Call for proposals: Promotion of women’s livelihood and prevention of sexual and gender-based violence – Somaliland

Call for proposals: Promotion of women’s livelihood and prevention of sexual and gender-based violence

The International Solidarity Foundation (ISF) is a Finnish non-governmental organization established in 1970. ISF’s mission is to support development that strengthens democracy, equality and human rights. ISF’s most important values are solidarity, equality, equity and participation. ISF has been supporting NGOs in Somaliland since 2001.

As part of the implementation of its development cooperation program, ISF is now looking for a new partner organization in Somaliland for implementation of a project to integrate the promotion of women’s livelihood and prevention of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), especially female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) in Togdheer region. The project will utilize ISF Training Program for Women’s Empowerment (and related training manual), which provides a participatory framework to combine both areas of work.

The detailed description of the call as well as the documents to be delivered can be found at the ISF webpage: The deadline for the concept notes and supporting documents is 15th of December 2019.

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