Call for Expressions of Interest for Construction Works – Kismayo

Call for Expressions of Interest for Construction Works – Kismayo



Commissioning party Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbHGIZ Office Nairobi


Riverside Drive, Nairobi

Your contact person is Inquiry email:
Brief project title GIZ Somalia Reintegration Project (SRP) / GIZ Urban Food Security Project (UFSP) / GIZ Fish for Nutrition Project (FNP)
Project processing no. 2014.4053.6-002.00 (SRP) / 2016.0139.2-003.00 (FNP) /2017.1848.5-002.00 (UFSP)
Contract no. 83347729
Country of assignment Kismayo/Somalia
Period of assignment Will be stated during therespective tender process
Project description and sector(up to three relevant areas can be specified for the reference projects of the expression of interest) The scope of work includesthe new constructionand/or rehabilitation of small and medium sizedbuildings like public buildings, market outlets, demo kitchen, women development center, sports field in Kismayo/Somalia (1,000 – 200,000 US$)
Specification of inputs and necessary qualifications Proof of valid Registration with Ministry of Public Works/Jubaland, valid Business Certificate/Jubaland, qualified engineer and site supervisor, knowledge of English language, knowledge of international tender procedures and measurement taking
If you are interested in implementing some of the above projects, please complete the following document and return it no later than 31.01.2020 to the following e-mail address:Ke_Inquiry@giz.deTo obtain automatic confirmation of receipt of your expression of interest at GIZ, please enter “expression of interest” and the contract no. in the subject line when returning this form.

The evaluation of the expressions of interest is expected to be completed by 07.02.2020.

If we are unable to consider you, we shall send you brief notification to this end.

Expression of interest

We herewith declare our interest in bidding in the scheduled GIZ invitation to tender below:

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