students with disabilities; qualifications for special needs education teachers; safety and accessibility of the learning environment for children with special needs.
The Ministry of education culture and higher education (MOECHE) has developed and finalized the National Special Needs and Inclusive Education Policy in 2018 and Somalia has ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2019. However, children with disabilities remain invisible in Somalia and have very limited access to educational opportunities. Children with disabilities face many barriers including an inaccessible physical environment, lack of community awareness, negative attitudes and stigma as well as a lack of assistive devices and mobility aids. Girls with disabilities in particular face a double burden due to their gender and disability. The population of children with special needs in the country is unknown. There is a general lack of accurate real-time reliable data on the numbers of children with disabilities, the type of disability and their geographical location. According to the Education Statistics Yearbook (2018/2019), the number of special needs children enrolled in primary is 811 (46% girls) out of a total enrolment of 260,269 students representing 0.3 percent. Out of the special needs children that are enrolled, 10 percent have a movement impairment, 54 percent have a hearing impairment while the rest have a visual impairment. Eliminating all barriers to education including those related to gender, disability and special needs is a priority area in the ESSP.
The MOECHE plans to improve the access to education for
children with disabilities through (a) identification and screening/assessment of children with disabilities; (b) conducting community awareness raising and enrolment campaign; (c) provision of equipment, assistive devices and teaching materials to children with disabilities.
The MOECHE plans the following:
Consultancy objective
The objective of the assignment is to gather information for decision-making and intervention in the following four areas:
The consultant should consider the purpose of each assessment and gather initial information at the onset of the process. The following are some general considerations
The following services and outputs are expected:
To qualify for this assignment, the consultant must have the following mandatory professional experience and knowledge
In close collaboration with MOECHE, SC will contract a potential consultant with special needs background to conduct the screening of children with special needs.
On the other hand, the consult will directly report to the officials of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Higher Education. He/she will closely work with special needs education unit and the overall direction from the Director of Policy and Planning.
The minimum required documents;
interested applicants should submit the minimum required documents with email; CSS.LOGISTICS@savethechildren.org with the subject line of the email body, assessment, screening and intervention for inclusive educational wellbeing for children with special needs’’
Applications will close by 10:00AM on 20th October-020