
Somaliland/Somalia NGO Consortium Representation in Somaliland/Somalia is launching the following Call for Expression of Interest for partnerships in 2020 and invites interested non-governmental, non-profit organizations/agencies including INGOs and NGOs, to submit their Concept Note.

This Expression of Interest are open to all existing and/or new prospective partners who share common goals and objectives and made localization commitment, predominantly registered Somaliland/Somalia NGO Consortium(SNC) and wish to participate in Twinning Program in Somalia/Somaliland in 2020. Prospective partners that have not previously worked with SNC and interested to join the twining program and are not registered with SNC, will be required to declare that their organization meets the basic compatibility eligibility criteria for a partnership with SNC Twinning program, before the organization can be considered for selection for a Project Partnership

Project Title – Strengthening Gender-Just, Locally-Led Humanitarian Response in Somaliland and Somalia (Twinning Program)

The Somalia NGO Consortium (SNC) is a membership organization of national and international NGOs that work together to create an enabling environment for the efficient and effective delivery of humanitarian and development assistance to all the Somali people. The SNC has supported NGOs since 1999 through its core activities in coordination, representation, information sharing and advocacy. It has offices in Hargeisa (Somaliland), Mogadishu (Somalia) and Nairobi (Kenya), and presence in Garowe (Puntland), Baidoa (South West) and Kismayo (Jubaland). The Consortium currently has 93members working across Somaliland/Somalia**

Over the past few years, “localizing humanitarian aid” has been regularly raised as a necessity to fundamentally reform the humanitarian system to respond more effectively and equitably to the current complex crises. The 2016 World Humanitarian Summit (WHS) brought together old and new voices for local humanitarian leadership, creating a space and momentum to speak out and bring change to the system, resulting in “The Grand Bargain” commitments to advance the localization agenda. In parallel, the Charter4Change, signed on to by many international NGOs (INGOs), including Oxfam, further commits to reforming the humanitarian system to ensure greater influence and funding for local and national NGOs.

The Somaliland NGO Consortium and Oxfam Somaliland are supporting this movement by planning and implementing activities to more equitable shift and share power, knowledge, and resources between local, national and international humanitarian actors involved in Somalia’s humanitarian response, with a particular focus on supporting women’s rights organizations (WROs) and addressing deeply embedded gender inequities. The SNC’s Strategy 2017-2019 (attached here) includes as an outcome, a “25 per cent of direct funding to Somaliland local NGOs and increased voice and representation with donors, United Nations (UN) and INGOs by 2019.

Aim of the Program

SNC and Oxfam Somaliland will work together to contribute towards NGOs, particularly Women Right Organization (WROs) having more funds and ‘voice’ in humanitarian responses in Somaliland/Somalia This includes, but not limited to, more direct funding, better participation and influence in cluster meetings, capacity development and improved advocacy, underpinned by a focus on improving gender analysis, related advocacy and programming.

All applicant organizations will receive written notification, within the two weeks after the deadline for the submission of Concept Note, of the outcome of the selection process. Should an applicant organization request further clarification, SNC will provide a response explaining the transparency and integrity of the selection process undertaken. The concept should include the following

  1. Why you are interested to join the twinning program
  2. What are the three priority areas you are expecting the twinning program can support
  3. What are your three major GAPS as an NNGOs?
  4. Describe the three priorities twinning must focus on its first cohort

Please sent your application organization of the concept note to in the subject line should mark“Application for CALL FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) FOR SELECTION OF TWINNING ORGANIZATIONS (INGOS & NGOs not later than, 5th of April,2020

Annex: Criteria Selection for Twinning Organizations for both INGOs and L/NNGOs.

How to apply

Please sent your application organization of the concept note to in the subject line should mark“Application for CALL FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) FOR SELECTION OF TWINNING ORGANIZATIONS (INGOS & NGOs not later than, 5th of April,2020

Annex: Criteria Selection for Twinning Organizations for both INGOs and L/NNGOs.

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